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<libv> i actually live only 5kms or so away from that machine (hetzner)
<libv> so long cable indeed
<libv> but it seems down indeed
<libv> in-circuit is probably ddossing the wiki now ;p
<libv> actually, given the timeframes they work on, their ddos will hit us in 2032 or so ;p
<gnarface> apritzel: hey, so i put the pine64+ cpu freq governor in "performance" mode, moved the pinebook right up to it, like right up to it, and ran a bunch of tests catting various binary blobs of 20-50MB in size through it to a machine on the other side of the gig-e... i got one clocked in at nearly 2.6MB/s! (2.58MB/s) and a couple at 2.1MB/s, but most of them coming in at just about exactly 2.0MB/s... my iw station
<gnarface> dumps say the same thing as yours though
<gnarface> and i did some local tests on the pinebook (same SoC as i understand it) and it's getting ~22MB/s locally piping from microSD to /dev/null, so the bottleneck isn't there
<gnarface> (which also proves the bottleneck isn't the SDIO speed as you correctly diagnosed... but that doesn't leave a lot of other options)
<gnarface> down to maybe something wrong with the driver or hostapd unless you can replicate this behavior on your own pine64+ board
<gnarface> incidentally, were you using a direct connection or hostapd, or were you using the SDIO wifi device as a client of another, possibly higher grade, wifi router?
<gnarface> a number of times i've suspected that the spectrum crowding here is triggering some anti-congestion feature of the crda/regdb stuff that linux is handling "correctly" while all the commercial wifi devices around me are simply illegally flouting
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<apritzel> mmh, I dimly remember that hostapd had (performance) issues in the past on some devices? I used it just as a client against my provider's (fairly newish) router
<gnarface> hmm, well a earlier version of hostapd did definitely have a performance issue during the wifi handshake part that was causing all my devices to time out either during connect or before even actually managing to put it in a populated list of nearby networks, but this version has otherwise been working reliably
<gnarface> definitely worth looking into again i suppose... but let me know if you get different numbers from your pine64+ board
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<tokyovigilante> apritzel: still getting a usb timeout after "DRAM: 1024 MiB" in the console
<tokyovigilante> sudo ./sunxi-fel spl ../u-boot/spl/sunxi-spl.bin -> usb_bulk_send() ERROR -7: Operation timed out
<libv> well, the machine is back now
<libv> uptime is 30mins
<libv> not sure what happened there
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<tokyovigilante> spl_relocate_stack_gd
<tokyovigilante> ptr: 1340079648
<tokyovigilante> doesn't seem quite right
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<apritzel> tokyovigilante: ah, good point, forgot about the relocated stack!
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<apritzel> so if you also set CONFIG_SPL_STACK_R_ADDR to 0x50000, that might solve it
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<libv> ok, so i now got results for a10, a20, a23, a31, a64, a523, a80, a83t, h6, h616 and h700, and i can distinguish between them by process of elimination on certain values
<libv> tokyovigilante: i just extracted the dts from a 35xxp image (with its totally legal content btw ;p), and the dram_para embedded in there is totally wild
<libv> the seperate dram_para blocks are just not for this hw
<libv> and the dram section also contains some wrong fields, zq usually does not appear anymore, and odt_en is actually para0
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<apritzel> libv: please note that some parameter names are not what they seem (anymore): ODT_EN used to be a boolean value, to enable or disable on-die termination
<apritzel> but for instance in the H616 it consists of eight 4-bit fields
<libv> dram_dx_odt
<apritzel> which admittedly doesn't make much sense, but IIRC jernej confirmed that this was the name used in libdram
<apritzel> no, CONFIG_DRAM_SUN50I_H616_ODT_EN
<apritzel> it's not used on every board (it depends on TPR10_DX_BIT_DELAY0 being set)
<apritzel> see orangepi_zero3_defconfig, and the code is arch/arm/mach-sunxi/dram_sun50i_h616.c
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<libv> cool, will try to grab some images
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<wingrime-ww> libv: what do you think about this piece of obscure hw?
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<apritzel> wingrime-ww: so that's a A133 tablet with a keyboard then, right? (it says Android 12)
<wingrime-ww> y A133p
<wingrime-ww> laptop factor 2g ram
<wingrime-ww> worst thing is power-vr I presume
<apritzel> the A133/A100 is .. meh ..., but it's not well supported mainline, mainly due to the lack of interest
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<libv> at least not an SGX
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<wingrime-ww> there where some news about power-vr wanted to be somehow opensoure
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<apritzel> yes, some PowerVR versions have Open Source drivers now, but I am not sure if the GE8300 in the A100/A133 is covered
<apritzel> Mesa only lists three products, and the GE8300 is not among them, though the supported GX6250 is from the same "Rogue" series
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<tokyovigilante> Not so good with CONFIG_SPL_STACK_R_ADDR=0x50000
<tokyovigilante> DRAM: 64 MiB
<tokyovigilante> spl_relocate_stack_gd
<tokyovigilante> ptr: 327680
<tokyovigilante> ptr: 327200
<tokyovigilante> that's ptr at start and end of spl_relocate_stack_gd, doesn't seem to be crashing there though
<tokyovigilante> seem to be running out of non-assembler parts of SPL to check
<tokyovigilante> should there be a board_init_r in board/sunxi/board.c?
<apritzel> tokyovigilante: no, we use implementation in common/spl/spl.c for the SPL, see
<apritzel> (at the very end)
<tokyovigilante> oh right, ta
<tokyovigilante> just wondering if it actually makes it here, will chuck some logs in
<tokyovigilante> yes
<tokyovigilante> should CONFIG_SPL_ATF be enabled?
<tokyovigilante> interestingly it doesn't make it to board_init_r without that stack relocation address change
<tokyovigilante> but with it it reports the wrong amount of DRAM
<tokyovigilante> GOT IT
<tokyovigilante> board_init_r
<tokyovigilante> spl_set_bd()
<tokyovigilante> mem_malloc_init()
<tokyovigilante> bootcount_inc()
<tokyovigilante> timer_init()
<tokyovigilante> Trying to boot from FEL
<tokyovigilante> Had CONFIG_LOG enabled, and it was hanging there for some reason (not enough memory)? Disabled that and it has gone all the way through to u-boot proper
<tokyovigilante> Starting U-Boot (0x40000000).
<tokyovigilante> Store entry point 0x40000000 to RVBAR 0x08100040, and request warm reset with RMR mode 3... done.
<tokyovigilante> nothing more in the serial console though... Still, smells like progress
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