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<pohly> How often do mails get added to the archive of a list? I sent my first email to yesterday and it's not in the archive yet. I know that it was handled by the mailing list because I got a copy back.
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<whot> pohly: usually it's within a few minutes, but sometimes *something* needs a kick to wake up again
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<pohly> So "someone" needs to kick "something" to get it unstuck ;-}
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<emersion> hm, not sure what's going on
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<emersion> you're marked with "nomail"
<emersion> not sure how that impacts emails sent by you
<emersion> oh no
<emersion> it's just a "permission denied" error
<emersion> ah, probably because the mbox didn't exist before i imported it
<emersion> pohly: can you try again?
<mupuf> What is the policy to add a blog to planet.fd.o? I got contacted by a community ( who are apparently mentoring 3 GSoCs this year and would like the students to blog there rather than their own blogs. Is that acceptable? I read every article on the planet, so I can definitely remove them if it doesn't pan out, but I want to make sure this is acceptable
<emersion> is there a way to filter planet.fd.o by tag/category maybe?
<mupuf> I don't think so
<emersion> or maybe they can provide separate feeds?
<mupuf> yeah, that's what I have done for my blog.
<mupuf> I guess the difficulty for them is that they would like to share their tutorials there too... although not sure how it would react to changes
<mupuf> I'll ask them
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<emersion> known gitlab outage?
<emersion> getting 502s
<bentiss> gitlab's postgresql disk is almost full, I guess that's why we are having issues :(
<alatiera> bentiss re spam/ad accounts, gnome has the same issue, worth asking how they deal with it
<alatiera> also snippet spam
<bentiss> actually, one node is not ready, investigating
* bentiss manually reboots it, completely unresponsive
<kusma> mupuf: When I sent a MR to use a topic-specific feed to my blog, @daniels said it's not such a bit deal:
<mupuf> oh, interesting
* mupuf added support for per-tag feeds to his blog :D
<kusma> In other words, it doesn't seem like it would be a problem to use personal feeds. But we also have some "project" or "group" feeds.
<bentiss> gitlab seems back
<mupuf> kusma: thanks! I'll look more into it
<kusma> So... 🤷?
<kusma> I think either way could work, basically.
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<emersion> daniels: i got annoyed at the default fork visibility again and… i think i… fixed it?
<daniels> emersion: oh yeah?
<daniels> last I looked it was already set to public
<emersion> just by going to the general settings in the admin panel and clicking "save" without changing anything
<emersion> at least shows "public" by default for me now
<kusma> Awesome engineering!
<emersion> oh.
<emersion> no.
<emersion> nevermind
<kusma> It shows public for me.
<emersion> it shows public but switches to private when i select my user
<kusma> Doh, same here.
<emersion> nevermind ><
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<danvet> bentiss, I was thinking of removing owner membership from your account group, but I guess account groups are very special
<danvet> unless it's just the ui that disallows access to that
<danvet> I thought of that since for projects you put into your own space you can edit members
<bentiss> danvet: that seems weird and probably not possible to do :/
<danvet> bentiss, yeah, but could have blocked creating forks and stuff :-)
<bentiss> danvet: we can (IIRC) disable new users to create projects
<danvet> bentiss, yeah something like that?
<bentiss> so *maybe* that's what you want
<danvet> and then give them that permission once they're added (at any level) to some real project
<danvet> but that's still quite a barrier
<bentiss> but it's going to be a pain to contribute outside of creating issues
<danvet> bentiss, well just tossing ideas out there really
<danvet> bentiss, yup :-(
<bentiss> danvet:and I really appreciate
* bentiss likes his idea better of adding an exxtra step in each runners with an allow list of users
<danvet> bentiss, but the "block CI" thing also has a bit that problem
<danvet> it's slightly better since you can create projects and MR and all that at least
<bentiss> danvet: no, because any contributor can restat the pipeline of the new MR, and it will pass the "who started that job"
<danvet> bentiss, oh
<bentiss> restart
<danvet> bentiss, could you then also use that as a signal to add the users to the general allowlist?
<danvet> since I'm also worried that anything which needs fd.o admin time will simply not scale
<__tim> the Xiph folks don't allow users to create forks by default, you have to ask for it to have that enabled (which is tedious though, I don't know if that would scale for something like fdo which has much bigger/busier projects)
<bentiss> danvet: IMO, if you have a valid user, project maintainers add the user as a reporter in the project and we automatically allow pipelines for this project on this user
<bentiss> __tim: exactl;y, I pretty much rather rely on an extract of the db where users added to an official group/project are allowed to create pipelines
<__tim> I'm not sure how that would work though, we have lots of drive-by MR contributors which I definitely don't want to add to the gstreamer group/project
<bentiss> __tim: then in that case their CI fails, you review that there is no change in the gitlab-ci, and you re-run the pipeline. The job will be started by a developer in the project and will pass the initial check
<__tim> right
<bentiss> *or* we could simple prevent CI runs in projects not in a group
<__tim> might be workable, but it will increase maintainer work load a lot
<__tim> currently in our setup we have the case where one job/sub-pipeline that builds stuff for macos/ios/android etc doesn't work out of the box for external contributors and they complain about that already :)
<bentiss> that's the problem of being too nice from the beginning with users, they learn to appreciate caviar :)
<__tim> but maybe it's easier / more understandable if the entire CI doesn't work for them
<__tim> hah
<MrCooper> TIL CI is an abbreviation of caviar :P
<bentiss> heh
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<bentiss> \o/ looks like my idea of gating the runners is working ->
<danvet> yay
<danvet> I guess the big problem is generating the users.txt file to make sure it's as painfree as possible
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<bentiss> well, currently looking at improving the script to check if the user that run the CI is in the group already or not
<bentiss> basically: if not VIP, but run is a MR, and target project is in a group, and user who started is part of the project (developer+), then valid
<bentiss> that should cover most of the cases
<bentiss> hmm... I need a token for that :(
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<bentiss> ohhh, I get it for free, because CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE is the target project group when using MR pipelines
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<danvet> bentiss, might get a bit tricky for multiple nesting levels
<danvet> or do you have a query that already gives you the aggregate/effective membership?
