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<tokyovigilante> yeah sure, or at least one of the community ones based on it that enable wifi. What am I looking for?
<apritzel> see if you have debugfs, at /sys/kernel/debug, if not, mount it: mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
<apritzel> then check out /sys/kernel/debug/regulator/regulator_summary
<apritzel> ah, also, some fun stuff: testing GPIOs. U-Boot is very helpful here: just say: gpio status PA6
<apritzel> then repeat that while pressing the "Up" button on the dpad
<apritzel> also try PF6 and PE16, with and without an SD card in both slots, to check if the card detect GPIOs work
<tokyovigilante> cool, will do
<apritzel> I have the DT nodes for the AXP now, but there are quite some unknowns, and I don't want to put the wrong voltage up
<tokyovigilante> hmm... bit worried I've broken it now
<tokyovigilante> [312]chip id check OK
<tokyovigilante> [314]POWER SETTING ERROR!
<tokyovigilante> this is with a vendor BSP
<apritzel> maybe because of the RSB/I2C confusion
<apritzel> it looks like the vendor BSP drives the AXP via I2C
<apritzel> can you power cycle it?
<tokyovigilante> yup, just forcing it on and off with the power button
<apritzel> any SoC reset does not affect the PMIC, so it keeps its configuration, both the bus mode and all the voltages
<tokyovigilante> well, its a vendor BSP with a custom userspace, but it should just be booting into the os
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<tokyovigilante> ah right
<tokyovigilante> so pull the power and battery?
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<tokyovigilante> yup that worked, phew
<apritzel> can you disconnect the battery easily?
<tokyovigilante> would have been a long wait for shipping for another one
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<tokyovigilante> yeah I haven't actually had it in, just running off USB-C while I'm fiddling
<tokyovigilante> off to work so will get back into it later
<apritzel> cool, see you on the other side - of the night and globe ;-)
<apritzel> will try to post the AXP additions
<tokyovigilante> thanks, ciao
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<apritzel> that's the conservative version, with the voltages kept on the low side, until we have confirmation from a running BSP system
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<Syter> A series of T113 chip just released, So I updated the wiki, but there's still a lot of data to be collected. And I got some T113M4020DC0 chip for testing.
<Syter> Looks like they use the new naming rule for the new chip as {CHIPNAME}MXXXXXX
<tokyovigilante> apritzel: nice, thanks. Will try that with any changes from debugfs
<tokyovigilante> that's /sys/kernel/debug/regulator/regulator_summary
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<tokyovigilante> apritzel: Have run with your latest DT changes, MMC slots being IDed properly now, wifi not yet working but will rebuild kernel with modules and see if that helps
<tokyovigilante> card detect looks ok:
<tokyovigilante> PF6: input: 0 [x] (card in)
<tokyovigilante> PF6: input: 1 [x] (card out)
<tokyovigilante> hmm maybe only for first slot
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<mkazantsev> I asked earlier about a problem I was having with a T113 Display Engine, blueish and greenish colors on the display, well I tracked it down to mixer1. For some reason turning it off (it's enabled by default) fixes the colors.
<mkazantsev> However if I disable mixer1 in the device tree, I can still get the wrong colors, and then I need to turn the mixer1 ON to fix them
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<mkazantsev> I don't know what's happening in there or why toggling mixer1 affects my mixer0->tcon lcd output, but anyway JFYI if anyone has the same issue
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<apritzel> tokyovigilante: ah, thanks for the dump, exactly what I was hoping for!
<apritzel> well, at least it gives the voltages, we don't know about the consumers get, but I guess we can figure this out by trial and error
<apritzel> also with the card detect: you can delete the broken-cd line for mmc0, and uncomment the cd-gpios line
<apritzel> I guess we need to keep broken-cd for the second slot, that's also what the vendor DT had
<apritzel> for the WiFi: please uncomment the min and max voltages for cldo4 (I was a bit wary of blasting 3.3V on that rail without confirmation)
<apritzel> machinehum: some new information about T113 versions in the wiki ...
<Jookia> what is it with allwinner and genuinely seeming to hate consistent versioning?
<apritzel> Jookia: every customer gets their personally named chip!!!
<apritzel> (for an extra fee you can even choose the colour)
<gamiee> aprtizel: what??? color? :D
<Syter> yes. you can buy a die from it and make a sip chip with fpga die XD
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<gamiee> lol
<machinehum> apritzel: Oh nice
<machinehum> Thanks
<machinehum> That table looks new :)
<apritzel> machinehum: kudos go to syter for digging this out ...
<gamiee> syter : so you are GloomyGhost :) good to know you're here :)
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<KREYREN_oftc> Is there a way to get MPV to use CEDRUS?
* KREYREN_oftc would like to watch streamio on his teres
<KREYREN_oftc> (the wiki only mentions VLC and it wasn't updated in a long time)
<KREYREN_oftc> It seems that pinephone uses mpv with cedrus without issues? So it should work on teres too
<diego71> KREYREN_oftc: on debian is done automaticaly
<diego71> *automagicaly :)
<KREYREN_oftc> diego71, interesting i didn't have CEDRUS compiled in on nixos yet so experimenting with it
<KREYREN_oftc> and i didn't play with it a lot on armbian and other distros
<libv> i am going to remove top level howto references to the legacy kernel and u-boot
<libv> i am not going to remove the information from the wiki altogether, just do not want to confuse people with something that should not be used anymore
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<KREYREN_oftc> fraolt, any chance your display patch causing teres to have huge battery drain?
