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<Jookia> I have SPI NAND working on the T113
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<ctag> Is timing out for anyone else?
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<vpeter> ctag: Use ?
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<ctag> Thanks vpeter, but it is timing out for me too.
<ctag> Although its starting to look like the sd card image I should be using is just Armbian(?)
<jakllsch> probably, yes
<ctag> OK, I'll give that a shot instead. Thanks!
<ctag> I'd like to contribute the H616 SID from my orange pi zero 2 back to the wiki, but I think I'm messing up somewhere with accessing it.
<ctag> All the other recent ones begin "0x*2c*" but mine shows "0x0050"
<ctag> When using the hexdump command
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<apritzel> ctag: that's because that's little endian
<ctag> Oh!
<apritzel> my OPiZero3 (H618) SID starts with "0x33802000", but in hexdump this would look like "00 20 80 33"
<ctag> OK, so "0050c032" -> "32c05000"?
<ctag> Got it, ok. Thank you!
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<apritzel> ctag: please upgrade your sunxi-fel (sunxi-tools) version, just download the latest version from git and compile that
<apritzel> ctag: and why the obsession with the SID? what are you after, actually?
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<ctag> Ah, now the commands work, thanks apritzel!
<ctag> My orange pi works, but I'm trying to figure out why some recycled boards with h616's on them don't.
<ctag> They don't boot from SD. I suspect they're soft bricked by having some sort of secure boot going on
<ctag> And no matter what I do, they enumerate as allwinner/FEL for about 3 seconds and then disconnect. So something is up there too.