<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#458](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/63/builds/458) of `ath79/tiny` failed.
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<Grommish> neggles: ping.. Do you have an armv7 device to test with by chance?
<neggles> Grommish: I have many devices and at least three or four are that
<Grommish> neggles: Ok.. I'm building out a test toolchain for armv7-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi to test with
<neggles> (I still don’t think you need any more than one toolchain/tuple for all the variants but I haven’t had time to dig into that)
<Grommish> neggles: Wouldn't be the first time.. I get it working wrong, then get it working right, then make it pretty :D
<Grommish> I'll get back to you when this is done if it works
<neggles> it also feels like enabling rust should be in the host toolchain options? not target language support?
<Grommish> neggles: Eventually maybe, but it's hard enough to get any traction as is
<Grommish> neggles: I build out LLVM for each target (libc and clang) during the rust compile.. I dunno why it couldn't eventually be re-integrated
<Grommish> neggles: But, that's for later
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<Grommish> neggles: If you could think of an easy to tell hard-float from soft-float on arm targets?
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<neggles> Grommish: sorry i got distracted by desoldering eMMCs from femtocells
<neggles> hey, Qualcomm? Why do these all run android?
<Grommish> neggles: Ok, so.. question, can I filter out arm targets for hardfloat but the FEATURES fpu
<neggles> yes, with the exception of 4 subtargets that are missing it
<neggles> easy enough to fix
<neggles> and it's not like anything breaks if `fpu` is missing from FEATURES
<Grommish> neggles: I started with armv7-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi.. there is also a muslgnueabihf target.. if I see a FEATURES fpu, I can safely set hf?
<neggles> yes
<Grommish> the regular defaults to +soft-float
<neggles> also isn't it just muslabihf
<Grommish> Not according to the build system
<Grommish> *shrug*
<Grommish> I use what it gives me because it's esay to just call the file whatever than think to hard on it
<Grommish> I don't know the ABI conventions, so.
<Grommish> Is there an armv7 target that is soft-float?
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<neggles> Grommish: yes, many of them
<neggles> armv7 covers all cortex-*
<neggles> well
<neggles> a7 a9 a8 a15
<Grommish> neggles: So i just picked a HF target sigh
<neggles> the 32-bit cortex-As, and not all of those have FPU
<Grommish> If I key to FEATURE:=fpu as a way to send those to HF and the rest to SF, then that'll solve most of the issues
<Grommish> Or CONFIG_HAS_FPU?
<Grommish> Anyone know if that is consistent?
<neggles> should be, I imagine it's looking for 'fpu' in FEATURES :P
<neggles> also, uh,
<neggles> RUST_COMMOM_ARGS <-- i suspect this should be RUST_COMMON_ARGS
<Grommish> neggles: Probably, also: ifeq ($(findstr $(FEATURES), fpu),fpu)
<neggles> and, `Makefile:183: WARNING: skipping rust -- package has no install section` thought that might happen
<Grommish> No install section is for packages
<Grommish> My PR is HOST_ONLY:=1 to avoid those errors
<neggles> i applied your pr to this tree :P
<Grommish> I never said it was updated ;p
<Grommish> but it should be HOST_ONLY for usre
<neggles> technically i have just applied HEAD of the rust branch
<neggles> on the itusshield/openwrtr repo
<neggles> I am trying to just get it to build rustc :P
<Grommish> Oh, no.. not that
<Grommish> you want to rust branch then
<Grommish> not the Itus-shield/rust
<Grommish> err you want Itus-shield/rust
<neggles> that one
<Grommish> Hey, at least I was consistent in my spelling errors
<neggles> i probably need to tell it to build something else, also this package doesn't need to depend on python3-yaml / python3 / etc
<neggles> they're not necessary to run rust binaries on the target
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<bobsy> ahoy-hoy
<Grommish> Maybe, but they have InstallDev calls that need to be done
<bobsy> \x: ru any good at creating packages?
<Grommish> They are there because they error without it
<Grommish> I had nothing to base this Makefile on
<\x> bobsy: way above my paygrade man, im mostly a hardware guy sorry.
<Grommish> but, it was early and I'm always willing to pull it out and test
<neggles> you should not need to be depending on any _target_ packages to build and install this toolchain
<\x> you have to wait for robimarko here for ipq60xx chit-chat
<bobsy> if i use git as pkg_source where do i derive the the version hash and the mirror_hash from?
<Grommish> neggles: true. Let me get this workign and then we can break it?
<bobsy> \x: yeah cool
<\x> bobsy: actually back then i even asked here on how to enable nvme support as i didnt know that make kernel_menuconfig thing hehe
<neggles> they need to be installed on whatever's building the image, sure
<Grommish> neggles: It takes so long to compile I'll break them after I'm sure they work :D
<bobsy> i'd love a hand creating this package if anyone can hlep
<Grommish> So, do me a solid and comment that on the PR?
<\x> bobsy: have you gotten the board to boot?
<\x> with your own compiled fw
<bobsy> \x: no but i have it ready to flash
<\x> yeah better wait as if something happens youll have to do some recovery work, and its kinda hard to recover and write on nand
<\x> if its spi nor then you can just backup with a cheap flasher
<bobsy> yeah i'd rather spend my time working on this package so that depending on what route we/i go with the firmware there is the packages ready for the task at hand
<neggles> bobsy: version hash = git commit hash, mirror hash = sha256sum of the tarball of that commit https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-developer/packages#buildpackage_variables
<\x> this is that guy https://github.com/robimarko
<\x> neggles: bobsy is like trying to boot and maybe compile for an ipq60xx board, so yeah, idk what to say heh
<neggles> while doing dev stuff i suggest you skip the PKG_MIRROR_HASH and just specify a git source and commit hash
<neggles> what package are you attempting to build
<bobsy> any assistance would be greatly appreciated
<neggles> heh
<bobsy> i've done plenty of bsd ports in the past, but over a decade ago
<neggles> you're gonna have some trouble with that, since you can't hook anything that's not been approved by google/helium inc. up as an actual proof-of-coverage miner as of yet
<neggles> but
<bobsy> so i get the gist of it but its been so long
<neggles> suggest you get the device working before you try to add this :P
<neggles> what *is* the device
<\x> you can probably try another target first, like the nearest target
<bobsy> neggles: well i have compiled an image to flash
<\x> ipq60xx is aarch64 so you build for that, statically.
