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<maxmadzz> how to specify compiler?
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<ynezz> jow: indeed, those cmake version bumps are that much annoying, that I was thinking about introducing CMAKE_VERSION config option :P
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<Mangix> ynezz: I assume your position regarding using meson for libubox/uibus, etc... is the same as jow's
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<ynezz> Mangix: we can't drop CMake, thus it would mean, that we would need to support both (CMake and Meson) build systems, so this means additional overhead
<ynezz> so I'm wondering which killer Meson feature would offset that overhead?
<ynezz> lets see how this pans out, if Meson gains traction, then I think, that supporting both build systems would be inevitable
<ynezz> in other words, I think, that nobody would object against adding meson build support, but you would need probably a good reason to convince someone to merge it
<ynezz> I really don't think, that it's a good idea to have Python based build system and https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/10543 backs it
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<Mangix> ynezz: not sure what that link is supposed to say. anyway, killer feature IMO is wraps. the automatic .gitignore preventing git add . from adding temp build directories is great. https://github.com/neheb/libubox/commit/1852cb1e879f9e7f30edbc18766443ed3bf5624d seems more readable to me than the cmake build.
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<ynezz> Mangix: how does static libs work? did you omitted ABI versioning, tests, clock_gettime etc. by accident?
<Mangix> ynezz: meson can do -Ddefault_library=both , static, or shared. It's shared by default.
<Mangix> the ABI versioning stuff I don't fully grasp. clock_gettime seems to have been an oversight. Easy to add though. tests I didn't look at.
<Mangix> to be honest that commit was just a quick piece of work to get it to compile with ubus.
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<arnd> hauke: on the release page: s/Boardcom/Broadcom/
<arnd> (I don't have edit permissions there or I would have just changed it)
<arnd> The 'qorq' target might need a clarification to say "NXP QorIQ T-Series", since QorIQ P1 is already supported by the mpc85xx target
<svanheule> arnd: fixed the Boardcom spelling, thanks!
<svanheule> xdarklight: there is this suggestion for enabling HW CPU interrupts on realtek https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/10573/commits/7e8a888e4af1e664948302f5462512cb6aaaf5b2
<svanheule> xdarklight: that PR also fixes an issue with irq cpu affinity. I think the SoC interrupt controller you're working with is similar, with a separate SoC IRQ controller per CPU/VPE
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<f00b4r0> <ynezz> I really don't think, that it's a good idea to have Python based build system -- +1
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<fpsusername[m]> Harm__: I think that the new master branch compiles the kpn extender, although it's still compiling for me, currently `tools/make-ext4fs compile`
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<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: Nice, my patches are still waiting to be merged :( https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/openwrt/list/?series=313820
<Mangix> f00b4r0: why?
<f00b4r0> Mangix: reasons abound. To name a few: extra dependency in the system, when python breaks (or the tool requires a version of python you may not have on host) your build system breaks, extra overhead. I can go on. And I see no compelling "killer feature" to offset any of that
<f00b4r0> the gitignore thing is a gimmick and can probably be implemented differently
<f00b4r0> (assuming it's absolutely necessary)
<Mangix> Uhhh, what?
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<Mangix> Anyway, probably unlike cmake, meson is very careful to warn about features used in newer versions that would break on older ones. I don't see how the gitignore thing is a gimmick. It's very useful.
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<fpsusername[m]> This will take a while lol
<hanetzer> fpsusername[m]: just be glad it reports the amount of objects tbh
<fpsusername[m]> I use the `V=s` flag, otherwise it seems "stuck"
<hanetzer> yeh
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<maxmadzz> how to specify compiler?
<hanetzer> do we really need a global .gitignore of *.patch files?
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<stintel> maxmadzz: menuconfig > advanced configuration > toolchains options
<hauke> arnd: thanks for reporting the typo and thanks svanheule for fxing it
<hauke> I also removed mentioning the new targets, they are source only
<stintel> maybe keep them but mention they are source only ?
<hauke> does someone wnat to write 2 sentences about qosify?
<hauke> nbd: ?
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<knuxify> is there any guide on how to get the TPLINK_HWID, TPLINK_HWREV and TPLINK_HWREVADD variables?
