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<apritzel> machinehum: this is what I just hacked up, basically a H6 port in 32-bit:
<apritzel> compiles and boots at least the SPL on a Pine-H64 (staying in AArch32)
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<smaeul> U-Boot SPL works on D1! 68360 bytes for spl/u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin without any major size optimization, so it's big but not too huge. (SRAM is 160k.) This includes full DM and OF control.
<smaeul> now that this is working, I can start upstreaming D1 support without worrying about TOC1 nonsense
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<MoeIcenowy> smaeul: do you have any idea how could we adapt existing dram codes of sunxi to SPL DM?
<MoeIcenowy> cc apritzel
<MoeIcenowy> I am thinking adapt my R329 DRAM code to let it work on D1 too
<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: do you mean UCLASS_RAM? That doesn't look too complicated, we could have one driver support both interfaces
<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: speaking of R329: is this still a thing? Do you plan on reposting some patches?
<MoeIcenowy> apritzel: yes
<MoeIcenowy> but maybe I should do kernel first
<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: yeah, I was somewhat de-prioritizing the U-Boot patches because of the missing kernel support
<MoeIcenowy> apritzel: BTW should we adapt them to UCLASS_RAM or should we just move them to board/sunxi/
<MoeIcenowy> ?
<MoeIcenowy> adapt to UCLASS_RAM seems to be a big refactor
<MoeIcenowy> okay I support the latter, adding DM to sunxi SPL isn't acceptable
<apritzel> UCLASS_RAM seems to just require you to export base and size, and call sunxi_dram_setup() from the probe routine, that should be fairly easy
<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: I mean we do this "support both DM and non-DM" already in the MMC driver
<apritzel> it's not pretty there, but DRAM should be far easier. The most work would be for using DM clocks, I guess, maybe the regulator
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<MoeIcenowy> btw I think most code in arch/arm/mach-sunxi is really not arch dependent
<MoeIcenowy> they should go otherwhere
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<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: sure, no question about that
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<machinehum> apritzel: Thanks I'll give it a shot
<apritzel> machinehum: I read somewhere that some devices have different addresses between V5 and H6, and you wanted to abandon SUN50I_GEN_H6?
<machinehum> The memory map is different, unless I'm reading it wrong
<machinehum> I havn't noticed any different addressed for periperals
<machinehum> addresses
<apritzel> what do you mean with "memory map is different", then? if the peripherals use the same addresses ...
<gamiee> just wanted to ask this :D
<apritzel> do you mean the U-Boot internal load addresses, for kernel_addr_r, for instance?
<machinehum> In the V5 manual in section 3.1 there is a memory map, those addresses don't match up completely with the H6
<machinehum> I'm not sure what kernel_addr_r is, I'll look around see what I can find
<apritzel> machinehum: don't worry about kernel_addr_r, this is all handled by U-Boot
<machinehum> Oh okay
<apritzel> machinehum: if you are concerned about some addresses in cpu_sun50i_h6.h, quite some of them are not used
<apritzel> I will have a look at the differences between the V5 and H6 later, if there are just a few, we can get away with them using #ifdef's, like we did for the H616
<machinehum> This is what I used: I snagged it from the vendor fork
<machinehum> Perhaps I should switch back to cpu_sun50i_h6.h
<gamiee> btw, it's interesting that mainlining for V5 wasn't happening sooner. The Lindenis V5 devboard is out for quite a time.
<machinehum> Lindenis sucks
<machinehum> lol
<gamiee> why?
<machinehum> Because they naked forked uboot from 2014 didn't upstream anything and it doesn't even build anymore
<gamiee> That's not Lindenis fault :D they're just using Allwinners BSP
<machinehum> Then provided some Debian kernel 4.4 image
<machinehum> Yeah fair enough, but if you're going to sell hardware you should make at least some effort to upstream the stuff
<gamiee> anyway, the Lindenis V5 board is quite decent, and the sensors they're giving to it have really good quality (at least, the ISP is configured pretty well by default)
<machinehum> Oh that board is great
<gamiee> And when using armhf (not armel), it's quite fast too.
