<jenneron[m]> hexdump0815: weird, sound works fine on hana
<jenneron[m]> if you want ucm do apk add alsa-ucm-conf
<jenneron[m]> but hana works without it, maybe it falls back to default codec configuration
<jenneron[m]> please update wiki pages
<jenneron[m]> btw there is a good chance I will receive spring next week
<jenneron[m]> this week* it's already next week now
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<hexdump01> jenneron[m]: sound itself seems to be there, i.e. /proc/asound/cards looks fine and no problems in dmesg, but sound uses dummy device anyway
<jenneron[m]> in my case it's all fine on hana
<jenneron[m]> hexdump01: are ucm configs in upstream or you have some?
<jenneron[m]> hana uses same codec
<jenneron[m]> i will try again, we've got alsa upgrade recently
<jenneron[m]> yeah the issue happens on hana too, didn't happen a week ago
<hexdump01> jenneron[m]: i think the upstream ucm was kind of useable meanwhile iirc - will try to install ucm later and check with that
<jenneron[m]> i've tried to intall alsa-ucm-conf, still dummy
<hexdump01> nice to hear that spring is coming :)
<jenneron[m]> alsaucm reload doesn't fail
<jenneron[m]> nevermind, it works now
<hexdump01> you might try my ucm files for oak - they at last worked in the past (the ones from my repo - oak)
<hexdump01> what made it working?
<jenneron[m]> i'm not sure
<jenneron[m]> i don't think installing chromium made it working
<jenneron[m]> trying to remove alsa-ucm-conf, will see if it breaks it again
<hexdump01> i think for the newer audio devices ucm is required, as there is a lot of first time initialization required for a card to work
<hexdump01> pure alsa is not doing all this initialization
<jenneron[m]> i'm certainly sure it worked a week ago without alsa-ucm-conf installed
<jenneron[m]> actually, it could be my additional packages configuration in pmbootstrap...
<jenneron[m]> extra_packages = glmark2,pavucontrol,alsa-utils,chromium,firefox,htop,nano,git
<jenneron[m]> yeah
<jenneron[m]> alsa-utils installed alsa-ucm-conf, so it worked for me
<jenneron[m]> interesting stuff, just installing alsa-ucm-conf doesn't make it working, but installing alsa-utils in additions to this makes sound working
<hexdump01> jenneron[m]: not sure about pmos packaging, but in debian alsa-ucm-conf are just the conf files and the alsaucm cmd to apply them is in another package - maybe this is what you see?
<jenneron[m]> hexdump01: yeah, alsaucm is in alsa-utils, but it's usually not required
<jenneron[m]> anyway, i've added alsa-utils dependency which also pulls alsa-ucm-conf
<jenneron[m]> once it's merged, you can run `apk upgrade -a`
<bonfire_> interesting. sound was working on my Duet, but i'll apply this path when i get a sec
<bonfire_> thanks you two!!
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: there was an alsa upgrade yesterday
<jenneron[m]> it could break sound
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