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<knuxify> (as seen in target/linux/ramips/image/mt76x8.mk)
<f00b4r0> hauke: should we mention the fdb roaming issue that affects bridge-vlan on mt7621/22 in the "Known issues" section?
<hauke> f00b4r0: is this a new problem with 22.03 or was 21.02 already affected?
<f00b4r0> good question
<f00b4r0> i think 21.02 is affected too
<hanetzer> hrm. setuptools is needed to build a thing now...
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<fpsusername[m]> <Harm__> "fpsusername: Nice, my patches..." <- ERROR: package/libs/toolchain failed to build.
<fpsusername[m]> Ugh, still fails to build
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<fpsusername[m]> > <@_oftc_Harm__:matrix.org> fpsusername: Nice, my patches are still waiting to be merged :( https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/openwrt/list/?series=313820
<fpsusername[m]> * `ERROR: package/libs/toolchain failed to build.`
<fpsusername[m]> Ugh, still fails to build
<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: I let a friend build my github repo last week and that went fine
<fpsusername[m]> I merged upstream and use the phy patch you made
<hanetzer> how do you guys feel about making use of a venv/similar to deal with fucky python based builds?
<fpsusername[m]> Good practice
<fpsusername[m]> System isn't bloated with packages you don't need (if you plan on deleting the repo after you're done with it)
<fpsusername[m]> <Harm__> "fpsusername: I let a friend..." <- https://forum.openwrt.org/t/toplevel-mk-world-error-2-arch-linux/116373
<fpsusername[m]> Just found this
<Harm__> Hm, I don't remember using that in my Arch container
<Harm__> hanetzer: good idea
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<hanetzer> where in the build setup does python get symlinked to staging_dir/host/bin/python ?
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<hanetzer> ahhh figured it out.
<zorun> the firewall documentation needs updating with differences between fw3 and fw4
<zorun> jow: is there a similar mechanism to "config include" with fw'?
<zorun> fw4*
<jow> zorun: yes
<zorun> nice. same UCI syntax?
<jow> there's config include; option type script (the default) which is the same as before
<zorun> ok
<jow> one caveat: an include path /etc/firewall.user is treated specially
<jow> it requires an additional `option fw4_compatible 1` otherwise it is ignored
<zorun> is there a default include path?
<jow> for all other paths, this option is implicitely set to `1`
<jow> then there's config include; option type nftables; option position ...; option path
<jow> this allows including raw nftables snippets instead of scripts
<jow> option position is one of: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=project/firewall4.git;a=blob;f=root/usr/share/ucode/fw4.uc;h=85456c9fde0005403433dedfa6aeb7f1242ba790;hb=11256ff0374fb594e31b0a4e3857f3810ba2933d#l1493
<jow> append is alias for postpend
<jow> ruleset-pre is before table inet fw4 { ... }, ruleset-post is after table inet fw4 { ... }
<jow> table-pre is before first chain in fw4 table, table-post after last vchain in fw4 table
<jow> chain-pre is before first rule in $chain, chain-post after last rule in $chain
<jow> $chain is specified by `option type chain` (only applicable to option position chain-pre/chain-post/chain-append)
<jow> a third way to add includes is to place files in /usr/share/nftables.d/{ruleset-pre,ruleset-post,table-pre,table-post,chain-pre/$chain,chain-post/$chain}/*.nft
<jow> this is meant for packages and other non-confiurable firewall integrations
<zorun> so there's "option type nftables" and then "option type <chain>" where <chain> can be arbitrary?
<jow> config include; option type nftables; option path ...; option position {ruleset-pre,ruleset-post,table-pre,table-post,chain-pre,chain-post} [, option chain ...]
<zorun> ah, I see
<jow> option chain depends on option position chain-pre || option position chain-post
<jow> (enum values may be abbreviated, so table-pr = table-pre = table-prepend)
<rmilecki> Mangix: for such changes I'd prefer dropping idea on mailing list, personally I'd prefer not to have to learn another building tool, aka I'm lazy ;)
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<zorun> thanks, I'll write it up in the wiki
<rmilecki> Mangix: as I just discovered it's Python based... i think it dislike it by another bit
<zorun> jow: regarding migration for people having iptables-based scripts, it's supposed to be manual?