<bobsy> its a wallys_dr6018_v4
<\x> thats what i did when i built dropbear for my ont
<\x> i built for an armv7l thingy, and it worked
<\x> i had to tweak the makefile to make it static but yeah dropbear is like real easy
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<bobsy> neggles: define approved?
<neggles> you can't get proof-of-coverage, even on a light node, without going through that process ^ only earnings for data transferred
<bobsy> omg
<bobsy> thanks
<bobsy> i wasn't aware of that
<bobsy> what a rigmaroll
<neggles> I was pretty disappointed when I found out, the process is pretty intense
<neggles> it makes sense though
<neggles> it would be too easy to fake
<bobsy> guess im going to face the same problem with the LoRa hat's i bought for the rpi's too then hey
<neggles> yeah you can't get proof-of-coverage rewards
<neggles> only data transfer rewards
<bobsy> christ almighty
<bobsy> skem
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<neggles> there will be much cheaper ways to get proof-of-coverage in the next couple of months as lite nodes become an option
<neggles> but even those have to be approved
<neggles> atm the cheapest PoC-enabled node I can find is the heltec M2808 @ US$500
<bobsy> yeah
<bobsy> im in no condition to be reading those documents you linked me right now
<bobsy> i glanced over them
<bobsy> hrmm
<bobsy> so the manufafturer themselves have to do the application?
<neggles> correct
<bobsy> wallys, or qca?
<bobsy> in this scenario
<neggles> it would need to be whoever wants to make and sell a helium gateway
<neggles> it has to be A Helium Gateway not "a dev board"
<bobsy> wot if that happens to be me
<bobsy> using that equipment
<bobsy> can i make the application?
<neggles> if you have several thousand dollars to spend, sure
<bobsy> you're kidding
<bobsy> what a skem
<neggles> application fee US$500, KYC checks US$1500, HW audit US$3000, radio certification US$2000
<bobsy> you're saying i have to pay for an application?
<bobsy> what a joke
<neggles> you also have to get FCC certification
<bobsy> yawn
<neggles> they're doing this properly, because they have to
<bobsy> yeah
<neggles> bite the bullet and buy a $500 node, or wait a couple months for the first lite nodes to hit the market
<neggles> should be more like $200
<bobsy> well, i'll just resort to another valium for now and go watch WW3 start on TV
<neggles> you can still set up a gateway with DIY hardware
<bobsy> right
<bobsy> ok
<bobsy> and?
<neggles> and it will work, and if anyone uses it for data they'll pay you
<bobsy> right
<neggles> you just don't get paid for having it in the first place / covering an uncovered area
<bobsy> uh
<bobsy> i see
<bobsy> hmm
<neggles> (which is the overwhelming majority of the payout)
<bobsy> bah humbug
<bobsy> why did you mention google?
<bobsy> what association does google have with helium?
<neggles> because google run helium
<bobsy> oh well then
<neggles> they *created* it
<bobsy> i'm going to go punch someone in the face then
<neggles> it's not governed by them, but they're the ones throwing all the money into making it be A Thing
<bobsy> yeh ok
<neggles> also, ipq6000 is way too new to be supported until we bump openwrt to the next kernel revision
<bobsy> okj
<neggles> you can probably get it to *work*
<neggles> but you won't get wifi
<bobsy> so what are the chances of this board ever being a miner?
<bobsy> not with ath11k?
<neggles> a PoC miner? never. a regular old gateway node? should be easy, just compile the miner for the firmware I assume the OEM provided
<neggles> which is no doubt based on QSDK's Not-OpenWrt
<bobsy> hrmm
<slh64> Grommish: by convention and agreement between ARM and distributions, ARMv7 is hardfloat (only) - that didn't prevent at least one vendor to omit an fpu... (no idea if OpenWrt supports any of those)
<\x> bobsy: even the chinese when using ipq60xx they still dont use wifi
<bobsy> neggles: i gtg punch something, i'll be back later to talk rationally about it
<\x> it has some memory issues iirc
<neggles> ath11k is a dumpster fire
<\x> but they say its real good for wired routing and encryption/tunneling
<bobsy> oh right
<neggles> you can make it work just fine if you essentially transplant the QSDK kernel and drivers over
<Grommish> slh64: Interesting.. There is a native armv7_unknown_linux_musleabi for +soft-float which is why i was asking
<bobsy> i have the board running with the firmware that came with it
<\x> ipq60xx is a hit on china as its a cheap way to tunnel 500Mbps++ for them
<bobsy> seems so-so
<neggles> `uname -a` ?
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<\x> see
<\x> this is a 20$ device that allows them to tunnel 800Mbps++
<\x> even acwifi owner moved to ipq60xx for his tunneling needs
<neggles> yeah so this is the same problem we run into with ath11k on absolutely everything
<Grommish> slh64: But, as long as CONFIG_HAS_FPU is set to y,it'll select HF for a target
<neggles> 256MiB of RAM is just not enough to run ath11k + full-feature NSS
<\x> neggles: yup, they say you need 512MB minimum and its like its still tight in there
<bobsy> yeah i rerally cant have this discussion right now loaded up on all sorts of meds
<bobsy> and majorly triggered
<bobsy> ill bbl
<neggles> cya
<bobsy> (;
<neggles> \x: there is a profile for running ath11k in a mode that only eats 64? 32?MiB for itself - half what the current minimum is - but it only just barely made it into 5.15 and iirc it's kinda broken
<neggles> classic qca.
