<Borromini> ok if i ping you tomorrow? what timezone are you in btw? OZ?
<Grommish_> Borromini: I'm Eastern US
<Grommish_> Just whenever. it'll show a fractal and Arch info, or it'll SIGILL.
<Borromini> my tuple (is that what is is?) is arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4
<Borromini> not a9
<Grommish_> That's the CPU type
<Grommish_> shoudln't matter
<Borromini> ah ok.
<Grommish_> But might, and in which case, it won't work
<Grommish_> but it only installs /bin/float_test
<Grommish_> and nothing else
<Borromini> well let me fire it up real quick
<Grommish_> This is my first foray into the Arm wackiness, so I dunno how granular I have to make it
<Borromini> to check floating point stuff?
<Grommish_> Borromini: Yes
<Grommish_> In this case, FPU support vs Soft-float
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<Grommish_> IPQ40xx has FPU support, so it should work for any ARMv7 with HF. The naming what auto-set from the target I build it from
<Borromini> hmmm....
<Borromini> Collected errors: * pkg_init_from_file: Malformed package file float-test_0.8.5-1_arm_cortex-a9_neon.ipk.
<Grommish_> Ooo. That's new
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<Grommish_> Oh.. Wait
<Grommish_> No, that's right.. Interesting
<Grommish_> Borromini: sha256: 50abd36735269beaa5d923609b6621b86610ef84d8232cee1a52de7b220ebc67 ?
<Grommish_> Anyway, deal with it later :) Enjoy the evening!
<Borromini> no d12c88d4b75b82b7d6bc88fed070c80a883a6c0586b37efb57f0eca6317b2ad7...
<Borromini> ok!
<Borromini> ttyl
<Grommish_> I just downloaded it and sha'd it and it was correct
<Grommish_> I suspect bunked transfer?
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#459](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/52/builds/459) of `x86/legacy` completed successfully.
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<dangole> Grommish: i got a mt7623 board here, that's armv7 with soft-float
<dangole> Grommish: ah no, it got FPU, mixed it up with mt7629...
<Grommish_> dangole: I've got test packages for either
<Grommish_> dangole: https://github.com/Itus-Shield/float_test - Pick an arch :)
<Grommish_> Although the "cortex-a9_neon" I think is a file naming issue. It should work on any ARMv7-HF though
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#458](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/21/builds/458) of `bcm27xx/bcm2709` failed.
<dangole> Grommish: please provide the bare binary, opkg complains about incompatible architecture...
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#468](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/41/builds/468) of `bcm27xx/bcm2708` failed.
<Grommish> dangole: For ARMv7 HF? One sec
<dangole> Grommish: congrats! this works on arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4. draws some mandelbrot in ASCII art, looks cool ;)
<Grommish> Woot! I built it with a Cortex-A9 target, but that's just a naming issue.. Yay! Ok.. So.. Now to figure out the rest of them and test the sf ARmv7
<Grommish> dangole: Thank you so much for testing it
<dangole> Grommish: i hope that it's really just naming. also be aware that this is full-features vfpv4. it may not work on vfpv3, or the d16 and/or fp16 variants.
<dangole> Grommish: but never the less, it's a big step forward!
<Grommish> dangole: "+v7,+vfp3,-d32,+thumb2,-neon" is what that Toolchain builds
<Grommish> dangole: and "+v7,+thumb2,+soft-float,-neon" for the soft-float
<Grommish> dangole: I can work on making it pick the correct vfp in the future though, I'm sure
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<dangole> Grommish: we will need quite a bunch of hard-float variants for all the combinations of vfp3/4, d32/d16, fp32/fp16, with and without neon.... so better have some more people test this also esp. on mvebu/cortexa9 (ie. Linksys WRTxxxxAC devices)
<Grommish> dangole: Yeah.. finding testing peeps is difficult
<dangole> Grommish: for the WRT1900AC and WRT3200AC there should be plenty. @rsalvaterra for example ;)
<Grommish> dangole: I may just build a HF with all the instructions and then selecitvely choose which one the target needs, but I;m still looking at how to potentially do that
<dangole> Grommish: i guess the only good solution will be to introduce target tuples for each arch we build. see https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/ for the current list (each folder represents one arch)
<Grommish> dangole: Wouldn't work
<Grommish> dangole: It takes me 4-5 hours compile time for each toolchain.. It isn't feasible to do it for that
<dangole> Grommish: i guess that's the price of using LLVM. Obviously you won't have to build it all locally, just make sure the tuples exist and let the buildbots do their job.
