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<russell--> ubus call poe info still shows no communication
<russell--> firmware v0.0 and status unknown on all ports
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<mrnuke_> russell--: Good news! The hardware works!
<mrnuke_> russell--: Does your EWS2910P look like this : https://github.com/mrnuke/openwrt/wiki/Engenius-EWS2910P ?
<mrnuke_> russell--: The label on the bottom of mine says "HW v1.0.0". What does your unit say?
<mrnuke_> russell--: also, if you wish to change boot partition from openwrt, you can do "fw_setsys bootpartition 1"
<mrnuke_> russell--: I'm kind of smirking that someone finally got to use the pin 16 trick :D
<russell--> mrnuke_: after the pin16 trick, it whines a little and claims to be erasing some blocks of something from address A to adress B or something
<russell--> Erasing SPI flash...II: Erasing 4096 bytes from b5000000... 100%
<russell--> and:
<russell--> Erasing SPI flash...II: Erasing 4096 bytes from 00090000... 100%
<russell--> Writing to SPI flash...II: Writting 4096 bytes to 00090000... 100%
* russell-- looks for the label
<russell--> the sticker on the bottom of the case says: "HW: v 3.0.0", but the board silkscreen says "EWS2910Pv3 / 7016A269500u / VER: 1.00" where / indicates newline
<russell--> has anyone disassembled or otherwise obtained source code for the u-boot that might suggest a less electrical way of getting a u-boot prompt?
<russell--> i see two rtl8231 chips and an rtl8238b on the board
<russell--> there is also a populated four pin header labelled j10
<russell--> ooh, and another 28 pin part labelled ASKT<mumble> (the last bit is covered with a blob of green paint)
<russell--> ARM in the lower right corner
<mrnuke_> 8238B? shit! You might have an unsupported PoE chip (https://forum.openwrt.org/t/support-for-rtl838x-based-managed-switches/57875/1383?page=69)
<mrnuke_> The "Erasing/Writing SPI flash" bit is likely the bootloader writing to u-boot-env2 in order to change the bootpasrtition
<mrnuke_> Having a really good image of the PCB would help, but I don't know enough about the 8238b to be able to make it work (like this https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2610559/178882168-f4cba27e-b152-4660-b129-3ac49d98b8f6.jpg)
<mrnuke_> russell--: Do you have a logic analyzer?
<russell--> i do
<mrnuke_> I bet that RTL8283B has some fat diodes next to it
<mrnuke_> Not sure what that E230G8 is. If there are MOSFET's or inductors next to it, I would say switching regulator, otherwise, microcontroller
<mrnuke_> aah, there you go: GigaDevice -- https://www.gigadevice.com/microcontroller/gd32e230g8u6/
<mrnuke_> Best thing to do is take this to the rtl838x thread, and ask there. We'll need to reverse-enginerd the protocol
<mrnuke_> If there is a header next to the mystery chips, then put a logic analyzer on it and see what comes out. Is it UART ? Is it I2C ?
<mrnuke_> For example, in the ews2910p image I shared earlier, J7 -- above the leftmost ethernet transformer-- is the header that I used to probe the PoE UART (image is here https://github.com/mrnuke/openwrt/wiki/Engenius-EWS2910P)
<russell--> my guess is that the E230G8 is the microcontroller
<mrnuke_> I agree
<mrnuke_> svanheule: ^^^^^^ This is an interesting new hardware challenge
<russell--> i'm recharging the battery for my "good" camera to get a better board sized image
<mrnuke_> No rush. I'm going to go recharge my batterries here. It's about that time of night :p
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<nick[m]1234> Can someone help me? I tried adding openwrt to fritz!wlan repeater 2400. However, it does not boot completely. See: https://gist.github.com/PolynomialDivision/3f42b52e6113083f1f25adbef576a396
<nick[m]1234> What do you do when having "doesn't start on an erase/write block boundary"? I used the original avm layout
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<jow> question for the native english speakers: does "flashing" mean that something is continuously illuminated or that it is blinking?
