<jenneron> yes, it should work as-is
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: I can't actually use google without proxy
<jenneron> install and open qv4l2, in the menu above press `Capture` -> `Start Capturing`
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Tested by using bing, it's working
<binarycraft[m]> I mean usb cam
<jenneron> ok, i will mark it as working in the wiki
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron @_oftc_jenneron:matrix.org: are you intended to port qcom high end arm chips, saw some firmware pkgs
<jenneron> to port them someone having such a device should maintain corresponding kernel package
<jenneron> or.. i'm ready to accept such a device as a gift :D
<jenneron> binarycraft[m]: i have a 8cx daily drive laptop, but i don't put much efforts in this one
<jenneron> and.. it started to artifact, so i will have to replace it most likely
<jenneron> i'm thinking of sdm850 laptop which are available on ebay for ~200$
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Nice, I want at least 2k resolution
<jenneron> well, those are 12.5" fullhd
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: Normally, Samsung has good screen
<jenneron> i doubt they will do a high resolution one, since these laptops are designed for a long battery life
<binarycraft[m]> They make screen for apple, I think
<jenneron> annoying that they don't use own screen in galaxy book s, they use a boe panel instead
<jenneron> it's not bad, but it's not the level of samsung's oled
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: XD maybe supply chain problem
<binarycraft[m]> China lockdown frequently
<binarycraft[m]> Lastest gnome on juniper actually has good performance
<jenneron> it doesn't work well on rk3399 kevin
<jenneron> maybe because of high resolution 2600x1400
<binarycraft[m]> Only 530MiB memory used in idle
<binarycraft[m]> Probably needs to fix hotkeys
<binarycraft[m]> Cros keyboard
<jenneron> you search key is meta
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: So, brightness up is meta + brightness up?
<jenneron> uh, no
<jenneron> media keys are f1-10 in linux
<jenneron> we don't have fn key
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron: I think Chromebook has its own keyboard profile
<binarycraft[m]> I configured it on sway
<binarycraft[m]> Brightness keys and volume keys are working
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<jenneron[m]> tim: hi, i see that you're here. if you have a possibility, can you check `dmesg | grep -i cam` on veyron-jerry?
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<tim[m]1> outputs nothing. but i think mines broken. i get tons of unable to enumerate usb device messages on boot
<jenneron[m]> that's unfortunate, do you remember whether it worked in chrome os or not?
<tim[m]1> i never tried it in chromeos, but in debian a while ago it did work
<tim[m]1> and it worked at least once in pmos, and im 90% sure it was usb
<jenneron[m]> tim: this upgrade fixes camera on veyron-speedy https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmaports/-/merge_requests/3526
<jenneron[m]> i'm not sure it does for veyron-jerry, your current setup should've printed camera in dmesg
<jenneron[m]> wrong MR
<tim[m]1> will give it a try in a minute
<tim[m]1> booted 6.0, still no camera, same usb errors, and the mwlwifi module didnt load
<tim[m]1> everything else seems to work fine though
<jenneron[m]> do you mean mwifiex?
<tim[m]1> uh... maybe
<jenneron[m]> send the output of lsmod
<jenneron[m]> and dmesg
<tim[m]1> cant really do that easily without a way to ssh in. ill grab a flash drive or something in a few minutes
<jenneron[m]> dmesg > ~/dmesg.txt
<jenneron[m]> lsmod > ~/lsmod.txt
<jenneron[m]> power off and connect sd card to pc
<jenneron[m]> (if your installation is on sd)
<jenneron[m]> how did you install the kernel?
<jenneron[m]> have you copied kernel modules?
<tim[m]1> just used mrtest to install the build from the mr
<jenneron[m]> i see
<jenneron[m]> check also `cat /sys/kernel/debug/devices_deferred`
<jenneron[m]> tim: your kernel modules were not correctly installed
<jenneron[m]> you have only modules from initramfs
<jenneron[m]> it did not happen for me on clean install
<jenneron[m]> with pmbootstrap
<jenneron[m]> tim: also `Linux version 5.18.0` from your dmesg
<jenneron[m]> definitely not correct
<jenneron[m]> most likely, you now have an old kernel, but new modules
<jenneron[m]> tim: try to run `sudo mkinitfs` and reboot
<tim[m]1> stupid mistake. uboot was loading the boot partition on emmc, but i was using sd. actually booted 6.0 now, cam is still the same
<jenneron[m]> i see, it happens
<jenneron[m]> sad about camera, at least there are no regressions
<jenneron[m]> can you make a post in MR that you've tested it on veyron-jerry?
<tim[m]1> will do
<jenneron[m]> thanks
<jenneron[m]> hexdump01: hi. we've merged xorg configs into pmaports
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