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<apritzel> smaeul: thanks, that seems to work, at least with fel-sdboot, although not with my own (more sophisticated) tool
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<apritzel> smaeul: have you ever thought about or even worked on TOC0 support for sunxi-fel?
<smaeul> apritzel: no, I don't use FEL much. feel free to copy my code if you're interested
<apritzel> smaeul: I see, thanks. It's just a minor inconvenience: U-Boot's TOC0 support works great for the Remix Mini, but for FEL booting I have to build an eGON image
<apritzel> and I use FEL all the time, I even put fel-sdboot on the second eMMC boot partition now ;-)
<smaeul> why does the image type matter when FEL booting? just because the tool tries to parse it?
<smaeul> I suppose you wouldn't need full support, just enough to handle the main header
<apritzel> exactly
<apritzel> sunxi-fel explicitly checks for an eGON header, and bails out if the image doesn't have one
<apritzel> I have patches to avoid that and load raw data, but for TOC0 we would need to just find the right entry and use that data
<apritzel> I would cheekily ignore all the certificates and keys ;-)
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<MoeIcenowy> BTW should we update the prebuilt blobs in sunxi-tools?
<MoeIcenowy> mainly uart0-helloworld-sdboot
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<apritzel> MoeIcenowy: sure, just send a patch ;-)
<apritzel> and can you add the TOC0 version?
<apritzel> I would even "review" it (test it, really)
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