<dangole> Grommish: we also build GCC for each of them...
<Grommish> dangole: I don't have access to them, so I am doing everything locally :) And that's ok, but if you do it for "each target", then every time OpenWrt adds a new target tree, rust had to be updated
<dangole> Grommish: and to not make the buildbots explode we can out-source the Rust toolchain just like we did for the eBPF toolchain (also LLVM-based, similar build-time...)
<Grommish> dangole: I'll keep poking at it and see what I can find though
<Grommish> If I can limit to an arch, then I will.. I should be able to
<dangole> Grommish: you don't need access to them. and of course, every time we add a new CPU subtype (unlikely to happen for 32-bit ARM), some things need to be updated. that's the reality.
<dangole> Grommish: what I'm trying to say is: once the tuples are in all in place and correct (and that can be reviewed by human), we can merge the PR and then buildbots will pick it up
<dangole> Grommish: you can try to go for the minimum common feature set of all ARMv7 with some kind of hardfloat, but that will be very limited and esp. if you include the older ARMv7 SoCs we support, there may not be much overlap.
<Grommish> dangole: Actually, I should be able to add all the instructions and then selectively enable them on package compile
<Grommish> dangole: But I don't know what that might do to things like.. size
<dangole> Grommish: that'd be great. if it's just the size of the toolchain, then never mind ;)
<Grommish> dangole: But since its' 533MB for the host install and 44mb for each target, size isn't an issue
<dangole> Grommish: yeah, that's quite moderate for what it is
<Grommish> dangole: I'll go back to digging and see what I can find.. vfp, vfp3, vfpv3-d16, neon, neon-vfp4.. Which did I miss?
<Grommish> dangole: vfpv4 by itself
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#460](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/33/builds/460) of `ipq806x/generic` completed successfully.
<dangole> Grommish: looks complete. 'arm1176jzf-s_vfp' is ARMv6 (not ARMv7), so that's again a whole different story. (that's old RasbPi 1)
<Grommish> dangole: I think I sent you a mesasge about the possibliy of adding a CONFIG_arm_v5 and CONFIG_arm_v6 flags similar to CONFIG_arm_v7
<Grommish> I've got armv5 and armv6 native tuples to model off of
<dangole> Grommish: ah yes. it's safe to assume of CONFIG_arm=y and CONFIG_arm_v7 is unset, then you are dealing with v5/v6 (which isn't a bit difference).
<dangole> Grommish: kernel also only decides between v5/v6 on one hand and v7 on the other hand
<dangole> Grommish: v5 can be neglected, that's really old sluggish things
<Grommish> dangole: So, I need an arm, arm-hf, armv5/armv6, armv7/armv7-hf? Do the v5/v6 have SF/HF variants?
<Grommish> PowerPC/PPC64 is looking more and more tempting :D
<dangole> Grommish: what would just 'arm' be then?
<Grommish> dangole: *shrug* I assumed there were legacy ARM devices prior to the v5/6/7
<Grommish> dangole: I know nothing of ARM :)
<Grommish> and not much more about Mips64
<dangole> Grommish: nah, there are pre-v5 ARM CPUs, but those are mostly microcontrollers and not running openwrt
<dangole> Grommish: for v6 we do have both, soft-float and hard-float (before mentioned 'arm1176jzf-s_vfp') targets
<Grommish> dangole: Ok, so I don't need an arm-openwrt-linux-muslxxx tuple
<Grommish> Or, I can set it to be the armv5/v6
<Grommish> which will be easier I think
<dangole> Grommish: v5 would basically be only xscale, and that's softfloat. never mind ARMv4, we got 'gemini' target, but i'd skip that for now...
<Grommish> Actually.. I don't think I need to change any of the code.. It checks for Arm, then Armv7, then FEATURES fpu
<dangole> Grommish: v5 is still in use, because of kirkwood, SheevaPlug and such, but also some home routers use that SoC.
<Grommish> it'll leave it arm if it isn't CONFIG_arm_v7=y and it'll set muslgnueabihf if it has FEATURES:= fpu
<dangole> Grommish: the difficulty is really just the different FPU implementations on ARMv7, all the mess with different numbers of registers, different version of FPU intruction set, plus NEON or non-NEON...
