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<machinehum> I'm guess this partition setup doesn't look right
<machinehum> Does anyone have a genimage.cfg I can reference for the f1c200s?
<apritzel> machinehum: U-Boot "distro boot" mechanism looks for some instructions how to boot, just dropping a rootfs will not cut it
<apritzel> the simplest is probably a custom boot.scr, put in the first partition
<apritzel> but first you could do it manually: load the kernel, load a potential initrd, set the command line, then run bootz with all the addresses
<apritzel> machinehum: some info here:
<apritzel> though the load addresses are not a fit for the F1C200s, try to use the variables set by U-Boot: $kernel_addr_r for the kernel (zImage, not uImage)
<apritzel> don't load a DTB, instead just use U-Boot's one: $fdtcontroladdr
<apritzel> so for instance: load mmc 0:1 $kernel_addr_r zImage-v5; bootz $kernel_addr_r - $fdtcontroladdr
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<machinehum> apritzel: thanks
<machinehum> I'll take a look
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