<jow> zorun: yes
<zorun> we can't expect scripts to work with the iptables-nft wrappers?
<rmilecki> Mangix: i had too many issues with Python software breaking, installing dependencies
<jow> zorun: maybe, maybe not
<jow> zorun: alos luci does not yet uspport all fw4 options, more changes in this regard are expected for 22.03.1
<jow> e.g. it doesn ot allow editing custom rules (/etc/firewall.user), it does not uspport masq6 or ipv6 port forwards
<fpsusername[m]> swig
<zorun> jow: ok, thanks. what about ipset, is it supposed to work the same with nftables?
<jow> zorun: uci declared sets yes
<jow> same syntax should work
<zorun> ok, loadfile as well?
<jow> yes
<zorun> cool
<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: Just use the stock u-boot, no need to compile it
<fpsusername[m]> Oh well, `swig` was indeed the issue. It's compiling now
<fpsusername[m]> I don't know how to build with the stock uboot
<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: we don't have sources for that one. Just disable CONFIG_PACKAGE_u-boot-mt7621_nand_rfb and CONFIG_PACKAGE_u-boot-mt7621_rfb
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#162](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/1/builds/162) of `bcm27xx/bcm2711` failed.
<zorun> rmilecki: ^ that failure seems related to your recent nvmem backport
<rmilecki> that's why I waited for tagging ;)
<zorun> good call :)
<rmilecki> zorun: thanks for pinging me
<zorun> np, it's my openwrt day (that doesn't happen too often...)
<zorun> jow: what's the difference between "fw4 print" and "nft list ruleset"?
<zorun> can both be used to dump / restore nft state?
<zorun> the structure is the same, I see small differences, and an additional `include "/etc/nftables.d/*.nft"` in fw4 print
<zorun> jow: btw, does /etc/nftables.d/ also support the various subdirs you described under /usr/share/nftables.d/ ?
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<jow> zorun: no, /etc/nftables.d has a fixed include position before the first chain of fw4
<jow> users found it too inflexible for some scenarios
<jow> it might be a good idea to make it support those same subdirs though. I'll consider that for .1
<jow> fw4 print shows what is piped to nftables
<jow> while nft list ruleset dumps the effectively rendered set
<jow> the former will show what files are included while the latter shows everything lumped together, regardless of whether it came from fw4, an include or was added externally/manually through nft commands
<zorun> ah, right, it makes sense
<jow> bbl, need to scrape a dead animal out of the engine compartment
<zorun> ok :D good luck
<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: I've updated my fork. builds fine here
<hanetzer> Mangix: hey, about meson. what packages in owrt build using meson? need some test cases.
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<Ansuel> Hi
<fpsusername[m]> <Harm__> "fpsusername: I've updated my..." <- It failed on `stats.c:110:59: error: format '%lu' expects argument of type 'long unsigned int', but argument 3 has type 'time_t' {aka 'long long int'} [-Werror=format=]` where it treats a warning as an error. Not sure how to disable that. Will try your updated fork now. Seems like you also applied the phy patch on the master branch now
<Harm__> yes, the same way as I submitted to the mailing list
<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: in what package do you get that error?
<fpsusername[m]> Package xdp-tools-1.2.5
<fpsusername[m]> * Package `xdp-tools-1.2.5`
<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: ah, I'm not compiling anything xdp related
<fpsusername[m]> I'm not sure which package it is that enables it on my end
<Harm__> look in menuconfig
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<fpsusername[m]> No idea where to look in menuconfig. The search function isn't too easy to understand
<Ansuel> mhhh share the .config ?
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<fpsusername[m]> I think I only added some LuCi apps
<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: so what if you unset things like xdp-filter, xdp-loader, xdpdump, libxdp in menuconfig?
