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<smaeul> it would still affect anything using gd->fdt_blob directly, but drivers shouldn't be doing that
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<junari> T507 has more gpio banks than H616 (extra PD and PE). My problem that some PD pins don't work. How can I make them work?
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<junari> I found what the problem is
<jakllsch> oh?
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<junari> looks like wrong source for pd-vcc
<apritzel> junari: if there are any T507 pins that are not described in the H616 pinctrl driver, we would like to know, so we can fix that
<junari> apritzel: I think that h616 don't have this pins at all
<apritzel> junari: it doesn't expose them, but the peripherals are there, and the pinctrl bits work
<apritzel> that's why we decided to put them in the driver, so we can reuse that for the other SoCs that share the die, like the T507
<apritzel> (we looked at that manual already back then when creating the driver)
<apritzel> so if we missed something, we would like to know
<apritzel> junari: actually: scratch that, we didn't do that for the pinctrl driver
<junari> apritzel: I can share somewhere pinctrl with extra banks
<apritzel> junari: please send a patch to the mailing list
<junari> apritzel: too difficult for me)
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<apritzel> why? git format-patch; then send as email (through git send-email or manually)
<apritzel> junari: you are obviously very good in finding those things out and making them work, why not just do the final step and get it merged?
<junari> apritzel: my english not so fluent
<apritzel> sounds great to me, and shouldn't be a problem anyway: just start with something, and we can suggest changes or propose a better commit message, if that is your concern
<junari> OK I will tray
<apritzel> thanks, that would be great, we will definitely help you with that
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<jernej> rm_: bugzilla tickets are hit or miss for linux. Certainly sunxi part doesn't use it.
<jernej> rm_: since you have already working solution, you can just send patch which can be merged.
<rm_> in any case I like that it's recored in a permanent place and more searchable than mailing lists
<rm_> but as apritzel said above, the solution I got is not complete
<jernej> yeah, but adding regulator shouldn't be much of a problem, since it's already supported by Linux drivers
<apritzel> indeed. And the kernel bugzilla is more for managers ;-)
<apritzel> rm_: it would be first good to find out how the kernel used DVFS without knowing about the CPU regulator
<jernej> apritzel: I think voltage part is ignored if there is no voltage regulator, but I'm not completely sure
<apritzel> mmh, but it doesn't sound safe to switch frequencies if you don't know the voltage?
<jernej> so in effect, it would be DFS
<apritzel> I will check this later tonight
<jernej> yeah, certainly not ideal
<jernej> in case of H6 GPU DVFS table, it also has max. voltage, which is set to max. allowed GPU voltage
<jernej> this allows boards like Tanix TX6 with fixed GPU regulator to work
<jernej> (but it's not added yet to TX6 DT)
<apritzel> IIRC the default voltage is 1.1V, which would make anything beyond 816 MHz unstable to run
<jernej> oh, OrangePi PC2 is same story - no CPU regulator defined and no CPU DVFS
<jernej> but at least I have this board and can test it
<jernej> apritzel: did you introduce OPi PC2 DT by any chance?
<apritzel> yeah, I was definitely involved
<apritzel> but I think back then we didn't have any OPP support at all, at least not for the H5
<jernej> I don't blame you :)
<apritzel> so yeah, I have this board and can test as well
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