<Grommish> So the Rpi1 should report as arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabihf
<dangole> Grommish: yes. for Rpi1 that's true
<Grommish> dangole: I built the IMX used it to build the float-test you ran.. it reported as armv7-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabihf
<Grommish> dangole: So now it's figuring out various instruction sets, like you mentioned
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<Grommish> slh: Thanks!
<slh> arm_cortex-a15_neon-vfpv4
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<Grommish> rsalvaterra: ping. Would you have a suggestion on which MPC85xx target I should target for.. PowerPC64 I guess?
<neggles> Grommish: hello yes hi i can do that
<neggles> oh dangole beat me to it
<Grommish> neggles: I've got a question into the rust devs about enabling all of the instructions and then selectively disabling the ones aren't needed for a giving target at the package level
<neggles> but toolchain-wise, it should be possible for you to build a single host toolchain that can build code for *any* of the targets
<Grommish> neggles: features: "+v7,+vfp3,+vfp4,-d16,-d32,+thumb2,-neon,+vfp3-d32,+vfp4-neon,+neon".to_string(),?
<neggles> yes um
<neggles> nah it's way simpler than that
<Grommish> neggles: If I can do something liek the abover, then I can just selectively enable what the target needs with CPU_SUBTYPE
<Grommish> neggles: when the target pckage gets built on the far end.. the toolchain would allow for all of it
<Grommish> I woul still separate hf and sf, though I don't think I technically _have_ to.
<Grommish> Right now, everyone who has tested has reported successon the armv7_hf, though its set for vfp3 only
<Grommish> Cortex A7/A9/15 so far
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<Grommish> neggles: features: "+v7,+vfp3,-d32,+thumb2,-neon".to_string(), is what I built the current armv7_hf chain with
<Namidairo> why is that -neon and +neon
<Grommish> Because I'm just collecting flags at this point
<Grommish> In order to later eliminate the un-needed ones
<Namidairo> i think neon might not do much outside of some handwritten functions unless automatic vectorization is on
<Grommish> I don't have answer yet for questions like: if I define +vfp3 and +vfp4 and -neon, do I need to explicitly define vfp4-neon
<Namidairo> I also think it's sometimes slower depending on the case
<Grommish> and I probably won't need them both.. I'm assuming the -neon is disabling the instructions, so if I default that on, the targets already call -neon I guess if they don't need it
<Grommish> But, I know nothing about the arm arch, so it's all new to me :)
<Grommish> neggles: I put the bare bins on that github repo BTW, some poeple were getting arch errors because of how ipk works
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<neggles> yeah opkg tuples are weird
<neggles> Grommish: i'm just sorting out my local rust build env so i can test my theory before i go making proclaimations :P
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<neggles> Grommish: okay so a multi-target toolchain is a bit of a bitch, but it's quite doable
<neggles> and, you shouldn't need to bother with specifying features= directly, just use `--target-cpu=$(CPU_TYPE)`
<neggles> heh
<neggles> ninja sure does a good job of pegging cpu cores https://i.imgur.com/QGQPQMr.png
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<Grommish> neggles: Well, then I just need to enable the features in the toolchain and that should be easy enoug
<neggles> the problem is that you need to have a musl version for each target arch
<Grommish> neggles: and if you're right, then using the --target-cpu should pick the right features?
<neggles> so this would only really work with a precompiled multitarget toolchain
<neggles> yes'm
<neggles> that's the point of --target-cpu :P
<Grommish> I already break it down by target arch rather than target, so that's what I need, yes
<Grommish> I need ALL of the possible instruction sets and just set them to be included in the toolchain that's built and just --target-cpu on the user-package
<neggles> yeah that's what i am currently pegging all 24 cores of my buildbox making
<Grommish> neggles: I won't even need to change the rust Makefile
<neggles> though in retrospect i should've built a smaller number of targets to test a theory
<neggles> but details
<Grommish> neggles: That would be fantastic if it works out that way and solve a whole lotta issues
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<Grommish> configure: build.target := ['powerpc64-openwrt-linux-musl']
<Grommish> Is there OpenWrt PowerPC64le targets?