<Harm__> (prefixed by PACKAGE_)
<fpsusername[m]> will try
<hanetzer> so. some initial testing and hacking up the build system's python handling shows that `python -m venv staging_dir/host/` and pip installing into that (using the pip from the venv created by the prior command) solves some issues wrt u-boot's binman command
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<stintel> wow that mediawiki wysiwyg editor is beyond useless
* hanetzer is more of markdown kinda guy
<stintel> hipster ;p
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<stintel> but yeah markdown is nice
<hanetzer> if its any consolation I use latexx for documenting
<stintel> at least you are documenting ;)
<hanetzer> well, it depends. I mean non-tech documentation :P
<stintel> :(
<hanetzer> I don't generally do things that require docs (I rarely originate projects, just contribute to existing ones)
<stintel> well some existing projects badly require docs ;)
<stintel> contribute those! :P
<hanetzer> true.
<stintel> f00b4r0: thanks for adding the watchdog bits to m300 page
<stintel> I just added some short install instructions as there were some very confused messages in the forum
<stintel> well, mostly linked to the commits
<hanetzer> so, thoughts on moving into a venv-based python management system for owrt's build system?
<stintel> no opinion
<stintel> maybe start a discussion in the ML or do an RFC patch if it's not too much effort
* stintel sysupgrades his m300s - fingers crossed miniupnpd will still work
<stintel> and I really need to fix conntrackd, TCP connections do not survive failover anymore :(
<hanetzer> as of right now the only core python-based tool/etc is meson; I'm thinking to promote binman (from u-boot) into a tools/ entry
<stintel> iirc earlier people expressed their dislike for python-based build stuff in here
<hanetzer> well, for building u-boot for some arm boards its getting harder and harder to not invoke python during build
<hanetzer> eg, binman, dtoc/of-platdata stuff, and so on
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<robimarko> f00b4r0: Looks like AFM doesnt really work properly with multicast
<robimarko> It parses MIB 281 correctly, but not 309
<robimarko> And I cannot find a way to enable IGMP snooping so it stops just forwarding multicast
<hanetzer> that being said. you know how the owrt linux kernel has a set of common to all platforms patches and a set of platform specfic ones? is it possible to do the same for say u-boot?
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<Ansuel> hanetzer i guess it can be done... just some magic in the makefile
<Ansuel> we have something like that for mac80211
<Ansuel> (multiple dir for patches)
<f00b4r0> stintel: yes it's beyond useless and yw and I'm trying to load your changes but the wiki doesn't load for me :)
<f00b4r0> oh yes it does. Unbelievably slowly
<stintel> we really need to come up with a replacement for that hacked together piece of crap :P
<f00b4r0> robimarko: i see. Maybe it should be documented on hack-gpon. I've been meaning to make some changes there until I realised it's not a wiki ;P
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<f00b4r0> robimarko: btw, weren't you playing with the RB5009? Have you given up?
<fpsusername[m]> Harm__: please give me your config, unless, well, you use the default config and enabled LuCi
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<robimarko> f00b4r0: Well, that the SFP they are using with working multicast
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<robimarko> But, I have not been able to find anybody on their Telegram group who can confirm that or provide example IGMP proxy
<robimarko> Seems like they are using it that way
<robimarko> Yeah, I did the initial work on RB5009
<robimarko> But, lack of time killed that
<robimarko> Also, U-boot appeared to be corrupting NAND if writing or something like that
<robimarko> These GPON ONU-s are so much pain, every single one is half-assed and does not suport XYZ
<robimarko> Have the DT/Zyxel arriving tommorow, will give that one a go and see if it supports IGMP snooping
<robimarko> Its 2.5G also unlike 1G AFM
<Borromini> robimarko: any chance you'll get to have another look at the QCA8081 on the RB5009UG? 👼
<robimarko> Borromini: Like all of the other things, its on the long TODO list
<Borromini> :)
<robimarko> I dont think QCA8081 is to blame, it looks to be a MVPP2 issue
<Borromini> ok
<robimarko> *Not MVPP2
<robimarko> Marvell DSA driver
<robimarko> I will probably get it working under Buildroot on a fresh kernel as the driver saw tons of fixes
<robimarko> But, currently I am trying to finalize IPQ807x and make a PR for that
<Borromini> you mean higher than 5.15?
<robimarko> Yeah, probably current RC or linux-next
<Borromini> ok.
