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<junari> Does the kernel support zbit spi memory? I found an old patch
<junari> apritzel: Why doesn't work usb storage on the OPiZero3 in the u-boot?
<junari> I added Opizero3 support with all the necessary patches to openwrt:
<junari> If anyone wants to try
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<apritzel> junari: re: non-working USB on OPiZero3: thanks for pointing this out, can you please reply to patch 3/3 on the mailing list?
<apritzel> (I know why, but want to stay in the process, and you should get the credits for finding this)
<wens> interesting, someone made a PiKVM like product with Allwinner H616:
<apritzel> wens: neat, though I guess they will regret choosing AW at some point ;-)
<wens> I wonder how they are doing HDMI capture
<jakllsch> they have a HDMI to CSI-2 bridge module..
<jakllsch> based on Toshiba TC358743XBG
<wens> last I checked the H616 doesn't have CSI?
<jakllsch> hmm
<jakllsch> apparently uses a MS2131
<wens> makes sense, and explains the higher capture resolution
<jakllsch> which seems to be USB
<apritzel> yeah, but this MS2131 chip is USB 3.0
<jakllsch> (isn't that still USB?)
<apritzel> the H616 doesn't have USB 3.0
<jakllsch> o.O
<apritzel> so they limit themselves in picture quality
<jakllsch> or capture rate
<apritzel> don't some of the newer Rockchips have HDMI-in, natively?
<jakllsch> a KVM can probably get away with 2-10 fps
<wens> yeah, the rk3588 does.
<apritzel> it looks much more than in the Youtube Video
<wens> in the video it's probably just doing 1080p60?
<wens> ah, and the capture unit can dump out MJPEG rather than raw YUV
<jakllsch> well, it can probably sink the full 4k30 or FHD60, but it might not send all those frames into the kvm
<wens> MJPEG would be great because you can just send it out
<apritzel> wens: you are right: "USB video output supports YUV422 and JPEG modes"
<apritzel> and the LCD is probably something SPI driven then, since the H616 doesn't support LCD output...
<jakllsch> goodness, what does the 616 support
<apritzel> it's a TV box chip!
<jakllsch> so, HDMI, Transport Stream and maybe USB?
<apritzel> in fact the die has both LCD and CSI peripherals, it's just not connected on the H616 package
<apritzel> but the T507 (same die) connects those
<apritzel> jakllsch: yeah, there are four USB 2.0 ports, HDMI, an integrated 100MBit Ethernet PHY, which sounds just what you need for a cheap TV box
<apritzel> jakllsch: go to Aliexpress and search for H618, they are really cheap
<jakllsch> yup. $20 USD
<jakllsch> (or less)
<apritzel> I just bought one last week, for 11 GBP shipped, with 4GB/64GB, which is a pretty decent offer
<apritzel> DT+wiki page incoming ;-)
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<wens> I dislike the LCD screen... the previous OLEDs were better
<apritzel> junari: if you want to fix USB on the OPiZero3: CONFIG_USB1_VBUS_PIN="PC16"
<junari> apritzel: thanks, I replied to your patch
<apritzel> junari: many thanks, got it!
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<apritzel> junari: and also thanks for the heads up on the Linux SPI patch. But is that actually needed? It seems to work for me, with that spi-nor-generic fallback, Linux commit 773bbe10449731c952
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<apritzel> does anyone know anything about a "HK2735M" wifi/BT chip? Found it in a cheap TV box
<apritzel> as the Internet finds pictures from Rockchip based boxes as well, it might not be an AllWinner special?
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<hexdump0815> while speaking about tv boxes: on aliexpress you can even get h618 boxes with 8gb ram - am i right that h618 can only handle 4gb? :) - so most probably fake spec boxes again?
<apritzel> hexdump0815: yes, there is definitely a hard limit to 4 GB on the H616
<jakllsch> what differentiates 616 and 618?
<apritzel> H618 has 1MB L2 cache
<apritzel> and just to annoy all software people, they changed the CPUX_CFG IP block, both its base address and register layout
<apritzel> we have this covered with a TF-A and U-Boot patch, which automatically detect this. Both patches are upstream already
<jakllsch> oh nice
<apritzel> the rest of the chip is the same, apparently
<apritzel> the CPUX_CFG block is of no concern for Linux, so no patches needed there
<jakllsch> i figured
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<apritzel> hexdump0815: I typically close the tab when I see 8GB and Allwinner in an offer
<apritzel> and I am still suspicious about the really small price differences between the different configurations (DRAM+eMMC)
<apritzel> but even though the one I bought last week was really cheap, I can confirm that it is legit: it has indeed 4GB of DRAM (8 Micron 4GBit*4 DRAM chips) and 64GB of EMMC ("Konsemi" eMMC 5.1 chip)
<triskit> Based on someone's android boot logs, looks like the HK2735M module is Broadcom-based:
<Jookia> apritzel: allwinner LOVE to change register configs for seemingly no reason. i guess to make the lives harder for open source devs like us
<Jookia> i wonder if it's just a strategic way of getting people to use their custom kernels
<Jookia> on the other hand, easy patches for the kernel ;)
<apritzel> Jookia: yeah, from their point of view it doesn't matter, as they ship firmware, software and hardware as one package
<Jookia> my first kernel patch was adding CAN suport for the D1 back :D
<apritzel> triskit: oh, thanks, I found that page as well, but didn't read carefully enough
<apritzel> if it's really this rtl8822 SDIO, then there is some good chance to get this supported mainline, I think I saw patches already somewhere
<apritzel> let me check the bootlog of this box...
<apritzel> so does anyone else have one of these H618 TV boxes? I strongly believe they are all basically more or less the same, the cost pressure and the AXP313 PMIC do not allow for much variation anyway
<apritzel> minus the WiFi chip, maybe
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<hexdump0815> apritzel: i have two as well and i think they are very close from the software side - i did not compare the boards directly yet, but i guess there are a few designs around at least for the different form factors
<hexdump0815> of the two i have i had to limit the modes of the emmc as otherwise it did not work
<hexdump0815> i tested them with the patches warpme did some months ago and with those they worked quite ok
<hexdump0815> just to be more precise: i had to limit the emmc modes for one of the two, the other was fine
<hexdump0815> btw. do not let those h61x boxes (and others most probably too) run for too long with the android they come with - see:
<hexdump0815> maybe that is part of the business model for the low prices :)
<gamiee> of course.
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<apritzel> hexdump0815: I don't even give them Internet access in the first place ;-)
<apritzel> I just keep the Android on it alive to poke around and gather information
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