<neggles> yeah you'd have to do an s/openwrt/unknown but
<neggles> that hardly matters
<Grommish> neggles: No i don't
<Grommish> neggles: I upstream the tuples ;p
<neggles> *why*
<neggles> what is different about them?
<Grommish> neggles: It means I don't have to play cross-table, and, it simplifies LLVM down the line
<Grommish> It's easier to just upstream the tuples and be done with it, and makes me the maintainer for future changes that need to be done.. It's easier to do that than the OpenWrt packages sometimes
<Grommish> a Toer 3 change takes almost no time to incorporate on a tuple no one else is aware of
<Grommish> And, it means I can do whatever I like, like overloading a toolchain with available instructions
<Grommish> because the native armv7_hf only uses vfp3
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<neggles> I fail to see how using the mips64-openwrt-linux-musl tuple is any different to using mips64-unknown-linux-muslabi64 with `-C target-feature=+soft-float` ?
<Grommish> Well, for starters, +soft-float isn't available if it isn't in the target-options in the .rs tuple define
<Grommish> In addition to the Kernel FPU flag
<Grommish> You can't just Compile-time include +soft-float if the toolchain don't know what +soft-float is
<Grommish> That won't didn't.. MUSL is also statically linjked by default under rust
<Grommish> though I understand that's subject to change since I started pestering the rust devs :D
<neggles> it'd be nice if i could get your owrt buildsystem version of rustc to actually build T_T
<Grommish> You want the archives?
<Grommish> whicxh arches?
<neggles> idk what switch i have to flip for the build system to actually, idk, *build it*
<Grommish> You can install them via the install.sh it makes
<Grommish> It's how I do it in my host package
<Grommish> neggles: Oh
<neggles> i have selected it in menuconfig ofc
<Grommish> neggles: make -jx V=sc package/feeds/packages/rust/host/{clean,compile}
<neggles> ah. host subpath.
<neggles> cool.
<neggles> dist archive would save some time though
<Grommish> That would better explain the No Install target
<Grommish> Ok
<Grommish> Which arch?
<Grommish> and x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu good for the host?
<neggles> whatever the octeonplus targets use and armv7 hf
<neggles> yes'm
<Grommish> One min
<neggles> this box is ubuntu 20.04 because i cannot be bothered to rebuild it
<neggles> but i do not like canonical very much anymore
<Grommish> I run 20.04 because I don't have a preference either way and it was originally availble as a WSL2 install
<Grommish> aka I'm lazy
<Pepes> https://lists.openwrt.org/pipermail/openwrt-announce/ does not get new messages? There is missing message from yesterday from hauke
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_kirkwood.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 98.3% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<neggles> bueno
<Grommish> That's what I use to extract and install, if you're interested
<Grommish> I put it in staging_dir/host/
<Grommish> Yes, I totally set it up by accident to be modular and installable :D
<rsalvaterra> Grommish: mpc85xx? ppc64? Wait, what are you doing? :P
<Grommish> rsalvaterra: Testing rust?
<Grommish> hehe and I figure you'd know the best target to build for
<rsalvaterra> Ok, for ppc64 you have the qoriq target.
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<Grommish> I picked target-powerpc64_e5500_musl, that ok?
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<Grommish> and does OpenWrt use ppc64le targets?
<rsalvaterra> Sure, seems fine.
<rsalvaterra> No. Not yet, at least. The qoriq target is big-endian.
<Grommish> rsalvaterra: Decided the easiest way to test was to send out a stand-alone test binary for the target arch
<rsalvaterra> And there's no ppc64le embedded hardware that I know of… it's all big iron (Talos II systems, IBM servers).
<rsalvaterra> There's this soft core, though… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenPOWER_Microwatt
<Grommish> but no reason/way to test output for it right now, so I can skip that arch?
<rsalvaterra> Yeah, no reason to test it, for now.
<rsalvaterra> Oh… this is interesting…! https://libre-soc.org/
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<aiyion> Good morning. Can someone telle me from where the value of the flag `machine` is read from in `/proc/cpuinfo` in openwrt?
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<aiyion> nevermind, reflashed it.
<aiyion> Ive got the initramfs working, and configured the network interfaces, leds and the reset button.
<aiyion> For now this looks great; though sysupgrade complains about Image metadata not beeing present.