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<Borromini> someone posted a link to a netdev patch set but it looks it's already in the patch set adding RB5009UG support https://forum.openwrt.org/t/add-support-for-mikrotik-rb5009ug/104391/777
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<robimarko> Yeah, thats already included
<robimarko> f004br0: Web UI for AFM has way more stuff in the source
<robimarko> Including bridge mode, PPoE, IGMP etc
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<robimarko> Its just hidden somehow
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<Ansuel> robimarko any problem with ipq807x ? or is the sysupgrade one the real blocker?
<Mangix> hanetzer: git grep meson.mk
<Mangix> rmilecki: meson is sort of a compiled python program. That's not an issue.
<Mangix> In any case, I'm asking on IRC as stuff I submit on the mailing list (patches) typically go nowhere.
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<f00b4r0> robimarko: interesting. You will likely find the zyxel web rather /bare/, but on the commandline it seems pretty featureful
<f00b4r0> and it's running OpenWrt, so there's nothing we shouldn't be able to fix ;)
<f00b4r0> i'm gonna try to snatch a couple more, I'll get in touch with the seller tomorrow
<hanetzer> Ansuel: I suppose that's only possible because mac80211 is one dir, unlike say, packages/boot/uboot-{envtools,sunxi,rockchip,...} yeh?
<Ansuel> ok yes that is problematic
<Ansuel> problem is that in such implementation every tweak to have a generic dir would be an hack
<Ansuel> we should change the logic and have every target specific package in one uboot directory that way it should be cleaner but still it's a mess to fix it
<hanetzer> Ansuel: reason being, depending on how this venv/binman/etc stuff turns out it *may* be needed to pach the makefile for u-boot to not try to use binman in-tree
<Ansuel> so we will have to have a patch that will be present in each uboot-target package
<hanetzer> yeah, which is a bit annoying
<Ansuel> having a generic patch directory is doable... problem is how to make it less messy
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<Harm__> fpsusername[m]: this is what i use, though default + enable luci should work too. https://transfer.sh/RGDFl9/config
<Habbie> Harm__, fpsusername[m], i found a "WiFi versterker" for EUR 2.50 :D https://www.kpn.com/service/internet/wifi-en-modems/handleidingen-experia-box.htm#!/device/kpn/wifi-versterker
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<Habbie> 128 mb ram, 32mb flash
<Harm__> Habbie: not bad, does it have WiFi AC?
<Habbie> it's older, i dbout it
<Habbie> apparently it depends on who you ask
<Harm__> hehe, I recently got 3x Experia WiFi on marktplaats for €17 including shipping :D
<Habbie> oh neat :)
<Habbie> i honestly don't know where my experia wifi is
<Habbie> so i still haven't tested your build or even your uboot patch
<Harm__> :(
<Habbie> i'll find it under four newer projects once i finish those, i have no doubt
<Harm__> haha
<Habbie> one of which is yet -another- dutch router, a zyxel with online.nl sticker
<robimarko> Ansuel: sysupgrade is the biggest blocker
<robimarko> f00b4r0: I dont really care about the web UI if CLI has all of the features
<robimarko> As long it properly supports G.988 thats fine for me
<robimarko> And allows changing SN and vendor obviously
<robimarko> It is supposedly arriving tommorow, so I will give it a go
<robimarko> Hopefully IGMP works
<Ansuel> (manage to port all the split patch to 5.15)
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<hanetzer> Mangix: I swear that turned up nothing last time I tried it xd
<hanetzer> yeah, its a bit like those binary sh scripts you may get from various vendors
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<Mangix> hanetzer: where are ypu searching?
<fpsusername[m]> <Habbie> "Harm__, fpsusername, i found a..." <- Cheap asf. OpenWRT on the new extenders as a next project?
<hanetzer> I was maybe thinking of folding tools/binman under tools/mkimage; they are fairly frequently used together
<hanetzer> Mangix: I may have been in a feeds repo
<Habbie> fpsusername[m], yep, on the list, some day
<Mangix> both base and packages have meson packages
<Mangix> telephony and routing probably not
<fpsusername[m]> Habbie: Well, with the experience we got from the old extender, the new extender shouldn't be too difficult
<hanetzer> yeh. either way, I musta goofed somehow.
