<jenneron[m]> <bonfire_> "what does --add unl0kr do?" <- it will use unl0kr unlocker instead of default osk-sdl
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<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: binarycraft: hi, do you know whether pen works on krane? can you run `evtest` command and send me the list of available devices it prints?
<binarycraft[m]> <jenneron[m]> "bonfire_: binarycraft: hi, do..." <- I don't have a krane, only juniper
<jenneron[m]> oh right
<bonfire_> jenneron[m]: https://pastebin.com/5mwfPsqg
<bonfire_> how do I "temporarily change fs labels" ?
<jenneron[m]> bonfire_: e2label command