<slh64> Grommish: the general purpose distros stick to the convention and treat ARMv7 as hardfloat (and ARMv6 or earlier as softfloat) - meaning the softfloat ARMv7 devices remain generally unsupported
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<Grommish> slh64: Gotcha.. Well, it'll support it should it ever have a target that rquires it.. the code is the same with or without.. it's a single extra check. Someone was asking about armv5 support, so I might as well include it
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<Grommish> and I guess there are armv6 targets?
<\x> neggles: yup, memory profiles theyre called iirc
<slh64> Grommish: the 1st gen RPi and 1st gen RPi-0 are ARMv6+hardfloat
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<neggles> ARM1176JZF-S
<neggles> the F means FPU :P vfpv3 specifically
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<PaulFertser> svanheule: hey. Do you probably have any hints regarding flashing with external programmer without desoldering the chip? I tried "barely" powering it via the programmer, and tried powering all the board the normal way while keeping SoC's reset line low but all failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#464](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/16/builds/464) of `ath79/mikrotik` failed.
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<PaulFertser> svanheule: I suspect I might have miswired something or missed some detail but I have no idea if rtl838x when kept in reset allows to talk to the flash freely or not. Would be nice to have some confirmation.
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<neggles> PaulFertser: it depends on whether the SoC tri-states its SPI pins or not when held in reset; sounds like it's not
<neggles> (ofc svanheule will know whether that is the case :P)
<PaulFertser> neggles: indeed, that's my current guess. But probably I'm doing something else wrong.
<f00b4r0> you mean, besides trying to flash in-circuit? :->
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* f00b4r0 hides
<PaulFertser> f00b4r0: flashing in-circuit is fine if there's a known way to tristate the SoC pins. Sometimes it's enough to desolder just flash Vcc.
<neggles> PaulFertser: the other day I thought of something and suggested it to someone; if you can lift the VCC pin of the chip off the board, and slip a piece of kapton tape (or paper) under it to isolate it from the pad on the board, then attach spi clip, that may work
<f00b4r0> PaulFertser: it's not "fine". It *can* work, but it's never "fine". You're exposing the SOC's pins to voltage while the SoC isn't powered. That is not fine.
<neggles> that's what ESD protection diodes are for, it's fiiiiiiiiiiiiine
<f00b4r0> heh :D
<neggles> there's not enough supply current from an spi programmer to make a difference anyways
<PaulFertser> f00b4r0: yes, that's why I prefer to power the target board normally and make SoC tristate its pins.
<f00b4r0> *nod*
<neggles> personally I just pull the chip off and chuck it in a ZIF socket
<PaulFertser> neggles: yes, that worked for me. This SO16 flash has Vcc not exactly at the edge, so it's not as easy to lift without damaging anything.
<neggles> ah, 16-pin, ew
<neggles> if you lift the CS pin and keep it high at power-on, the SoC should fail to boot and *might* just sit there spinning forever... more likely to keep resetting and trying to access the chip
<PaulFertser> neggles: even though I do not remember blowing anything off boards I still hesitate a bit. Guess I'll just go for it if svanheule doesn't encourage me to recheck something else.
<f00b4r0> neggles: I was wondering if letting the SoC boot to bootloader and stop there would be enough. The bootloader idling shouldn't touch the SPI bus, should it?
<f00b4r0> oh
<f00b4r0> silly me
<neggles> PaulFertser: you don't need hot air, not really - and the secret to not blowing things off the board is to reduce your flow rate :P i got *so much better* at hot air use once i turned it down from "8" to ~3.5-4
<neggles> but, wick off as much of the existing solder as you can, then re-apply some leaded solder (tiny bit), apply more flux than seems reasonable, away you go
<f00b4r0> ^
<PaulFertser> neggles: yeah, I never blow at full speed when desoldering (only when preheating polyurethane glue or some other unrelated activities)
<neggles> lead-free solder is the bane of any hobbyist's existence
<PaulFertser> neggles: last time I was desoldering (that was a micro-USB socket from a tablet) I just applied the flux, didn't bother adding leaded solder to the pins, worked fine.
<neggles> it depends on what specific kind of solder they've used, some of it melts at stupidly high temperatures
<f00b4r0> neggles: it's the bane of modern electronics :(
<Grommish> neggles: I think I may have the armv7 arch settled, but I'm sure there will be outliers. I'm gong to check in the monring if it finsihes.. armv7 takes a lot longer than mips hehe.. 5 hours vs 3.5-5 for mips64. If it works, I'll ping you?
<neggles> e.g. the airspan airunity 587 i dismantled earlier? that stuff doesn't melt till it hits almost 325C
<neggles> it's insane
<f00b4r0> ouch
<neggles> getting the eMMCs off that board was *unpleasant*
<Grommish> neggles: sharp chisel and a whiskey and you'll be alright
<neggles> PaulFertser: i just wick off / reflow leaded because it lets me use a much lower air temp, so less risk of board damage and more time to get it 'right'
<aiyion> is "crypt" an openwrt tool? if so, which pokg does it belong to?
<neggles> one of those $60 hot air guns everyone uses, set to 325C, flow rate 4/10, doesn't take but a minute to loosen up an 8-pin, 16 takes a bit longer
<neggles> aiyion: i believe it is part of coreutils/busybox
<aiyion> thanks
<f00b4r0> neggles: then again, what the temp accuracy of these things? I eventually invested in a proper Weller rework station, that changed my life. That and a good scope.
