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<jramsay> Hi! I'm trying to set up an account on but not getting the verification email. Tried twice so far. The first time it came in too late and my request timed out. Second time I didn't get the verification email at all, just the rejection one.
<jramsay> Just tried to sign up again... Maybe this time it'll get here in time :)
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<jramsay> Aha. This time it got here in time!
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<eric_engestrom> could someone share the env vars they have set up on their runner (for mesa test jobs)? I'm struggling a bit (mostly about BM_BOOTFS, but I want to sanity-check the rest as well)
<mupuf> eric_engestrom: I don't have any set
<eric_engestrom> $ ./install/bare-metal/
<eric_engestrom> Must set /boot files for the TFTP boot in the job's variables
<eric_engestrom> if I don't set it
<mupuf> ah, you are using the bare metal infra. Sorry, I have no experience with it
<eric_engestrom> I don't know what we should be using honestly ^^
<mupuf> Well, for Mesa, there are 3 options, lava, baremetal, and the valve infra
<mupuf> the first 2 are the most mature, while valve infra is still under development
<mupuf> valve-infra is meant to be a bit more modern, easier to maintain, and self-configuring, but there are only 3 deployments of it, so the documentation is clearly lacking
* mupuf would like to give a demo or organize a workshop at the next XDC about setting up a bare-metal CI, hands on.
* eric_engestrom needs to read more of the docs, the difference between lava and baremetal is unclear
<eric_engestrom> but /me is going to lunch now
<mupuf> well, baremetal is the simplest one: you need a gateway, install the gitlab runner, and expose as many runners as you have boards. All the configuration as to how to turn on the machine and interact with it is then in Mesa.
<mupuf> Lava is a CI system of its own, and gitlab runners may queue jobs there and get results. It handles the deployment and what needs to be executed, but needs to be told that via a yaml job description file
<mupuf> That means that all that Mesa has to do is to generate the rootfs and the job description, then queue a job and wait for it to be over.
<mupuf> This allows sharing machines between multiple gitlab instances, or other projects (like Kernel CI in the case of Lava and Collabora).
<daniels> eric_engestrom: if you look into, you’ll see what you need to set for the device - how to turn it on, where it can find an exported NFS mount, where its /boot should be, etc
<daniels> tanty or jasuarez can probably give you an example for how your internal ones are set up
<daniels> there are docs but I’m not sure how up to date they are
<mupuf> As for Valve Infra, it follows the same model as Lava, but it is more based on container (you don't have to... but it is the easiest), and most configuration is auto-generated (adding new machines to CI and GitLab is literally a single button press away). Also, the infra itself is netbooted over the internet, which makes updates and disaster recovery easier
<mupuf> eventually, it would be great to host the infra's netboot infrastructure on fd.o so that one admin could take care of all the farms remotely
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<daniels> mupuf: yeeeesssss and no; some might be fine with that, but I know for Google in particular remote management is a no-go
<mupuf> daniels: What do you mean?
<daniels> mupuf: I believe for the Google device farm that those devices can't be subject to remote management, e.g. from the netboot being on fd.o, and that it needs to be more self-contained
<daniels> something I'm sure you're familiar with from Intel ;)
<mupuf> aaahhhh!
<mupuf> fair-enough :) I was more talking for the smaller farms. I thought you meant to say we could not use GCE to host the infra to netboot other machines from... which made little sense
<daniels> haha
* eric_engestrom is back
<eric_engestrom> thx mupuf for the explanation of lava vs baremetal, that's the bit I was missing
<eric_engestrom> daniels: I'll talk to tanty, but jasuarez is off until the end of the year
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