<danvet> that would also allow stuff like adding an entire other group to a project at reporter level
<danvet> which we're already doing
<danvet> like add all @mesa to drm and stuff like that
<danvet> I think with that this check should cover most cases indeed, and easy to fix the usual cross-project collaborations
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<bentiss> danvet: basically my point is: if a project is part of a group, any group, then it's valid freedesktop. This is because regular users can not create groups
<bentiss> so any group we have has been veted by the org
<bentiss> and if you have a project within a group or subgroup, the variable CI_PROJECT_ROOT_NAMESPACE will reflect the initial group
<bentiss> so IMO we are safe. We need to tell people to use MR pipelines or get added to the VIP list
<danvet> bentiss, yeah that part I fully agree
<danvet> I was thinking someone who usually does drm work does a mesa PR
<danvet> but isn't mesa member in any shape
<danvet> so you could just add drm groups as reporters or so
<bentiss> I don't have to check on the members themself, just the target project of the MR
<danvet> kinda like cross-inheritance, instead of only the hierarchical access right inheritence
<danvet> bentiss, hm but wont this open up abuse by doing a mesa MR, and then completely replacing everything with the crypto miner backdoor?
<danvet> or I'm confused
<bentiss> it will not prevent somebody to open an MR and change the .gitlab-ci to introduce an 'ssh' job, but it will have way more visibility
<bentiss> danvet: exactly, this is possible, but at least the project maintainers will see the problem
<danvet> bentiss, ah that might be a reasonable middle ground
<bentiss> right now, they create private repos in the hope that nobody will see them (with their actual name I must say)
<danvet> and should be pretty simple to check indeed
<danvet> and I guess if there's too much abuse, we can try to be a bit stricter
<bentiss> yeah
* bentiss has 2 kids to put in bed, bbl
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<bentiss> regarding the user who created, which was reported for abuse, I am tempted to ban him so the username gets reserved and noone gets to take it back
<bentiss> I mean, you have to be an admin to see the email address, and it's even worse than the username and full name
<bentiss> anybody has any good argument for me not to do that?
<bentiss> oh, well, it's done
<bentiss> if anmy admin is against my decision, we can unban him (I am pretty sure it's a him)
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<Lyude> bentiss: fine by me. also, had an idea for the interim
<Lyude> Could we make it so that account requests only come in after an account has verified their email?
<Lyude> i've noticed the vast majority of the spam accounts don't have verified emails
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<bentiss> Lyude: I don't see an option to do that. But it would have been interesting, indeed
<bentiss> but OTOH, I should be able to run a script that deletes all account which haven't verified their email address within 24h (or so)
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<bentiss> Lyude: we do enforce email verification, so basically: Email.where(confirmed_at: nil).count => 186 (and 48651 confirmed emails)
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<Consolatis> Small question regarding gitlab.fdo: when editing an issue multiple times i got presented a google captcha. Could the spam protection (I assume that was the reason for the captcha) be configured to not trigger at all when a contributor of a project edits its own issue for that same project?
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<Consolatis> The likelihood of a contributor spamming via an issue in the same project seems pretty slim to me. I preferred not to make an exception in uMatrix to allow google so I simply left a typo in the issue as result
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<bentiss> Lyude, danvet, daniels, robclark : suddenly we have a lot more of banned people on gitlab, has any of you started to play with the ban?
<Lyude> bentiss: yes.
<bentiss> (or is it my scripts that should not auto-ban)
<Lyude> i went through all of the account requests that were pending, a lot of them were pretty easy to figure out
<Lyude> (i've been googling folks to see if they are actually developers or not, which has been. a bit painful lol)
<bentiss> oh, OK
<bentiss> but FWIW, I have a script that filters out peole if they have "casino, shop", etc... in their username, so we should not have to do it by hand
<Lyude> gotcha, can we get one to delete all account requests that don't get verified within 1 or 2 days (and maybe not send account requests for unconfirmed accounts?)
<Lyude> dunno if the last one is possible or not
<bentiss> nope, the last one is not possible
<bentiss> for the first request, maybe, but I'll need to adapt the script
<bentiss> oops, wrong script
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<Lyude> bentiss: awesome!
<bentiss> not sure it works as expected :)
<bentiss> s/since/ago/ would work better
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