<neggles> the hot air gun? calibrated against my FLIR E8, it's within 5-10 degrees
<f00b4r0> not bad
<neggles> considering you can make a bigger difference by moving it <1cm, it's close enough
<f00b4r0> *nod*
<neggles> Grommish: you jest, but i did end up using a paint scraper to clean the passives off the underside where the eMMC is so I could put my tiny hotplate under it to pre-heat...
<neggles> I worked out the insanity of this solder when the hotplate hit 300C and held it for over a minute without anything on the top coming loose.. had to heat from both sides, with the pencil set to 420
<neggles> u n p l e a s a n t.
<neggles> but the chip survived and i got a clean dump so mission accomplished
<f00b4r0> risky, too.
<Grommish> neggles: Jest? Tsk.. You just need a sharp chishel and a dead-blow hammer and a cliean strike.. you can do eet!
<neggles> *that* is how you tear all the pads off the bottom of the eMMC :P
<neggles> the connection from ball to PCB is stronger than ball to chip
<neggles> f00b4r0: yeah, this one was already trash - they glued one of the m.2 cards into the thing and i accidentally tore several pads off while trying to loosen it... - so i don't care what happens to the board
<neggles> also they cost about US$30 at the moment
<f00b4r0> heh :)
<neggles> and i have two more
<neggles> and five of the t-mobile/alcatel femtos. getting the eMMC off one of those is going to be "fun"... they underfilled it
<Grommish> My hands aren't steady enough for that kinda stuff, unfortuneately. :/
<neggles> *de*soldering BGAs is easy, don't need steady hands for that
<neggles> it's reballing and resoldering that's hard
<f00b4r0> i have a "retired" alcatel 3G femto here, i should probably take a look at what can be salvaged in there
<neggles> nothing.
<f00b4r0> ok :)
<neggles> well, there will be an 8-16MB SPI NOR, buried in plastic
<neggles> plasticky-siliconey polyurethane potting compound which just, does not come off nicely
<f00b4r0> yeah I know exactly what you're talking about :(
<neggles> and depending on whether it's the gen1 or gen2 model, a TSOP-56 or BGA-something parallel CFI NAND of 128 or 256MiB
<ynezz> aparcar: pls don't forget to change status of the applied patches in patchwork, thanks
<neggles> gen1 contains one of my fav little chips, the picochip pc302, but unlike AT&T, alcatel-lucent actually enabled secure boot
<neggles> jerks.
<neggles> fused off the JTAG, too. (AT&T did not)
<neggles> been meaning to get around to building a custom distro for the DPH-153, and/or digging through the software to find some way into the thing *without* JTAG
<neggles> but UMTS/HSDPA are lame, GSM and LTE/NR are where all the fun is
<f00b4r0> sounds non-trivial
<Grommish> HPSA+ still around and active?
<neggles> that'd be "3G"
<neggles> or "4G" if you're AT&T
<Grommish> HPSA+ is only for GSM.. CDMA for Sprint/TMo prior though.. But I thought they ended all 3G/Non-VoIP devices at least in the US
<neggles> not yet
<neggles> soon(tm)
<PaulFertser> f00b4r0: I'm happy enough with TS100 soldering iron and some cheap hotair in lukey station seems to work fine for the purpose.
<neggles> f00b4r0: ehhhh. the DPH-153 is an ip.access Nano3G with a weirdo ramips chip glued to the side of it (that doesn't do much). the actual hNodeB part of it is literally the nano3G firmware with a bunch of Cisco garbage attached to handle TR-069/autoprovisioning
<Grommish> *nod*
<enick_479> ynezz: uhm, which one did I forget?
<neggles> it was not super difficult to bamboozle u-boot into turning on the console, then delete some symlinks + add some entries to a script in the config partition (which the system runs on boot) to kill the cisco management stuff
<neggles> works quite well with osmocom
<neggles> but all in all it's quite a chore and what you end up with at the end is... meh
<neggles> these LTE femtos are much more interesting, even if they're *literally all goddamn QCA and literally running android*
<neggles> Grommish: happy to test whatever btw :P
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<Grommish> neggles: Appreciate it! I think I'll need to drop a separate .mk file as jow suggested for the environmental stuff, but not that big a deal
<neggles> stintel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT1EWteOpTc oooooooooo
<stintel> neggles: you would think these manufactures explicitly look for stuff that has no mainline linux support :/
<ynezz> enick_479: 4d904524effc9eb0cc5094574c55d3a520803223 IIRC
<neggles> stintel: the al32400 has mainline support
<neggles> it's 1/4 of an AWS Graviton and it's also the core of several QNAPs (and the regular CCR2004 routers)
<f00b4r0> sounds like an excellent attack vector against the host machine :)
<neggles> f00b4r0: not heard of DPUs eh?
<stintel> neggles: does it? git grep shows nothing
<neggles> search for 'annapurna' or 'alpine v2' / 'alpine v3'
<f00b4r0> neggles: I have. I also have heard of RouterOS 0-days :)
<neggles> looks like they've been having some trouble getting the patches accepted but they are sure as heck trying
<neggles> oh i was looking in the wrong part of the source tree
<neggles> alpine-v3 is the AWS Graviton, the AL32400 is the single-core-complex version, the AL73400 is the full 4x4-core
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<neggles> I have a couple of CCR2004s, should poke around and see if i can get openwrt running :P
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#466](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/41/builds/466) of `bcm27xx/bcm2708` completed successfully.
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<Lynx-> Is it possible to capture a PID in an init.d script in start() {...} and then use that PID in stop()?
<Lynx-> I tried PID=$! inside start() {..} but that failed
<robimarko> bobsy: I saw some IPQ60xx questions
<robimarko> Its kind of hard to piece it all together, can you summarize?