<machinehum> Well it's lacking a lot of testpoints
<machinehum> I talked to Lindenis, they claimed to have modern buildroot and uboot support
<gamiee> machinehum: well, we should be happy, that lindenis at least published SDK with some documentation, if they wouldn't, there wouldn't be possible to get V5 SDK elsewhere. At least I don't know if any other company released SDk
<gamiee> hmm, probably it will be just modern BSP from Allwinner most likely
<machinehum> Fair enough
<gamiee> The down-side of V5 is that I never was able to get full performance on H.265 4K encoding, it never worked fast enough.
<machinehum> hmm
<machinehum> My main interest in this board are the two Mipi busses
<machinehum> I can't find anything else for the price
<gamiee> Yes, as far as I remember, it works great :)
<machinehum> Cool
<machinehum> I actually got into contact to Allwinner, signed an NDA and they got me into contact with Sochip, they said the V5 is EOL and reccomended the V536
<machinehum> But that looks to only have one mipi bus... so I guess I'll stick with with the V5 and hope I can buy enough parts off the secondary market
<gamiee> Yes, V536 is recent one, have also better support, but only one mipi bus.
<machinehum> rats
<machinehum> You know anything about V5 supply chain?
<machinehum> I found some people selling the chip on alibaba
<machinehum> Seems... alright?
<gamiee> no insight to that, but I would stick to what Allwinner and their partners says.
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<machinehum> Fair enough, but it seems the V5 is the only part that works for my application, so I'll have to risk it
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<gamiee> i wish you good luck. It's good SoC, it just need some love.
<gamiee> Even BSP is quite usable, only down-side is that everything is armel for some weird reason.
<machinehum> Thanks, appriciate it
<machinehum> Well hopefully someone else will one day find my work useful
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<apritzel> machinehum: so I don't see any significant differences in the memory map, at least not as far as U-Boot (or rather just the SPL) is concerned
<apritzel> for U-Boot proper we have the DT anyway, so any changes for USB or the missing PCIe would be covered there
<machinehum> Okay
<machinehum> I'll put back the old memory map
<machinehum> Here are all my changes sun8i-v5-lindenis.dts and arch/arm/dts/sun8i-v5.dtsi were taken from sun50i-h6-pine-h64.dts sun50i-h6.dtsi
<machinehum> Need to run out now but I'm planning on working on this more tonight
<machinehum> I'm also planning to try the diff you sent me
<apritzel> machinehum: the pin controller looks quite different, though
<apritzel> for a start UART0 is on PB9/PB10, not PH0/PH1 as on the H6
<apritzel> I guess that's the debug UART you (or the BSP) is using?
<apritzel> machinehum: (for when you are back): you would need to start much smaller, so as a placeholder just the H6 DT, or a *very* basic V5 DT, with just CPU, memory, UART
<apritzel> and disable PSCI for now
<apritzel> that probably requires some less trivial changes to work, so you have to live with UP for now
<apritzel> in general the biggest work items for now would be the Linux pinctrl and clock drivers
<apritzel> since also the clocks looks sufficiently different from the H6
<machinehum> apritzel: Yeah PB9/PB10 are the uarts pins I'm using
<machinehum> What do you mean by "UP?
<machinehum> "UP"
<machinehum> I was worried about the clocks... I guess I'll take a look right now
<apritzel> UP = uniprocessor, the opposite of SMP: so just one core
<machinehum> I see
<apritzel> the clocks don't seem to be conflicting, so for U-Boot it's probably fine
<apritzel> but the H6 has clocks that the V5 doesn't, and vice versa
<machinehum> Say the next goal is: "see something on the uart", what would you say a logical starting point would be?
<machinehum> I have the clock source code open, I was going to take a look through that
<machinehum> clock_init_uart()
<machinehum> Maybe
<apritzel> yes, UART is the first step, I am actually surprised you don't see anything
<apritzel> as long as you have the right pins and muxes selected, you should be good
<apritzel> I doubt that the UART clock is different from the H6
<apritzel> machinehum: if you are going to try my patch, you need to fix the UART mux setup, as this is still on the H6 pins (PH0/1)
<apritzel> you have the right values in your code already
<machinehum> I'll give you patch a go and change the dts
<machinehum> Here goes
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