<aiyion> This is not my current issue though:
<aiyion> the vendor built the device with a quectel ec25-eux, which is basically connected via usb but all onboard.
<aiyion> (an lte modem)
<aiyion> the firmware is rather old; and the vendor used kmod-usb-net-rndis and kmod-usb-serial-wwan if I'm not mistaken.
<aiyion> I looked at other wwan images in the same target, both appear to use kmod-usb-net-qmi-wwan instead.
<aiyion> Is one better than the other?
<stintel> aiyion: | append-metadata should add the metadata to the sysupgrade image
<stintel> no experience with the modem part
<aiyion> I haven't used the sysupgrade or factory image yet, I'm running only the initram image yet
<aiyion> stintel: thx, I'll look into it.
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<eduardo010174> Switzerland for a long time maintained total banking secrecy. Today, it's not like that anymore.
<aiyion> oh nice, wireless appears to be working as well.
<aiyion> Gotta say, adding this device is a lot more fun than the port of the onion omega was.
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<xback> ynezz: ping
<xback> ynezz: I'm seeing in your staging tree that you're working on imx target
<xback> ynezz: on Ventana boards, it looks like USB doesn't work anymore since the bump to kernel 5.10
<xback> ynezz: does your target have usb? and if yes, do they function?. thanks
<ynezz> xback: I can check it later, but IIRC it used to work
<ynezz> but it's another good point for QA, should probably consider adding sata/usb/pcie on devices which allow that and test for it during runtime testing
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<aiyion> I looked through the datasheet of the ec25-eux and am under the impression, it supports qmi.
<aiyion> What I'd expect from the device would be to show up as usb device, create like 4 ttyUSB devices and be configurable from there.
<aiyion> it does not register as usb device below /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices though:
<aiyion> These are the currently installed packages, may someone give me a hint what I might be missing?
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<sanjay> Is snapshot build recommended for Tplink Archer A6 v3. The one under releases seems to perform poorly on 5Ghz
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<hauke> Pepes: I haven't send a message to openwrt-announce yesterday
<Pepes> Yeah, I realized it once I posted it here. Mea culpa. I thought that the message should be mentioned in announce as well
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<arjun_> Any ideas on how to make spi boot to fail. I need to trigger Tplink recovery page for Archer A6 v3
<aiyion> What are my chances that there is/are one or more gpios controlling the lte modem?
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<enick_479> jow: I want to learn more about ucode, do you have ideas for low hanging fruits on what shell for lua stuff to replace with it?
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<jow> enick_479: the various rpcd exec plugins for example
<enick_479> jow: thanks
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<aiyion> found it. theres a gpio to enable the device.
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<aiyion> how does one properly specify gpio-export defaultstates?
<aiyion> currently the system boots in the wrong state
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<hurricos> aiyion: gpio-hog
<hurricos> though, I'm sorry. GPIO hog *completely* hogs the line
<hurricos> that'
<hurricos> ... that's to say, you cannot alter it any further, I don't believe.
<hurricos> For your use case (LTE modem that needs to stay up), it sounds like the right application.
<aiyion> thanks hurricos
<hurricos> If later there ends up being a device tree binding for that device you can always change it to actually use what the driver expects so the driver can bring the device into the right state / reset it if it needs to reset the device
<Lynx-> anyone care to test my CAKE bandwidth adaptation script?
<aiyion> I'm not sure about the 'stay up'-part though;
<hurricos> same way that's done with ethernet
<hurricos> stay high, I meant.
<Lynx-> (For LTE, etc.)
<hurricos> or stay low
<aiyion> the vendor used scripts to restart it
<hurricos> I see. If you need to reproduce that behavior -- changing the state of the GPIO away from what it's set to by the hog -- you won't be able to.
<aiyion> Mhm, maybe there's no need to restart it
<hurricos> fingers crossed. you may also consider looking around to see if there are already bindings for the reset line of LTE modems
<aiyion> haven't found them yet ^^
<hurricos> heheheh
<hurricos> gpio-hog will do you fine.
<hurricos> best of luck
<aiyion> thank you.
<mangix> is the latest release of 21.02 cut yet?
<dwfreed> it's been tagged, but I believe builds are still running and it hasn't been announced yet
<mangix> ah. too late then.