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<enick_479> robimarko: we’re think of a bounty for 60ghz support, would you be interested on the encryption part?
<robimarko> enick_479: Sorry but no, I had my go at it couple of years ago
<robimarko> BTW, are you aparcar?
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<neggles> robimarko: don't worry about it too much for now, his goal for the board (helium gateway/miner) is not possible
<stintel> ugh. people should stay away from that kind of crypto
<robimarko> Ok, I was interested cause I bet that its TIP again
<robimarko> Cant tell you how many people constantly point to TIP
<robimarko> Like, its supported by OpenWrt
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<PaulFertser> neggles: lifted Vcc, now the SoC isn't getting powered for sure, still flashing doesn't work, heh.
<neggles> PaulFertser: booo, sounds like it's got pretty strong pull-downs :(
<PaulFertser> neggles: or I'm pretty bad properly connecting everything to my TUMPA...
<neggles> PaulFertser: possibly, are you using a soic clip? or just solder-tagging wires directly to the pins?
<PaulFertser> neggles: clip
<neggles> double-checked your orientation & that the clip is actually contacting?
<PaulFertser> neggles: kinda. Should probably do it again. You know it's not the first time I connect an SPI NOR chip...
<neggles> PaulFertser: look, I figured, but if your clips are anything like mine, they don't care how many times you've used them :P
<PaulFertser> :D
<PaulFertser> neggles: don't get me wrong, your feedback is appreciated and actually helpful.
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<neggles> PaulFertser: I getcha :) i only mention b/c the number of times i've been caught out by something stupid like a misaligned clip after 30+min of troubleshooting...
<PaulFertser> neggles: yep
<neggles> PaulFertser: I keep trying to find better things to use for flash dumping, but I always end up back at CH341A + clip or https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32793054513.html one of these + flashrom
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<neggles> if just attaching the clip doesn't work, chip's coming off
<neggles> i've been known to bridge all the pins on a 16-pin with leaded solder & melt the whole puddle with my big angry JBC iron, lift one side at a time
<neggles> but i would not recommend
<neggles> it's weird that the SoC would be pulling down pins sufficiently to interfere, even when powered off, but I guess it's just down to how the ESD diodes etc. are configured
<neggles> f00b4r0's earlier comment, that once it's sitting in the bootloader console it shouldn't be accessing the flash at all, is a valid point - maybe reattach the chip's VCC, disconnect the VCC pin on your clip, boot to u-boot console, plug in your reader's USB, and try reading it out?
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<PaulFertser> neggles: if only I had u-boot console... Somehow UART got damaged, neither outputs nor inputs anything but device boots normally.
<PaulFertser> neggles: also, I think it's all pinmuxed to SPI at the very beginning, so the SoC will interfere in u-boot console.
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<PaulFertser> neggles: hot-aired it, still can't connect. Guess I need a break :)
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_tegra.html has been updated. (50.0% images and 98.2% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<enick_479> robimarko: yes matrix gives me a hard time
<neggles> PaulFertser: well. that's, not great
<neggles> it's gonna be something really dumb, it always is :P
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<PaulFertser> neggles: got it connected now, guess I confused myself by first trying to use JTAG interface and then switching to SPI header that's in parallel to the buffer but without properly disabling the buffer.
<neggles> PaulFertser: ah, yep, that'd do it - glad it's working now! (see! it _was_ something silly!)
<PaulFertser> neggles: yeah :)
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#471](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/65/builds/471) of `archs38/generic` completed successfully.
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<svanheule> PaulFertser: I've always taken off the flash chips and reinstalled them in a socket, if I wanted to flash them manually (as far as I remember)
<svanheule> neggles: I've never touched the SPI hardware on these realtek SoCs, and I don't even know if the GPIO pins can be tri-stated. But I appreciate that you thought I would have such a thorough understanding of these completely undocumented chips :P
<svanheule> (on second thought, configuring a GPIO as input would put it in a high impedance state...)
<PaulFertser> svanheule: thanks, I ended up desoldering and now I soldered it back, all fine so far.
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<neggles> svanheule: haha, I assumed PaulFertser was asking you for a reason and you might have checked what the state is in reset :P
<neggles> typically you tristate a pin by configuring it as an input and an output at the same time, with no pull-up or pull-down - tho on most SoCs and modern MCUs there’s an explicit “output driver disable”
<PaulFertser> neggles: yes, I basically assumed that someone has already tried flashing rtl838x-based boards without desoldering and their experience might be useful for my case.
<svanheule> neggles: that feature is something I've only seen on the RTL8231. The SoC itself appears to have some drive strength/slew rate control bits, but that's about it (not that I've hooked up a scope to see what these do)
<PaulFertser> neggles: no, tri-stating is usually "input" and "no pulls".
<svanheule> PaulFertser: I think Birger uses a clip to dump/flash his devices. Can't remember doing that myself though
<PaulFertser> svanheule: thank you. BTW, did you see in backlog that I have a SoC here with damaged UART? Apparently I mixed up the wiring being tired on Friday evening a week ago, and as the result device's Tx is stuck at ~2.5 V and Rx doesn't seem to be getting any data, I couldn't stop it by pressing Escape. That's the reason I was reflashing the memory directly.
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<svanheule> PaulFertser: ah no, missed that while I skimmed through the backog :( What device did you break?
<PaulFertser> svanheule: dgs-1210-10 (non-PoE) R1
<svanheule> PaulFertser: if that's the same board as the F1, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't have any input protection. Surely I've mixed up RX/TXT pins in the past, but (luckily) all my consoles still work
<PaulFertser> svanheule: yeah, it's the first time I see UART break, probably this Realtek is really sensitive.
<PaulFertser> svanheule: another possibility is of course ESD.
