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<junari> gamiee: yes, I would be interested in working with avaota. But I don't have much time because of my full-time job. Also, I have to move to another country in the coming months
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<junari> apritzel: I have a long-standing idea to get a portable device on arm linux. And it should be CHEAP. Right now I have a rg35xxh and I understand that the cpu and gpu are a bit weak and the screen is too small to run farcry :D A tablet with a523 should be perfect for this
<junari> I'm not a gamer at all, but this is a sporting interest
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<apritzel> gamiee: I measure only 4.6V on the (unloaded!) Avaota-A1 5V VBUS rail. Is this a known issue? My PCB says v1.3, I see v1.6 already mentioned the AvaotaSBC github, so has this been fixed meanwhile?
<gamiee_> apritzel : seems so, also Jernej noticed changes as well. I will try to get some more info
<apritzel> tokyovigilante (and anyone with A523/T527): I posted a PR for sunxi-fel, please have a look and test, if possible:
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<apritzel> I guess this also brings up the question of how to partition the SRAM among the various users: FEL, SPL, TF-A, crust (smaeul?). If anyone has any thoughts, I would be happy to hear them. Find details in the second commit message
<gamiee> apritzel: is there any plan that crust would support new RISC-V power management core?
<apritzel> gamiee: I have no idea, it has been pretty quiet around crust in the last year or so. I definitely have enough on my plate already, so surely have to bail out here.
<apritzel> we just need to figure out the allocation now-ish, to avoid awful compatibility issues in the future, when sunxi-fel, U-Boot and TF-A are stepping on each other's toes
<apritzel> there is plenty of SRAM for the E906 (SRAM A3, plus 128K of SRAM A1), so I guess any management firmware will have less issues here
<gamiee> Makes sense. I was just curious if there were already some plans to have riscv core support.
<gamiee> And yeah, would be good to design good layout now.
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<macromorgan> I'm wondering if this is true in the reddit article if it means the safest path forward for mainline is to just set the device as a peripherial port and leave it that way...
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<apritzel> macromorgan: only skimmed over so far, but that confirms that the AXP CC pins are not connected, right? At least not without a modification?
<macromorgan> correct
<macromorgan> which matches my testing with USB-C devices not detecting squat on the AXP717
<apritzel> macromorgan: the Avaota-A1 board I just got has an AXP717 too, but doesn't connect the CC pins either :-(
<macromorgan> ugg... seriously people designing these things like to take shortcuts that make no sense
<apritzel> well, in this case it's a dev board without a battery, but it would have been nice to test the USB-C capabilities of the AXP, and be it for OTG connections
<apritzel> macromorgan: is there any indication where that reddit author got the schematic from? ;-)
<macromorgan> they did it the hard way, meaning that's their representation of what they see on the board
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<apritzel> ah, I see, was afraid of that ...
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