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lumag: at this point im not sure if i should cry or laugh,
Got some more schemas done with select it does not select any other anymore but on adreno-506.yaml does not validate a510, however second yaml with a530 validates 8996 dtb just fine
a530 has single enum(should be const i guess)
that's a matter of preference
aka_[m], what's the problem with a506 schema?
no idea its almost exactly same schema, same spaces i even compared in meld
haven't tried to validate against 8953
now rebuilding kernel just to be sure it didn't had cached dts
if i get it sorted i would probably send it as rfc
on 8996 it warns about clock orders well
only a530 seems to validate
a306 also fails
im going to do something
imagine DT-schema does not validate nodes with status="disabled"
Ah :D
not sure but it seems so
checked 8916 dts i wanted to validate and it had no gpu enabled
which is weird because i expected it to have it for sure
aka_[m]: disabled nodes are incomplete, so they should not be validated, of course
you would have warnings all over the place otherwise
krzk: i hope there would be one place with tips&tricks about yaml docs with various examples for avg dumb duck
or I misunderstood and you actually experience disabled node being validated, thus warnings? This was fixed loyear ago or so, so maybe you use old dtschema?
disabled was not validated
and i wondered why it didn't pick up even after removing props
so what is the surprise? How do you imagine disabled node being validated? how could it possibly work?
its still compiled in dtb right
why not for each node validate
it is, and it is incomplete
Because you would have millions of unrelevant errors
so if i do status= "disabled" i can send incomplete dts and mark it "unfinished"?
It would make dtschema useless - printing all the errors which are not relevant, because board did not enable something
well, now i know, better late than ever
That's not dtschema problem, but writing DTS. Please look at DTS coding style
ok seems i should slowly get my shit together and prepare for job
The entire point of DTSI and DTS is to represent (in some way) the hardware, thus you have SoC=DTSI and board=DTS.
The DTSI has pieces from the SoC. The easiest example is: supplies are usually board specific, so they are in DTS, but they are required by schema. So imagine a board which did not enable display, because there is no display, so display nodes are disabled and no supplies are provided.
What do you expect dtschema to do with it? supplies are requires, so should it complain? No. dtschema here follows the convention how DTS (and DTSI) should be written
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krzk: Disabled nodes are validated except for 'required'. IOW, if a property is there, it still has to be correct.
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robher: ah, right, that's the change I forgot
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