<PaulFertser> btw, I was surprised to see non-PoE version to have seriously different layout but seemingly identical software-wise.
<Grommish> Anyone running a armv7-hf device that wants to test to see if this draws a pretty fractal or just SIGILLs?
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<stintel> lol I just reduced my M300 image build time by > 4 minutes
<Grommish> stintel: That happens to me, but usually it's because I forgot to turn something back on :)
<stintel> Grommish: patch should be on the ML by now :)
<Grommish> stintel: I can't do the MLs.. I get so much now my OCD doesn't allow me to leave them unread
<Grommish> stintel: Is that going to override a manual -jx on the make?
<stintel> it's going to let mksquashfs use its default instead of hardcoding it to use only 1 core, the behavior of ignoring make -jX was already there
<Grommish> stintel: I ask because I purposely do a -j5 instead (of the 8 threads available) so I can continue to actually use the machine. If mksquashfs calls a -j$(nproc) during my build, WSL2 and Win10 are just going to crumble :D
<Grommish> Right, but I'm worry about the other way and overloading the system by hammering ALL the cores/threads
<Grommish> During the compile
<stintel> I guess this can be a config option
<Grommish> You could just do $(nproc-1)
<stintel> as this might be needed to avoid it breaking reproducible builds
<Grommish> That will use all but 1, should be fine
<Grommish> \It at least leaves me overhead for my YT videos while I wait for the build to finish :D
<Grommish> Also, for anyone reading the backlog.. I have an exported/inoprted WSL2 instance so I could move the drive, and it breaks the use of .wslconfig :x
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<bobsy> neggles: ok i'm willing to put that helium stuff aside for a while and contemplate pkt.cash instead
<bobsy> im also looking at forking helium, but i'll save that for later.
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<bobsy> fwiw, i only just woke up and my eyes only just focused enough so i'm not getting around like a pirate with one eye
<bobsy> damn fatty liver.
<bobsy> but i'm going to read up on pkt.cash
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<Slimey> hi everybody
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<stintel> o/
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<Slimey> :p
<Slimey> ever just try putting random valid email addresses of people you have had with contact before into ms teams and its a valid contact to chat with
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<shibboleth> what's the state of .ax support? i've been holding off, waiting for 6e-capable devices
<shibboleth> ath11, intel?
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<aiyion> Where do I need to put an executable sh-file in an openwrt backup in order to make sure it was run on boot?
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<aiyion> anybody? -.-'
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<PaulFertser> aiyion: probably /etc/rc.local ?
<aiyion> I tried that; putting lines to execute before the `exit 0`
<aiyion> or /usr/sbin/dropbear -p
<aiyion> neither had an observable effect.
<aiyion> PaulFertser: ^
<PaulFertser> aiyion: it works normally that way.
<aiyion> mh, that sucks, thanks
<PaulFertser> Probably this OpenWrt is special in that regard.
<aiyion> Lede, but yeah, likely
<PaulFertser> aiyion: but you can try editing one of the /etc/init.d files too
<aiyion> Till now I only added them; will try to edit one.
<Lynx-> PaulFertser any chance you can give me advice about killing off a script with traps and interplay with /etc/init.d?
<nick[m]1234> Can I override the "name" in board.json to the ALT_NAME, when using the image generator?
<Lynx-> Or anyone for that matter
<PaulFertser> Lynx-: oh, I'm afraid that's too complex for a quick idea
<jow> aiyion: /etc/rc.local usually runs long before network is up
<jow> also wget in lede does not support https by default
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<aiyion> jow: doesn't it get triggere by init.d/done after everything works?
<jow> startup is asynchroneously
<aiyion> o.O
<Lynx-> jow mabe you can help? Here is my trap function in script I have been working on with moeller0: https://github.com/lynxthecat/sqm-autorate/blob/CAKE-autorate/CAKE-autorate.sh
<jow> yeah, all init scripts are processed, but tat does not mean that bridges are created, ip addresses assigned, wan dhcp lease acquired/pppoe session negotiated
<jow> so init done != network up
<aiyion> eh.
<Lynx-> it works fine when you run 'bash CAKE-autorate.sh' and then just CTRL-C from terminal. But my issue is with simply getting the same in init.d file. I have problems with the kill command working properly.
<aiyion> thanks, that's a big misunderstanding on my end.
<jow> aiyion: better create a hotplug script in /etc/hotplug.d/iface/
<jow> react on $ACTION = ifup and $INTERFACE = wan
<aiyion> Will try, thanks
<aiyion> While were at it; how do I make e.g. an echos output come up in the bootlog that I can see via serial?
<jow> either just "logger -t foo"
<jow> logger -t foo "My message"
<jow> or echo "My message" > /dev/kmsg
<jow> Lynx-: and how is your init script looking?
<Lynx-> ok don't kill me when I link it
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<aiyion> so if i put `/usr/bin/logger -t foo" in the rc.local (which is executed by `init.d/done`) it's supposed to land on the serial?
<Lynx-> maybe kill PID is wrong - I need to activate the trap function like it gets activated with CTRL-C from running using 'bash CAKE-autorate.sh'
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<aiyion> jow: interesting: the kernlog echo works, logger -t doesnt.
<aiyion> and another point: wget works as expected, now that I'm using http instead of https...
<aiyion> This si great news, i feared I could not touch the file at all.
<Slimey> ah i do love my weekends, unsolicited calls wanting to sell me something but i drag the call out into a long conversation as if im interested.
<jow> Lynx-: then you need to use kill -INT $pid
<jow> Lynx-: Ctrl-C = SIGINT
<jow> by default kill sends SIGTERM iirc
<PaulFertser> Slimey: in russia you'd have a chance to have long conversations with prison inhabitants who would be trying to social engineer you into sending them money.
