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<jenneron> hexdump0815: hi, what's the purpose of touchpad and monitor xorg configs?
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<hexdump0815> jenneron: most probably they are not needed as for kukui the defaults are good - the touchpad one is for older very simple touchpads to emulate the mouse buttons with them
<hexdump0815> the monitor conf might be useful for disabling display power management or forcing a certain mode - both should not be required on kukui etc.
<jenneron> hexdump0815: i've made a branch for xorg https://gitlab.com/jenneron/pmaports/-/commits/mt8183/, to test it you will have to checkout into it at ~/.local/var/pmbootstrap/cache_git/pmaports and run pmbootstrap install again
<binarycraft[m]> <jenneron[m]> "binarycraft: note that i force-..." <- No difference for testing xorg, right?
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron[m]: Is the bridge yours, maybe check the log
<binarycraft[m]> <jenneron[m]> "it's a matrix's bridge" <- Build failed with invalid pkgver error, do you have this problem?
<binarycraft[m]> ${_pkgbase}_gir${pkgsnap}
<binarycraft[m]> s/_gir/_git/
<jenneron> binarycraft[m]: update pmbootstrap
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Just build my device pkg and install?
<jenneron> just install
<jenneron> maybe run pmbootstrap -y zap -p to be sure
<jenneron> it will build packages
<jenneron> (install will build)
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: I remember this can be set to false
<jenneron> `pmbootstrap config build_pkgs_on_install True`
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: But I set it to true
<binarycraft[m]> Already
<jenneron> ok
<binarycraft[m]> Glad I have a removable SSD drive to test new image
<binarycraft[m]> Fuck, I think it mounted internal storage
<binarycraft[m]> Still using sway
<binarycraft[m]> Annoying bug
<jenneron> using labels to mount is annoying
<jenneron> yeah
<jenneron> you can temporarily change labels of partitions on internal storage
<jenneron> however it's not possible if you use f2fs
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Yeah
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: I am not, actually
<jenneron> i did that with ext4
<binarycraft[m]> <jenneron> "i did that with ext4" <- Btw, by supporting x11, we are trying to support x11 only DE and WM?
<jenneron> sorry, i don't get the question
<jenneron> according to hexdump xorg is currently broken, i'm adding a soc-mediatek-mt8183 which adds configs for xorg when `xorg-server` package is installed
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Oh
<jenneron> it will not affect wayland or no-ui installations
<binarycraft[m]> That probably means xWayland can work
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: I know, I mean some des and WMs are x11 only
<jenneron> does xwayland use /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d?
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Don't know
<jenneron> you can check it by placing those configs in your wayland installation
<jenneron> or when i merge this, you will be able to just run `apk add soc-mediatek-mt8183-x11`
<jenneron> for now it gets automatically installed only when `xorg-server` package is present
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: X11 is working, congratulations 🎉
<jenneron> nice
<jenneron> hexdump0815: you can ignore my ask to test it, binarycraft[m] has just done that
<binarycraft[m]> Xfce4 is actually nice, even has a on screen keyboard
<jenneron> well, expect tearing and 1.5-2 times less opengl performance
<jenneron> typical xorg
<binarycraft[m]> Probably default settings for postmarket os
<jenneron> yeah
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Raspberry pi vibe
<jenneron> fun, on rk3288 x11 performance in glmark2 is 8 times less
<jenneron> than wayland
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Recently gnome has added mobile support, is it upstreamed?
<binarycraft[m]> Looks better than posh
<binarycraft[m]> s/posh/phosh/
<jenneron> it is not upstreamed into gnome, but it is packaged in pmOS
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Nice!
<binarycraft[m]> Which UI to use, just gnome, maybe?
<jenneron> gnome-mobile? i don't remember
<jenneron> you may want to wait for https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmaports/-/merge_requests/3523 merged
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Thanks!
<binarycraft[m]> How do you manage to maintain so many devices you don't even own
<jenneron> hehe, i've merged 10 mt8183 chromebooks recently
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: I noticed
<jenneron> i'm doing my best, e.g. for sound config i've looked into device tree files which driver those use, but i don't guarantee that anything will work
<jenneron> everything*
<jenneron> binarycraft[m]: btw does juniper use USB or CSI interface for camera? can you check `dmesg | grep -i cam`?
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Usb
<jenneron> does this give you an output?
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Yep HD WebCam as /devices/platform/soc/2120100.usb
<jenneron> please, test it in firefox with googling "camera test online"
<binarycraft[m]> So, it may actually work without any effort?
<jenneron> if you're concerned about privacy, you can try qv4l2 package but it doesn't always work for me