<Habbie> my local news outlet has already reported it https://tweakers.net/downloads/59430/openwrt-21022.html
<Habbie> and calls it 'released'
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<philipp64> mangix: can you have a look at PR 9304? I can't request you as a reviewer...
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<philipp64> mangix: can you have a look at PR 9304? I can't request you as a reviewer...
<Habbie> philipp64, your previous message also came through
<philipp64> Habbie: hard to know with Colloquy... it gets into a weird OOM state sometimes...
<Habbie> ack
<philipp64> I just had to restart it because I wasn't seeing my own post.
<philipp64> On the subject of PR's in openwrt, seeing a weird CI failure: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/runs/5279865276?check_suite_focus=true
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<aiyion> hurricos: do you by any chance know, what "state_default" is good for?
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<mangix> philipp64: seems fine to me
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<aiyion> hurricos: hogging works fine, just configured the LTE modem :)
<Borromini> Grommish: ping
<Grommish> Borromini: pong
<Borromini> still same link you'd like to test?
<Borromini> i'm about to switch to my 'workstation' for irc
<Grommish> Borromini: https://github.com/Itus-Shield/float_test .. you can grab your arch, though if your using armv7, you'll probably need to get the bare bin (by sf/hf) because ipk might throw an arch error
<Borromini> what do you mean with sf/hf?
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<Grommish> Although with Armv7 in flux, I wouldn't worry about it at this point
<Grommish> Borromini: Whether your target has an FPU
<Borromini> ok
<Borromini> i'll unpack the ipk then thanks
<Grommish> Borromini: That works! I built it on an A9 target, so if you have one that reads as compatible you can jut intall the ipk
<Grommish> but some folks had issues with opkg reporting an incompat arch
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<Borromini> ok yes i remember some ugliness being thrown at me yesterday on the CLI :)
<Borromini> brb switching systems
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<Borromini> re
<aiyion> wb
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<Borromini> ty
<Borromini> Grommish: i see you added ARMv7 binaries, will grab those
<Borromini> fancy ascii art ;)
<Grommish> Borromini: Yay! Although, we will run into issues with some targets this way and it isn't optomized. I appreciate you checking!
<Grommish> Now, I get to lookup this PPC64 error: ABI version 1 is not compatible with ABI version 2 output
<Grommish> Yay! Upstream bug!
<Borromini> sounds like loads of fun ;)
<Grommish> PowerPC64 assumes upstream t hat ELF_v2 = powerpc64le and ELF_v1 = powerpc64
<Grommish> Except for MUSL and OpenWrt having BE ELF_v2
<Grommish> I found where it is, but I'm not competent enough to rework the logic for all of rust's powerpc64 abi calls
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<philipp64> Grommish: as a fly on the wall, doesn't setting -march=something dictate if BYTE_ORDER is set to BIG_ENDIAN or LITTLE_ENDIAN?
<philipp64> i.e. shouldn't the right thing just happen?
<Grommish> philipp64: In rust's abi code it hardsets ELF_v1 = BE ELF_v2=LE
<Grommish> Seems to be an upsream issue with LLVM maye? https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/8858
<Grommish> In any case, MUSL has BE ELF_v2 so the assumption breaks it
<rsalvaterra> ELF v2 ABI for ppc64be.
<Grommish> Well, in Rust's case, they simply make the wrong assumptions
<Grommish> Right
<Grommish> I'm building the tuple so I can put it as whatever, but i figured they'd want to know since i'll effect all ppc64 elfv2 be targets
<rsalvaterra> Grommish: Wait, I don't think it's been merged! o_O Still investigating·
<Grommish> rsalvaterra: Even if they fix it, rust-lang has it hard-coded incorrectly based on the upstream's bad design
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<Grommish> rsalvaterra: And apparently it's an existing sore point.. https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/60617
<rsalvaterra> Rust aside, having support for ELFv2 in ppc64be would be a benefit in itself…
<rsalvaterra> stintel: How would you like to give this a spin on your M300? ;) https://lore.kernel.org/linuxppc-dev/20210503110713.751840-1-npiggin@gmail.com/
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<Grommish> How do I call DUMP for a package?
<Grommish> make -j1 V=sc package/feeds/packages/xxx/check DUMP=1 didn't work
<mangix> oh hey ramips ipv6 flow offload got merged
<mangix> wonder if it even does anything in a default configuration