<Lynx-> jow just tried but for some reason it's not giving same behaviour as Ctrl-C because some background processes remain
<ynezz> dedeckeh: (netifd: interface-ip: don't set fib6 policies if ipv6 disabled)
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#133](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/72/builds/133) of `imx/cortexa9` completed successfully.
<svanheule> PaulFertser: does your DGS-1210-10 have an RTL8231 as GPIO expander? If it does, I suspect it's not working at the moment
<Slimey> PaulFertser heh thats not good, i mean if i was in prison i would be glad to talk to someone on the outside about whatever
<PaulFertser> svanheule: it does, and I'm not using current master so it works :)
<svanheule> PaulFertser: reset button on pin 30? (according to the commented out DTS fragment in master)
<PaulFertser> Slimey: they have illegal call centres there, with all the fraud scripted like in the legit ones :)
<svanheule> PaulFertser: of course, too bad those patches never moved in :(
<Slimey> lol
<svanheule> PaulFertser: I'm looking to clean up some of the mess left over after that hurried PR merge...
<PaulFertser> svanheule: about two weeks ago Knight wrote me that it's possible my patches would be tested soon...
<svanheule> PaulFertser: fingers crossed then!
<PaulFertser> svanheule: not sure, probably my reply wasn't properly polite or something, I never heard back.
<Lynx-> jow so I tried just running from terminal 'bash CAKE-autorate.sh', and then echo $! to get PID, then kill -INT $PID. That works perfectly. But the same commands don't work from within the init.d script. Any idea?
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<PaulFertser> svanheule: sent on Jan 18th: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/fd63b624/
<Lynx-> It seems this line works from terminal but not within init.d: --> bash /root/CAKE-autorate/CAKE-autorate.sh&; echo "PID="$! > /tmp/CAKE-autorate-PID
<svanheule> PaulFertser: seems polite enough to me :)
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<Lynx-> so I am guessing that: echo "PID="$! gives a different result inside init.d script than when run from terminal for some reason
<Lynx-> is $! not always the last PID that was run
<jow> aiyion: "logger" requires a running syslog infrastructure, if you want to log stuff very early on boot that service might not be started yet
<dwfreed> Lynx-: you seem to be assuming the shell is bash
<dwfreed> this would be a quite bad assumption :)
<dwfreed> openwrt's /bin/sh is busybox ash
<Lynx-> I don't understand why it runs fine with shell / terminal
<Lynx-> but not from within init.d script
<Lynx-> specifically if I run 'bash script.sh' and echo $!, then kill -INT that PID, it works
<Lynx-> the same commands inside init.d script don't work
<jow> Lynx-: I suggest starting /root/CAKE-autorate/CAKE-autorate.sh as proper foreground command
<jow> using a procd init script
<jow> get rid of "&" and that PID fiddling
<Lynx-> you mean just like ./root/CAKE-autorate/CAKE-autorate.sh?
<Lynx-> if I just start /root/CAKE-autorate/CAKE-autorate.sh itself from within terminal, it fails when sourcing 'defaults.sh' because that has a bash style array. I don't really understand why, but I imagine it's to do with what dwfreed stated that this is run from shell not bash. Even though there is the bash shebang at the top of the script.
<bobsy> mmm cake
<Lynx-> I have the autorate working nicely
<Lynx-> and it's just starting and stopping this that gives hours of time lost :(
<Lynx-> oh man that looks simple
<jow> Lynx-: make sure your script starts with "#!/bin/bash" or "#!/usr/bin/env bash"
<jow> instead of "#!/bin/sh"
<Lynx-> it does
<Lynx-> but runnign directly fails with the source command
<dwfreed> you missed the !
<jow> it is missing the "!"
<dwfreed> so the shebang is invalid and it gets run with /bin/sh
<Lynx-> :)
<Lynx-> I love it
<Lynx-> jow OK thank so much testing your solution now
<Lynx-> I'd buy you a single malt if we were in a pub
<jow> check service status with ubus call service list '{ "name": "xxx", "verbose": true }'
<jow> "xxx" is the name of the service, by default it is derived from the init script name
<jow> so if you call the init script /etc/init.d/cake-autorate, the service will be called "cake-autorate" in procd
<jow> if working, the ubus status output should display "running": true and the effective pid
<jow> cross-check with ps
<Lynx-> hmmm no dice
<jow> on running /etc/init.d/xxx stop, procd will deliver TERM to the script
<jow> ok so 1) can you execute /root/CAKE-autorate/CAKE-autorate.sh without further arguments or prefixing it with "bash" ?
<Lynx-> trap cleanup_and_killall SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT <--- not caught by?
<Lynx-> yes now I can
<Lynx-> with the proper shebang
<jow> 2) does it stay in foreground?
<Lynx-> I think so?
<jow> ok so it does not return to a prompt until you hit ctrl-c
<Lynx-> yes
<Lynx-> it forks lots of background processes though
<Lynx-> they get killed with "kill -- -$$"
<jow> , after invoking /etc/init.d/xxx start (xxx being the name you gave the init script), do you see the script in "ps" ?
<Lynx-> yes
<jow> what is reported by ubus call service list '{ "name": "xxx", "verbose": true }' ?
<Lynx-> (and lots of background processes)
<Lynx-> ubus call service list '{ "name": "xxx", "verbose": true }' <--- return empty
<Lynx-> I just see { blank lines.... and }
<jow> did you replace "xxx" with the name of the init script?