<fpsusername[m]> uboot passwords are no problem with reflashing a modified uboot
<Habbie> fpsusername[m], this one is older, and i don't know how related they are - this one is a broadcom, not a mediatek i think
<Habbie> fpsusername[m], but i'll report back, some day
<fpsusername[m]> Ooh
<fpsusername[m]> I thought they were newer
<Harm__> Broadcom isn't that great for OSS
<Habbie> i could be wrong
<Habbie> Harm__, yeah i read that
<fpsusername[m]> Because I know the black ones we have are the second last on the market iirc
<Borromini> Broadcom is crap
<Borromini> if it's 2,5 €... sure. but don't bother with OpenWrt unless it has very specific supported radios (and even then it's still binary blobs)
<Habbie> Borromini, honestly these 2-5 EUR finds are just boxes to toy with and learn a few things, either about bootloaders, or porting openwrt, or whatever
<Habbie> they might never hit production here
<Borromini> ok :)
<Habbie> the zyxel, for example, once ported, to me is just a mips24kc box with more flash/ram than the one i sometimes develop things for ;)
<Habbie> in which case the radios don't matter
<hanetzer> fpsusername[m]: well, unless they've fused some things in the soc :P
<Borromini> Habbie: cool :)
<Harm__> I won't spend time on it myself. This experia wifi was a nice learning experience and I've got plenty of AC access points now ;)
<Habbie> :)
<fpsusername[m]> hanetzer: I still assume that the flash is separated. The only thing increasing difficulty would be CRC checks and what not
<hanetzer> fpsusername[m]: some socs are capable of blowing fuses inside themselves to force a 'secure boot'; hell one of the ones I'm currently fucking with can fuse a password onto jtag access
<robimarko> hanetzer: Unfortunately, all of the modern ones can do that
<hanetzer> yee.
<hanetzer> doesn't mean it *has* been done, but something to be careful of
<robimarko> Yeah
<hanetzer> makefile: bashisms, yey or neah?
<robimarko> Some vendors really abused that
<robimarko> Meraki really liked pushed updates to force secure boot
<robimarko> And brick peoples boards
<hanetzer> can't have them becoming valuable aftermarket devices without contract now can we?
<robimarko> Yeah, gotta keep that sweet licensing money to use your HW
<hanetzer> meraki mr24's were solid devices for a while. I got em for a very nice price too ($10USD each)
<Borromini> was that before or after Cisco acquired them?
<hanetzer> honestly no idea.
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<Borromini> was just curious :)
<hanetzer> only thing that's *really* ass about them is you have to crack them open to do the initial flash, and cracking them open, while very nondestructive, is annoying.
<Borromini> :)
<hanetzer> like, 6 star screws and four phillips
<hanetzer> and a bit of prying to get the first layer off
<hanetzer> you'd have to be incredible hulk manhandling them to break them while opening them, but that's about it.
<fpsusername[m]> <hanetzer> "fpsusername: some socs are..." <- yes, but would they really use those on consumer products? I mean, most don't do it
<owrt-2203-builds> Build [#163](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/openwrt-22.03/images/#builders/1/builds/163) of `bcm27xx/bcm2711` completed successfully.
<hanetzer> so yeh. are we strictly limited to 'sh' in makefiles or can one use bashisms? I know gnu bash is required for building, but I've seen SHELL=sh in a place or two
<Borromini> hanetzer: i don't think bash is a requirement and some devs build on MacOS e.g.
<Mangix> Borromini: bash is absolutely a requirement
<Borromini> oh. nevermind me :facepalm:
<Borromini> i guess that's what you get for having buildroot installations scripted huh.
<hanetzer> heh
<Mangix> can I get a review on https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/4470 ?
