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<KREYREN_oftc> not as sunxi question but does anyone here know anything about neo900?
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* KREYREN_oftc found an OSHW phone that expands on the design of Nokia N900 and got excited about putting A64/A20 on it and doing further development~ So just trying to get some info to have a project to work on after teres~
<Jookia> that's a very old project i think
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<Jookia> could be cool to work on though
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<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, slightly younger than teres actually :D
<KREYREN_oftc> at least seems to be
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, do you know why it failed or any info on the state of the gerbers?
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<Jookia> no clue. if its OSHW it should have the CAD files, no?
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, yep it has them some data in PDF and even a video on youtube explaining stuff about the gerbers, but i am not sure if i fabricate them that it will work
<Jookia> should have it
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, ee-full has the gerbers, ee doesn't
<Jookia> can't you export the gerbers from the brd file?
<KREYREN_oftc> the eagle files seems to be old and kept there as a legacy
<KREYREN_oftc> but it has kicads
<Jookia> kicads should let you export gerbers
<KREYREN_oftc> old kicads that need some tinkering to work on new kicad but somewhat works
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, the issue is that i have gerbers that i am not sure if they will work at all once fabricated kinda :D not technical with being able to work on them in kicad
<Jookia> hmm you'd have to ask the designers then
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, i found this so far trying to get hold of the others atm
<Jookia> neat
<Jookia> i have to bisect a bug that looks like it appeared in 6.8. yaaaay :(
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, good luck and thanks for your service of protecting teres from evil and gremlins :p
<Jookia> oh, this is for a t113 project
<Jookia> it looks like something broke graph sound cards
<KREYREN_oftc> last time someone said a sentence alike i ended up with a non-functional display :D
<KREYREN_oftc> whats t113
<KREYREN_oftc> galaxy tab 3 ?
<Jookia> the Allwinner T113 SoC
<Jookia> the ARM version of the D1
<KREYREN_oftc> hmmm Cortex-A7
<KREYREN_oftc> seems inferior to OlinuXino-A20 from the quick look on the specs
<Jookia> olinuxino-A20 is a board
<KREYREN_oftc> AllWinner A20
<Jookia> if you're very CPU brained yes
<Jookia> but CPU is probably the least important part of a SoC for the things i do
<KREYREN_oftc> does it have better DRAM or something?
<Jookia> better peripherals
<Jookia> t113 has intergrated DRAM which is pretty cool
<KREYREN_oftc> oh
<Jookia> i'd also guess the t113 runs lower power wise, not sure
<KREYREN_oftc> hmm I was planning on using D1 in CNCs if it breaks it might be a good backup option
<Jookia> oh, what's the benefit of the D1?
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, i like the riscv and trying to migrade from arm
<Jookia> ah
<KREYREN_oftc> but it appers to be unstable a lot
<Jookia> oh, fun fact
<KREYREN_oftc> and i design my systems to be mission critical-esk so that if something breaks it can be quickly put back online
<Jookia> i found a somewhat undocumented security flaw in ACOS smart cards :)
<KREYREN_oftc> So kinda the alternative to having a backup CPU for my desktop
<Jookia> so if you use those for GPG or anything you might want to just ... not use smart cards i guess
<KREYREN_oftc> O.o
<Jookia> maybe throw gpg in the garbage anyway, who knows
<Jookia> it's annoying having emails lag loading because gpg is stalling to read signatures
<KREYREN_oftc> link me any info about that once you have it plz
<KREYREN_oftc> though i don't use smarts cards i am cyborg~
* KREYREN_oftc has an RFID chip in his hands
<Jookia> whats the RFID chip do
<KREYREN_oftc> the idea is to authentificate my user to the system and stuff like when grabbing e.g. a drill in hackerspace for the drill to check if the member has the required training to work in the workshop
<KREYREN_oftc> and to prevent scenarios where different member authentificates the drill and then hands it over to someone else
<KREYREN_oftc> so it only works if authorized member holds it
<KREYREN_oftc> and like openning doors and stuff
<Jookia> ah
<KREYREN_oftc> bcs i consider fingerprint auth flawed
<Jookia> this is the same as fingerprint auth i think
<Jookia> its biometrics
<KREYREN_oftc> and that RFID is passively powered and can be reprogrammed easily
<Jookia> i dunno, i'm not a fan of that kind of thing. you won't get an RFID in me :) gotta go get the cat from the vets though
<KREYREN_oftc> like you can have these in a ring or hand band etc..
<KREYREN_oftc> in the hand it's just more convinient i feel like
<KREYREN_oftc> good luck to your cat
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<Jookia> i have a usb security key with a PIN, i use it to press a button for sudo commands or with a pin for SSH
<Jookia> fido2 i think it is
<Jookia> i don't really try to be secure though
<Jookia> ok, found the commit to revert. a 'fix' broke my card :(
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<Jookia> there's probably another underlying bug though, we'll see
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<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, was looking into those, but i don't feel like they are a good security solution
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<KREYREN_oftc> RFID chip in my hand can be rubbed off of a magnet and it will lose it's data
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<apritzel> Hey, is anyone interested in reviewing the AXP717 Linux driver?
<apritzel> this particular patch contains quite some numbers copied from the datasheet into C structs, that should definitely be checked
<apritzel> the link to the datasheet is in that wiki page:
<apritzel> you don't need much prior knowledge, just a sharp eye and some patience to correlate the registers, bit offsets, and voltage ranges with what's in the patch
<apritzel> for some motivation: I spotted one issue already, see if you can find it ...