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<bonfire_> jenneron[m]: I think accelerometer works
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: is mount matrix correct?
<bonfire_> I mean, the tablet knows when it is being tilted and turned as it adjusts the screen rotation
<bonfire_> what is "mount matrix" ?
<jenneron[m]> the way it is mounted into board
<jenneron[m]> if it's wrong, then it will give wrong values
<jenneron[m]> and has to be adjusted in linux
<bonfire_> huh. I don't know how to confirm / disconfirm mount matrix status
<bonfire_> in phosh and sxmo upon rotating tablet it is always the wrong direction
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: just enable autorotation in UI
<jenneron[m]> or run `monitor-sensor` command
<bonfire_> yah, autorotation I can get things to correct side
<jenneron[m]> wait, upon rotation?
<jenneron[m]> how so?
<jenneron[m]> does it boot with wrong panel orientation?
<bonfire_> by "correct" I mean with respect to the physical keyboard
<bonfire_> yah, it boots always the same direction
<jenneron[m]> that's annoying
<bonfire_> indeed
<bonfire_> not sure how to resolve it
<jenneron[m]> i think if you run `monitor-sensor`, it will report wrong values
<jenneron[m]> please check that
<jenneron[m]> it seems to be just a coincidence that panel orientation and mount matrix bugs are mutually exclusive
<bonfire_> huh.
<bonfire_> eh `monitor-sensor` command not found
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: if i'm right, i can fix panel orientation, but not accelerometer
<jenneron[m]> maybe alpernebbi can take a look at our eudev issues at some time
<bonfire_> happy to provide / test whatever you suggest :)
<jenneron[m]> i see that panel is rotated to 270 degrees in the kernel
<jenneron[m]> so it should be not a hardware issue, not a panel mounted in wrong direction
<jenneron[m]> it would be fun if it's done only to workaround accelerometer issue
<bonfire_> huh
<jenneron[m]> also, not sure where to place my code in device-tree, bindings are not sorted alphabetically there :/
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: try this https://dpaste.com/DGU6AJZWE
<bonfire_> hrmmmm
<bonfire_> ok, one sec
<jenneron[m]> if i'm right, it will fix panel orientation, but accelerometer bug will crawl out, so you will have to disable auto-rotation
<bonfire_> what is the accelerometer bug?
<jenneron[m]> wrong mount direction physically
<jenneron[m]> again, i think that your accelerometer is physically mounted wrong by 90 degrees, so it reports corresponding wrong by 90 degrees values, at the same time your panel is set up to be rotated in 90 degrees into the opposite direction
<jenneron[m]> so these issues compensate each other
<bonfire_> interesting theory
<bonfire_> jenneron[m]: what file is that patch you made in?
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: it's for kernel
<jenneron[m]> can you check monitor-sensor command firstly?
<bonfire_> yes, but I have no monitor-sensor command
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: apk add iio-sensor-proxy, rc-service iio-sensor-proxy start
<bonfire_> thnx!
<bonfire_> ok "Waiting for iio-sensor-proxy to appear"
<bonfire_> nothing prints when I rotate or do anything
<jenneron[m]> did you run rc-service iio-sensor-proxy start?
<bonfire_> yes
<jenneron[m]> check rc-service iio-sensor-proxy status
<bonfire_> but status says "stopped"
<jenneron[m]> weird, it fails
<bonfire_> yeah
<jenneron[m]> well, you can build a kernel with my patch and check
<jenneron[m]> for this, you can add it into `linux-postmarketos-mediatek-mt8183`, run `pmbootstrap checksum linux-postmarketos-mediatek-mt8183`, `pmbootstrap pkgrel_bump linux-postmarketos-mediatek-mt8183`, `pmbootstrap build linux-postmarketos-mediatek-mt8183` and `pmbootstrap sideload --host your_ip linux-postmarketos-mediatek-mt8183`
<bonfire_> is this in pmaports repo?
<bonfire_> ah yah
<bonfire_> i've never built kernel with a patch like this :P
<bonfire_> ERROR: Invalid pkgver '${_pkgbase}_git${_pkgsnap}' in APKBUILD: /mnt/hack/postmarket/pmaports/cross/gcc-aarch64/APKBUILD
<bonfire_> haven't encountered this with running checksum
<bonfire_> I ram " -y zap -p
<bonfire_> I ran " -y zap -p"
<bonfire_> is there some other purging I need do or such?
<bonfire_> jenneron[m]: ?
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: update your pmaports and pmbootstrap to latest git
<bonfire_> wtf. everythings updated
<bonfire_> error keeps happening