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<oliv3r[m][m]> Borromini I use the openwrtorg docker container, which works good enough :)
<oliv3r[m][m]> I'm struggling to wrap my head around this whole DSA business, and since switch support (the realtek ones) is quite new, I'm not sure what to expect. I have each LAN port exposed as a device as per DSA guideline. However, the switch is not 'switching' traffic by default. Is this expected? I have a device called 'switch.1' which probably is the 'CPU' port, which IS getting its IP address via DHCP via any of the ports; sot hat bit
<oliv3r[m][m]> works. But plugging in a second device (usb eth) to, lets say port 3, the host can't get a DCHP reply. So it seems only the CPU port is getting traffic. Is this expected?
<hanetzer> how do you make tools/meson/{clean,hostinstall}? is it hostinstall?
<Mangix> hanetzer: no just install
<Mangix> you looking to time it or something?
<hanetzer> nah, just tweaking it and want to rebuild. clean,install gave no rule for install tho
<hanetzer> either way, a few of those tools/ packages use meson to build so a full tools/{clean,install} tests more than just whatever the right invocation for meson is.
<hanetzer> well, that works :)
<hanetzer> for reference: $(STAGING_DIR_HOST) was made into a venv, and meson, instead of doing that zipscript thing, was pip installed into it, and zstd/pkgconf were built and installed fine
<hanetzer> (the latter just needed a change to meson.mk to use $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/meson instead of meson.py)
<Mangix> no idea what venv is
<Mangix> IIRC adding the .py extension is necessary to fix compilation with the SDK
<Mangix> create_zipapp.py is used to avoid a dependency on host pip
<hanetzer> venv=virtualenv. its a default python module to be frank I have no idea if distros that split off python and pip ship with that to begin with
<Habbie> debian (used to?) split it off
<Mangix> probably still does. why buiild meson with that?
<dwfreed> the venv module (python3 -m venv) on debian bullseye is in the stdlib python package
<dwfreed> python3.9-venv still exists as a package, just only provides pyvenv script, which is deprecated anyway
<hanetzer> mostly a PoC test, I don't intend to change meson
<hanetzer> worst case, one could just setup.py install without pip
<Mangix> I wouldn't bother. The meson package is carefully setup to avoid unneeded dependencies. I would focus on fixing https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/10325
<hanetzer> question. I want to patch uboot-sunxi to use a tool from $(STAGING_DIR_HOST) instead of in-tree; this is something that will *never* be upstreamed, and I'm not sure which Nxx number I should slap it into
<hanetzer> Mangix: as mentioned, its just a PoC; I just needed something snake-flavoured to test with :)
<hanetzer> why do we need distutils anyway?
<hanetzer> ugh. package/boot/uboot-sunxi/update V=s clobbered my patch
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<hanetzer> well, this seems to work
<zorun> I'm having trouble coming up with a useful example of custom nft snippets
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<jow> zorun: a good example would be injecting a log rule into a chain
<zorun> indeed
<zorun> what would the syntax look like?
<jow> assuming position chain-pre & chain input_wan the .nft snpped should just contain something like: log prefix "Inbound WAN traffic: "
<jow> maybe combined with some matches
<jow> tcp dport 0-1023 log prefix "Inbound WAN connection attempt to low TCP port: "
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<hanetzer> https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/10608 let the bikeshedding begin :D
<zorun> thanks, I'll add it
<zorun> jow: also, I noticed that fw4 is a bit slow to build the rules, is that on your radar?
<zorun> it takes 2 seconds on a ipq40xx which is supposedly fast hardware
<jow> zorun: not yet. I commonly test on apus, er-x's and mir3g
<jow> right now it's about ~900ms on my er-x
<jow> I'm not too worried about it though. Since nft does atomic ruleset replacements on firewall reload (not restart!) the processing time doesn ot matter much
<jow> restart time coulle be cut in half with some tempfile caching
<jow> right now it renders the ruleset twice; once for checking, once for applying
<zorun> "fw4 print" already takes 1.76s
<zorun> fw4 reload = 2.08s
<zorun> fw4 check = 2.04s
<zorun> fw4 restart = 4.06s
<jow> yeah, seems rather slow
<stintel> I wouldn't call ipq4*** fast
<jow> I only ever tested on x86 and mt7621 based hw
<jow> and there it's consistently between ~900ms and 1.2s
<jow> it won't get as fast as fw3 but there's some untapped optimization potential
<stintel> my uci config generates a 1019 line nft ruleset - real 0m 1.25s on m300
<stintel> 1.5GHz PPC64
<stintel> I'd call it reasonable ?