<jow> context is that I look for an appropriate phrase to describe the "invert" option of a heartbeat LED trigger
<jow> nvm, found it. glowing/shining/lighted would be more approrpaite words I guess
<jow> s/lighted/lit/
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<f00b4r0> jow: flashing means blinking. I would describe inverted heartbeat as "lit with brief interruptions" or in more technical terms as "flashing with long duty cycle" :)
<Harm_> nick[m]1234: maybe disable pci-e for now in the device tree? As the log stops there
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<russell--> also flash on a camera, a brief bright light
<nick[m]1234> Harm_: thanks. now only the flash seems wrong: https://gist.github.com/PolynomialDivision/742f2fced1be436bdafab76d6a35b9ce
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<russell--> initial attempts with the logic analyser were not successful
<russell--> probably need to start with an oscilloscope
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<stintel> f00b4r0: hah, I jinxed it :P my main m300 just rebooted
<stintel> not sure if it was kernel panic or watchdog reset, I have a serial console attached and had screen running on it, but the box running screen crashed earlier this week and did not start the screen again afterwards :/
<stintel> so I don't have logging, again
<stintel> goddamnit
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<stintel> does anyone know if there are syslog daemons that can use serial port for input ?
<stintel> so far my search has not yielded any results, which seems completely unthinkable
<f00b4r0> so the router crashed and the box monitoring the router also crashed ? Seems like you have some stability issues :->
* f00b4r0 hides
<stintel> there are things like https://github.com/biologist79/Serial-to-Syslog or hacks like cat /dev/ttyS0 | logger but why does nothing support it natively
<stintel> f00b4r0: I blame btrfs or zfsonlinux
<stintel> not sure which one was it this time
<stintel> last time I had a btrfs deadlock introduced in an lts kernel bump
<stintel> seriously need to reconsider running btrfs
<f00b4r0> My understanding of btrfs is that it's a /killer/ fs :-3
<stintel> but this time I actually suspect it was memory pressure
<stintel> and zfs ... with its spl ...
<stintel> everything is just shit
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<stintel> and the alternative is a filesystem without checksumming :(
<f00b4r0> i'm running ZoL fine (in truenas scale)
<f00b4r0> since the codebase merged with the bsd implementation it seems to have gotten quite robust
<stintel> let's hope bcachefs makes it in the kernel before end of year
<f00b4r0> anyhow, for your serial woes, redirecting ttyS0 to some file seems like an easy workaround
<stintel> yeah but I can't wrap my head around the fact that no syslog daemon supports this natively
<f00b4r0> well I'm guessing the need for it may not be quite obvious given how "trivial" it is to do without
<stintel> the trivial way is still a hack, imo
<stintel> anyway
<Habbie> the loggers that can read from /dev/klog surely could read from something else?
<f00b4r0> meanwhile it looks like i'll have to pick nbd's brain on yet another mind boggling mt7915 issue
<stintel> at least my wifi is stable :P
<f00b4r0> ;)
<robimarko_> f00b4r0: You always find some crazy edge cases
<stintel> I should duplicate my strongSwan roadwarrior config to the backup m300
<f00b4r0> yeah, it seems i have a talent for breaking things :)
<stintel> I probably wouldn't even have noticed the main m300 going down then :P
<nbd> f00b4r0: what kind of issue?
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<f00b4r0> nbd: not sure how to describe it. Basically, in a setup with two Yuncore AX820 which use a bridge-vlan setup, if e.g. the LAN network in on a non-tagged VLAN, a client roaming from one AP to the next will experience a blackout that lasts a couple minutes. If the LAN network is moved to a tagged VLAN, the problem disappears
<f00b4r0> nbd: I will try to collect more relevant info
<f00b4r0> (tagged/untagged is for the ethernet link to the main router / dhcp server, of course)
<stintel> you're not running bridger, are you ?
<f00b4r0> no; this is pure bridge-vlan setup
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<Slimey> stintel i got the adtran 6040 waps in :D maybe some internal pics soon :P
<stintel> Slimey: do you know what platform they're based on ?
<Slimey> qca
<Slimey> ipq something i have more info soon
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<f00b4r0> hmm
<f00b4r0> if I tcpdump the bridge vlan, I do not see ICMP traffic going through it, neither on the 802.1q interface related to the LAN vlan, although I do see the ICMP traffic on the wireless interface
<f00b4r0> that seems... abnormal
<f00b4r0> and the RTT times are all over the place too
* f00b4r0 scratches head
* f00b4r0 suspects an offloading thing
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<f00b4r0> hmm; on the AX820, if I tcpdump the "physical" DSA interface, on the vlan that should be untagged, the frames have the vid tag
<f00b4r0> s/the/some/
<f00b4r0> oh i see. Seems to be incoming frames. I guess that's a side effect of vlan-bridge which was confusing me.
<f00b4r0> still doesn't explain why some frames seem to disappear, DHCP replies in particular
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<f00b4r0> is there a way to meaningfully run tcpdump on the DSA master interface, with some level of decoding? I'm trying to understand "where" the frames disappear
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<russell--> mrnuke_: to confirm, you are telling me that on HW v1.0.0 the PoE works?