<KREYREN_oftc> (gentoo maintainer of teres reports teres lasting few hours on new kernel)
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<thecheofusi> hi everyone
<Jookia> hi
<thecheofusi> What reasons could explain fdbdev emulation successfully creating an fbdev device ('fb0: sun4i-drmdrmfb frame buffer device' in dmesg), but no corresponding /dev/fb0 device showing up.
<jakllsch> udev problems?
<thecheofusi> I'm having this problem on the t113-s3 with 6.6.20
<Jookia> did a previous kernel work?
<thecheofusi> jakllsch: In my experience this has always been taken care of by devtmpfs.
<mripard> thecheofusi: can you share your logs?
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<thecheofusi> mripard:
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<mripard> yeah, that's definitely weird
<thecheofusi> With CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE, I'm able to see the logs on the connected panel. But still no /dev/fb0...
<mripard> is there an fb1?
<thecheofusi> Nope
<thecheofusi> No fbx
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<apritzel> libv: sounds good, and thanks for cleaning up the wiki, much appreciated
<fraolt> KREYREN_oftc: Do you mean the latest version I submitted on Monday?
<fraolt> The only functional difference compared to v2 is that it now has the GPU pinned to 432 MHz.
<fraolt> That could of course have an impact on power consumption.
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<wens> apritzel: ^
<KREYREN_oftc> fraolt, will check, as reported it seems to have a huge impact on battery life
<KREYREN_oftc> allegedly from at least 2 days of battery life to few hours
<apritzel> wens: ah, I see. Sadly those SoM solutions are always a bit on the pricey side ...
<wens> this one seems ok-ish
<wens> still higher than average sunxi boards
<Jookia> KREYREN_oftc: can you power the board from USB or a power supply? maybe you could measure the current
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, i don't have the affected kernel atm i am currently working on documenting the kernel modules and recovering from rotavirus tbh
<KREYREN_oftc> So mostly trying to get info to khumarahn (gentoo maintainer) for him to diagnose until i am available (in like 4 days probably)
<Jookia> oof, get well soon
<KREYREN_oftc> ye i feel much better i slept for 4 days it was great
<KREYREN_oftc> :D
<libv> i am currently reworking the u-boot support status:
<libv> just going through the motions of bringing up the lamobo r1 and fixing up the annoyances and inconsistencies i see in the wiki
<libv> i added the tooltip extension to allow people to hover over elements in the table
<libv> i will add some hidesection extension to be able to hide this table when the page gets loaded, but so that people can open up this info with a simple click
<apritzel> libv: nice one! Can you change "UART console" to something like "basic support"?
<apritzel> libv: why hiding it? It's not that big, and it's good info, isn't it?
<libv> it's going to grow, and i currently have only done half the table
<libv> also, most of the work is done by templates now, making it much much easier to read and adjust.
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<fraolt> <KREYREN_oftc> "allegedly from at least 2 days..." <- oh no! Do you have a bugzilla link or sth?
<fraolt> Get well soon!
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<KREYREN_oftc> fraolt, nope testing that atm might be a gentoo-related issue as well just trying to get data atm
<KREYREN_oftc> the linked kernel lore is sufficient for context :p
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<KREYREN_oftc> gentoo seems to in general have a worse battery life e.g. on nixos i usually get with teres over a week and gentoo is struggling with pulling 2 days
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<Jookia> are you using systemd on gentoo?
<fraolt> Okay, good to know. Good luck tracking the issue down. Let me know, if I can help. :)
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, they are using systemd on gentoo afaik
<Jookia> maybe they have something else going on, like wireless
<KREYREN_oftc> fraolt, what was the previous GPU frequency? (I don't have an easy way to compare the previous patch rn)
<KREYREN_oftc> Jookia, i have wireless almost always enabled
<KREYREN_oftc> where for me freecad seems to eat the most i can get closer to 5 days of use that way
<KREYREN_oftc> well more like 4 depending on the freecad project
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<fraolt> I changed from 120, 312, 432 to 192, 312, 432. With the latest version only 432 MHz remains.
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<apritzel> libv: the tooltips are really neat!
<apritzel> libv: btw: how does the status box actually work? For once I figured that the "headers" entry is not shown at all
<apritzel> and also I wanted to add a "PMIC" entry, since that is crucial information for upstream support and the to-be-created DT
<libv> it's just a mediawiki table
<libv> which are pretty crude
<libv> i was looking into adding a NAND column
<libv> since i turned the table 90degrees, it is now much easier to edit
<libv> we currently have 6 columns, which are defined in the first row (at the start)
<libv> does PMIC add functionality that a random user would care about?
<libv> because that should be the bar for adding this info or not
<libv> is pmic not covered by "Basic support"?
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<apritzel> libv: sorry, I am not talking about the U-Boot table, but about the info box in the board pages
<libv> oh, also a template
<libv> or should be...
<apritzel> although even for U-Boot PMIC support is crucial these days: on modern boards no DRAM setup and CPU frequency setting without a SPL PMIC driver, and typically no Ethernet, HDMI and maybe USB without a PMIC proper driver
<libv> lists all templates
<apritzel> ah, that's it, thanks!
<apritzel> regarding PMIC in U-Boot: I might add a column to the "AXP PMICs" page, since it's separate from the actual SoCs
<libv> yeah, sounds good