<Lynx-> oops
<Lynx-> pid": 21459,
<Lynx-> yes reported with that pid
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<jow> now please run "kill -TERM 21459"
<jow> afterwards check "ps | grep bash" and ubus call service list '{ "name": "xxx", "verbose": true }'
<Lynx-> it's like splat the mole at the fairground
<Lynx-> https://github.com/lynxthecat/sqm-autorate/blob/CAKE-autorate/CAKE-autorate.sh <-- the trap function works fine when I run from terminal and send kill -INT PID
<Lynx-> but apparently not with this init script
<f00b4r0> ynezz: if you do pickup my patch, feel free to fix the commit subject line. I obviously meant "fix" :)
<Lynx-> jow any other idea?
<jow> Lynx-: moment
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<jow> Lynx-: okay, so the problem is that when such a script is executed by init (procd) it is not the leader of its own process group
<jow> so it cannot address its childs with "-$$" anymore
<Lynx-> so running script from terminal -> leader of own process group, but running from init (procd) it is not?
<jow> right
<Lynx-> so what is the leader of the process group in the init (procd) case
<Lynx-> for killing
<jow> procd itself
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<Lynx-> that doesn't sound ideal
<Lynx-> is there no way to spawn entity that becomes leader
<Lynx-> so there is a leader to shoot at
<jow> solution is to track the pids manually
<Lynx-> (like running from terminal does)
<jow> this works for me
<jow> (it simulates your script with a bunch of do-nothing loops)
<jow> and it exhibited the same issue you were facing before I added the CHILD_PIDS tracking
<jow> and when I was simply using kill -$$
<jow> logging configured that the cleanup function was actually invoked, but the kill simply didn't work
<jow> or rather was a no-op
<jow> *logging cofirmed
<jow> **confirmed
<Lynx-> I'm confused because doesn't that overwrite the child pid each time
<jow> it appends to a list
<jow> FOO="$FOO $BLAH"
<Lynx-> ahh yes
<jow> you can likely do it with bash array
<jow> but I am not used to them so I always have to look up the syntax
<Lynx-> ah cool, so inside my bash I can just keep track of all the child processes
<jow> yeah, gether the $!'s in an array and pass that to kill instead of -$$
<jow> *gather
<Lynx-> would it be wholly unreasonable to express that it seems unfortunate that this is necessary
<Lynx-> It is so much easier with the kill -$$
<jow> I'm not to deep into UNIX init mechanics, it is either some procd specific thing or an inherent property of init
<jow> if the former then it can likely be fixed
<jow> if the latter you have to live with it
<jow> have to go, I might test the same on my desktop later
<jow> to see how init (systemd) behaves there
<Lynx-> thanks a lot for your help
<Lynx-> really appreciate it
<Lynx-> if you have any further idea could you message me on OpenWrt @Lynx?
<Lynx-> managed to get a CAKE-autorate script that works pretty well now.
<Lynx-> at least on my LTE
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<dedeckeh> ynezz: netifd patch looks als fine to me
<dedeckeh> *also
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<Borromini> cotequeiroz: ping
<Borromini> i am seeing errors with 'make defconfig' after 009293c52e637612cd118717a1bea4e142889e09
<Borromini> if i revert it the errors go away.
<Borromini> is there something I need to rerun/clean?
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<Borromini> sorry, should have been more clearer: if i revert the changes to Config.in, the errors go away.
<Borromini> i am not sure about the internals but reverting that makes sure i can reassemble my .config file again, using split out configuration files
<Borromini> slh: ping - can you check if 009293c52e637612cd118717a1bea4e142889e09 works for you? you're using split configs as well aren't you
<slh> as far as the buildsystem is concerned, not really split config - I just have a generic config part and a target specific one, which I concatenate to .config and run make defconfig oldconfig on
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<Borromini> ok, that's what i meant.
<Borromini> i am concatenating multiple files into > config
<Borromini> make defconfig breaks with that commit for me
<Borromini> make menuconfig does work.
<Borromini> ./scripts/diffconfig.sh will act as if my complete config is different with that commit
<slh> rebasing my patch stack, just a moment
<Borromini> ty :)
<slh> $ cat amd64.init config.init >/tmp/pkg/openwrt/.config
<Borromini> is yours a skeleton one? ie based on ./scripts/diffconfig.sh output?
<slh> more or less a curated version of diffconfig, yes
<Borromini> ok. same here.
<slh> seem to work for me though
<Borromini> ok... maybe I should try the oldconfig at the end as well then
<slh> for another target, I just replace amd64.init with ath79-tiny.init, ath79.init, bcm47xx-generic.init, bcm47xx-legacy.init, easybox904xdsl.init, ipq40xx.init, ipq806x.init, ipq807x.init, lantiq.init, or realtek.config
<Borromini> :)
<Borromini> i went bonkers and i got split out stuff for mbedTLS / OpenSSL / Unbound / LuCI / ... =)
<Borromini> looks like i need to rebase my patches for realtek as well
<slh> defconfig without oldconfig tends not to sort the config, making diffconfig and friends harder
<Borromini> ok.
<Borromini> thanks for checking :)
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#459](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/60/builds/459) of `mpc85xx/p1010` failed.
<Borromini> weirdly enough the error persists for me.
<slh> some kind of dependency conflict?
<Borromini> no it's really only complaining about Config.in
<slh> have a test with my config
<Borromini> slh: no need, thanks
<Borromini> 'make -C scripts/config clean' fixed it, looks like it
<Borromini> cotequeiroz: sorry for the noise, nevermind me.
<slh> :)
<Borromini> all that red in diffconfig is quite scary :^)
<slh> hmm?
<Borromini> looked like my whole .config got wiped in the process =)
<slh> yeah, clean does that for you ;)
<Borromini> :P
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<Borromini> testing the waters with my RB5009UG btw, finally got OpenWrt onto it
<Borromini> haven't checked the SFP+ yet but the 2,5G port doesn't seem to behave too well with 5.10 kernel.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#467](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/45/builds/467) of `bcm47xx/legacy` completed successfully.
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