<jow> do you think it is a problem? At least from all the reports about fw4 so far, none was about it's rule rendering speed
<jow> I guess it is in line with what one would epxect form a script based preprocessor
<stintel> I've been testdriving firewall4 for a while now, never bothered me
<zorun> ipq40xx is much faster than old ar71xx :) but ok, that's not as fast as other hardware
<zorun> jow: yes, I was just a bit surprised about it while doing several edit - reload rounds
<zorun> not a big deal
<jow> I do plan some improvements for .1
<zorun> great
<jow> we could also consider precompiling all the scritps into one big lump, that usually shaves of 25-45% of the overall runtime as well
<stintel> mostly curious how many new bugreports we will see now that 22.03 is almost built
<hanetzer> heh
<jow> maybe also do some profiling to see where time is actually spent, we do call nft a few times under the hood to gather info, maybe the nft call overhead is significant too
<stintel> tested the latest miniupnpd bump, it didn't work on boot, had to restart miniupnpd to make it work, and rules are still duplicated 😂
<Mangix> it's been brought to my attention that I should be using mediatek,nmbm for this device
<Mangix> seems like arcanery
<stintel> what arcanery ?
<jow> stintel: too bad, I thought it has been sorted out by now
<jow> I refrained from spending time on it since I though it's been taken care of by one of the various PRs
<stintel> what's arcane about it ?
<zorun> jow: "fw4 print" is basically doing "utpl -S /usr/share/firewall4/main.uc", that's where all the time is spent
<Mangix> it does some magic stuff.
<zorun> digging deeper is more complex
<jow> luckily miniupnpd is not builtin; we can still push fixes post-release
<stintel> Mangix: it's not magic, it's mediatek's nand bad block mgmt
<Mangix> you want a ratio greater than 1? too bad
<jow> zorun: yeah, expected. we need to profile it, see if we can improve the performance
<Mangix> initially I thought mediatek,bbt was supposed to be used
<Mangix> nope
<stintel> depends on the device
<stintel> usually u-boot gives you hints
<zorun> jow: btw, if the 2s-delay is the only gripe I have with fw4, it probably means that the rest is working fine :)
<Mangix> stintel: I got the hint from the open source tarball for these devices
<hauke> The 22.03 build finished today in the morning, I am too tired to send the mails out today, will to it on Monday evening
<zorun> hauke: I checked the release notes, I added a link to the new fw4 documentation about custom rules. The rest looks fine (but I haven't followed closely what happened in 22.03)
<hauke> zorun: thanks for the update
<jow> hauke: wise decision
<stintel> hauke: thanks for all the effort on 22.03
<zorun> +1
<jow> hauke: and maybe send it to contact@ first for proof reading
* Mangix grabs popcorn
<hauke> jow: ok
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<Mangix> hmm I take it the Unifi 6 LR is the only 2.5gbps device supported by openwrt?
<stintel> MACCHIATObin maybe
<stintel> once ipq807x lands probably several more
<Mangix> oh interesting
<stintel> not succeeding in booting the OpenWrt kernel on BSAP3040 :(
<stintel> that's also 2.5GbE iirc
<Mangix> what platform is that?
<stintel> qoriq
<Mangix> just merged a mariadb fix for that.
<stintel> and I thought I ran weird things on my routers 😂
<hanetzer> my openwrt devices aren't even routers :)
<Mangix> i really need to liquidate some of mine.
<stintel> I'm having an attempt to have an OpenWrt minik8s os with k3s
<stintel> but I'm failing to build rancher-plugins
<stintel> golang is annoying AF to package
<stintel> I'd use k3os but it appears to be abandoned
<Mangix> yes. it also only supports x86
<stintel> huh?
<Mangix> the HostBuild
<stintel> that's an OpenWrt specific thing then
<Mangix> I tried to build it on an m1 mac. No dice.
<stintel> I'm happily using go on ppc64
<stintel> well maybe not happily, it's still annoying to package :P
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