<russell--> fwiw, looking at the circuit board last night, there is an i2c optoisolator between the microcontroller and the rtl8238b
<mrnuke_> russell--: v1 has a different PoE controller
<mrnuke_> It's not an 8238b. It's some broadcom stuff (I forget the exact PN)
<mrnuke_> Yes, on v1, realtek-poe works.
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<russell--> mrnuke_: thanks
<russell--> i'm working with someone hoping to use these switches, we both purchased from the same source and i got the v3, they got v1
<russell--> seems like the vendor firmware is the same for both versions? so it must distinguish what hardware it's talking to.
<mrnuke_> `cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio` ?
<mrnuke_> Ooh, nevermind. That won't work. Need to export the GPIOs first
<mrnuke_> ` for y in $(seq 451 511); do echo "$y" > /sys/class/gpio/export; done`
<mrnuke_> Then do `cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio` ?
<mrnuke_> Maybe there is a strapon pin GPIO that tells us more
<russell--> fwiw, u-boot has an "rtk poe probe" or something
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<mrnuke_> You can try it. It didn't work for me
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* russell-- needs to reboot back into u-boot ....
<russell--> init rtl8380 uart channel 1,baudrate 19200
<russell--> time out cnt 10 ok_cnt 0,message 9
<russell--> POE Fail to get respone.!
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<mrnuke_> russell--: Mine does the same -- no huge surprise here. I was hoping maybe uboot is updated for the "newer' PSE chip
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<russell--> so, v3 has one row of populated headers, the lower row is unpopulated
<russell--> in respose to an rtk poe probe, i'm seeing nothing on any of the populated headers
<russell--> pin 1 seems to be vcc, pin 2 sits at 3.3v, pin 3 sits at 0v, pin 4 seems to be ground
<russell--> also seeing nothing on the unpopulated row of pins
<russell--> fwiw, i did an i2cdetect on bus 0 in openwrt and saw nothing
<russell--> has anyone tried to extract the filesystem from the vendor firmware?
<mrnuke_> russell--: `binwalk -e`
<mrnuke_> also, if probing headers, probe them when running the vendor FW. The u-boot command obviously doesn't work, so it tells us absolutely nothing
<russell--> these are my gpios: http://paste.debian.net/1249359/
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<russell--> binwalk is giving me a bunch of lzma compressed data, which doesn't look like a filesystem
* russell-- suspects it is encrypted or something
<mrnuke_> I think I found an initramfs in one of those files
<hurricos> stintel: dm-integrity
<hurricos> russell--: Dump it for me. I will find it :^)
<hurricos> Slimey: exciting! I'm going to have T1-series JTAG firmware soon, hopefully that'll be enough to overcome the issues stijn's been having
<hurricos> for the BSAP3040
<russell--> i'm looking at the file i downloaded from engenius right now
<hurricos> russell--: Yep, already found it and binwalk -Me'd it
<hurricos> It's uClibc-based Linux
<hurricos> got a few MIPS ELFs mentioning PoE in here
<hurricos> found the rootfs
<hurricos> it's a cpio
<mrnuke_> hurricos: you're too fast
<hurricos> insmod /etc/rc: insmod drivers/net/switch/ski/custom/poe/senao_poe.ko
<hurricos> cough, sorry --
<hurricos> ./etc/rc: insmod drivers/net/switch/ski/custom/poe/senao_poe.ko
<hurricos> @russell-- Mind doing the honors of submitting a formal request for GPL compliance?
<hurricos> :^)
<mrnuke_> hurricos: ^^ Wild goose chase
<hurricos> I've hit every vendor I've asked
<hurricos> Aerohive, Mikrotik, Extreme Networks
<hurricos> Yes, I know Aerohive is owned by Extreme
<hurricos> Always good to ask :P
<hurricos> btw, for more context: https://paste.c-net.org/MindingDecided
<hurricos> so it might not be what drives PoE on *this* board
<mrnuke_> hurricos: Forwarded the email thread with my wild goose chase :)
<hurricos> oh no
<mrnuke_> Note how it's six years old
<hurricos> I have never seen a vendor use SQLite on 8MB of flash ... until now
<russell--> i noticed they run ssh and have authorized_keys in the jffs2 partition on flash
<hurricos> :^)
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<russell--> i wonder if augmenting the authorized_keys with your own public key might get you a proper shell
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<mrnuke_> russell--: if you try that, please document the steps and the results :)
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<russell--> looks like it starts a shell called cli, which sounds like the crappy one you get at the serial console
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<mrnuke_> cli == crappy lame interface?
<mrnuke_> so if you change that, you might be able to start busybox :d
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