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<apritzel> well, careful with those forum threads: this one is twelve years old, and talks about v2.6.37, potentially even a TI vendor kernel ...
<IlikeTech> yeah, this is exactly the behavior I'm seeing unfortunately though
<apritzel> I see, maybe that's one of the reasons AW added an extra HCI controller for USB0, to not rely on the MUSB host mode
<IlikeTech> yeah, I found a much more recent thread describing the same issue
<IlikeTech> in a 4.19 kernel
<IlikeTech> so it seems like this may just be the behavior of the musb driver for the ancient USB controller IP
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<sdfgsdfs> btw, thanks apritzel. it's just kind of weird not having any indicator for power on; the red LED means something different. I can't tell if it's not started up or if it failed to boot and fell back into FEL mode
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<sdfgsdfs> the armbian image actually has an MBR with the first boot partition pointing at uboot... lol... FEL handles that I guess?
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<junari> It looks like the AW has released a new twin T527 for TV boxes
<junari> Only 225 RMB or ~30$ for the 4/32 version
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<apritzel> junari: oh yeah, please get one, we need help with the DRAM support ;-)
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<junari> apritzel: I plan to buy something from this cpu family, but it will happen in about two months
<junari> By that time you will have already done all the work... And I will come to everything ready =D
<apritzel> junari: well, in the past all the new DRAM work was done either by you or jernej, so don't count on me ;-)
<apritzel> I have now the Avaota A1 (also T527), and it's so much better to have a dev board with FEL and reset button and serial ...
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<sdfgsdfs> I am sorry but is it just me or is uboot completely ridiculous
<sdfgsdfs> why does a bootloader have wget
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<ad__> hi was trying to figure out whi, with mainline kernel, there is no PA4 available for H2+
<ad__> cecking cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio, strangely, enumeraion jump as PA3 to PA5
<ad__> gpio-3 is PA3, while gpio-4 is PA5
<ad__> cannot figure out where the enumeration is done e why PA4 is skipped
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<apritzel> ad__: isn't PA4 used for the UART?
<ad__> apritzel: i disabled uart0 (PA4, PA5) since i need PA5 (PWM). Would like to use PA4 too, but it's not listed at all