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<tokyovigilante> have tested what I think is the DCDC3 line on the RG35XX+ before and after runnning the u-boot SPL, and getting -0.01v with power on but before running SPL, and a very reproducible 1.109v after, so it looks like it is being set ok
<tokyovigilante> However the mystery of why it is then not loading the TF module deepens
<apritzel> tokyovigilante: ah, good, thanks for checking that
<apritzel> I am on the run, but can give you some instructions later how to move BSS to SRAM, which should make the SPL return to FEL
<apritzel> then you can use "sunxi-fel readl" and friends to probe memory and dump registers
<tokyovigilante> sounds good, thanks
<tokyovigilante> at least we have a more-or-less working AXP717 driver
<Jookia> okay, i've decided before i finish my audio patches i'm going to try tying in another DIN channel so i can read two codecs at once :)
<Jookia> It will be interesting to see how far I can push the chip with handling 16 input channels. Maybe I can get to 24
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<apritzel> tokyovigilante: speaking of AXP717: do you or macromorgan have anything for Linux already? I have the regulator and minimum MFD bits, which should make it boot, but cannot test it (yet)
<apritzel> the AXP717 does much more though: GPIOs/IRQs, power key, battery charging, power supply, plus the entirely new USB-C part, but I think we can add those later
<tokyovigilante> not at all sorry, I think macromorgan has more experience with the other Anbernic devices so hoping he can help more with the linux part. Yeah the charging aspect is obv. quite complex
<apritzel> well, it's technically complex, but mostly done in hardware, and I think since we support battery charging on other AXP chips already, that's mostly a copy&paste exercise, with some glance into the datasheet
<apritzel> the USB-C part is completely new to AXPs, so that's more work
<apritzel> but from what I saw it only covers role switch and analogue audio, plus notifications. I didn't spot anything PD related, really
<apritzel> so I guess it's 5V only, or handled entirely internally, so shouldn't interfere with the whole charging aspect, really
<apritzel> at least that's my hope from looking at the three USB type-C related registers in the datasheet
<apritzel> the regulator part is absolutely crucial for even getting booted to a prompt, so we will need that ASAP
<apritzel> I will clean up the patches and put them on my github later
<apritzel> tokyovigilante: after "make ..._defconfig", try: "scripts/config --set-val CONFIG_SPL_BSS_START_ADDR 0x30000 --set-val CONFIG_SPL_BSS_MAX_SIZE 0x8000"
<apritzel> That should move the BSS into SRAM. If you then do "sunxi-fel spl spl/sunxi-spl.bin", it should ideally return from FEL after the DRAM init, so you can issue further FEL commands
<apritzel> at least that seems to work here on an OrangePi Zero3
<apritzel> tokyovigilante: if you see sunxi-fel return, you should try to write to DRAM and read that back, for instance with sunxi-fel's write and read commands
<apritzel> it that hangs, it's definitely a DRAM issue. Other thing I can imagine is that some bits are either stuck or redirected, which you might be able to spot in the read-back data
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<libv> so an employee of incircuit gmbh removed my rant about their crappy treatment of the open source work they depend on
<gamiee> libv : huh? what happened
<gamiee> loool after that long time
<libv> locking down that page.
<libv> it took them 8 years to add upstream support.
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<apritzel> libv: did you trip over a wire after editing the wiki? ;-) Seems to be down ...