<swalker> updated openwrt/upstream, https://sdwalker.github.io/uscan/index.html
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<jow> Mangix: pong
<aparcar[m]> jow: APK is moving forward, how much time do you estimate for a LuCI integration?
<jow> aparcar[m]: more than I have at hand. Someelse needs to implement it and estimate the required time to do so
<aparcar[m]> jow: ack
<jow> I goess one can naively copy-paste luci-app-opkg and simply adapt it to apk
<jow> this way one does not need to reinvent the structure
<aparcar[m]> I'll try to motivate Ansuel
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<jow> so regarding that WDR3600 memcpy bug - I was able to further simplify the testcase into just https://pastebin.com/K9rmNFwY
<jow> reproduces with musl based anbd uclibc based executables
<jow> reproduces regardless of target / linux / generic / hack-5.15 / 300-MIPS-r4k_cache-use-more-efficient-cache-blast.patch being applied or not
<Habbie> is memcpy coming from the libc or from the compiler?
<jow> does not appear to reproduce on non-wdr3600 ath79 devices
<Habbie> is it reproducable on more than one individual device?
<jow> yes
<Habbie> 'nice'
<jow> multiple reports from multiple different wdr3600
<jow> normally I wouldn't care about such an obscure fringe bug, but it manages to impact, causing ervery few calls to LuCI to segfault
<jow> *impact ucode
<jow> will try on some older 22.x build soon
<jow> it also requires this very specific byte pattern (0x00 ... 0x00 0x7f 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x80 ...)
<Habbie> in 3 weeks somebody is going to come in here to tell us they replaced some capacitor to fix it ;)
<jow> a (0x00 ... 0x00 0x7e 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x80 ...) or (0x00 ... 0x00 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x80 ...) or (0x00 ... 0x00 0x80 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x80 ...) does not trigger
<jow> maybe there's other patterns but I didn't bother to search for those
<jow> I also built a debug kernel which allows to track the page mapping, so I could translate the affected virtual addresses to physical ones
<jow> the pyhsical affected ones are random as well
<jow> at first I thought that maybe some driver improperly writes into a bad specific memory location or something
<jow> so it looks from the outside as if two consecutive memcpy calls with the same data might somehow flip some bits
<jow> source memory remains unaffected but destination receives bad bytes
<jow> in general; could that be something triggered by wrong frequencies or something?
<jow> bad clock settings in dts leading to ram instability?
<nbd> i think so
<nbd> the GPL code has some code for switching clock speed
<nbd> so maybe the boot loader has wrong settings and their kernel fixes them
<jow> but the openwrt kernel never had such code?
<nbd> right, so maybe something like that needs to be added for wdr3600
<schmars[m]> i have an old used wdr3600 v1.4 that i pulled from a location the other day, in case more testing is needed
<jow> schmars[m]: yeah, would be appreciated
<jow> schmars[m]: simply compile the code here: https://pastebin.com/K9rmNFwY
<schmars[m]> ok cool
<jow> schmars[m]: e.g. using ..../staging_dir/toolchain-mips_24kc_gcc-12.3.0_musl/bin/mips-openwrt-linux-gcc -Wall -static -o /tmp/bug /tmp/bug.c
<jow> scp the resulting executable to the device
<jow> run it in a loop while /tmp/bug; do :; done
<schmars[m]> let me clean up the bird poop first :-)
<jow> if the device is affected it might eventually abort like this: https://pastebin.com/7BTvjVwB
<jow> another quick test case is running while true; do /www/cgi-bin/luci | wc -l; done
<jow> it should print something like 76 and eventually segfault with 0 lines
<jow> also taking between 10 and 1000 attempts
<jow> the wdr3600 seems to share it's dts and former machine definition code with the wdr4300 and wdr4310
<jow> would be interesting to know if those are affected too
<schmars[m]> and we have plenty other old ath79 devices that we can test on, if the repro case doesn't affect device stability
<schmars[m]> ok nice, yeah
<schmars[m]> no wdr4310 but plenty of wdr4300
<jow> schmars[m]: well I don't think it affects stability but it will cause system load for sure
<Habbie> any non-wdr it shares with? because from the photos, the 3600 looks familiar (but then again, tplinks often do)
<jow> don't think so
* russell-- has a bunch of wdr3600's also
<russell--> jow: should i worry about three of these: mips-openwrt-linux-gcc: warning: environment variable 'STAGING_DIR' not defined
<slh64> wdr3600 and wdr4300/ wdr4310 are identical (same PCB), the only difference is the soldered-on 5 GHz PCIe wlan card (2x2 vs 3x3) and the region code for the 4310, so anything affecting the 3600 should affect 4300 & 4310 alike
<russell--> 200+ loops and counting ...
<jow> russell--: no, that's fine for the purpose of cmpiling the test util
<jow> russell--: also try the while true; do /www/cgi-bin/luci | wc -l; done test
<jow> failure looks like this: https://pastebin.com/e8Z5JKS4
<jow> it usually triggers the error condituion faster than the synthetic test case
* russell-- doesn't have luci installed
<jow> ah ok
* russell-- going to sleep, will let it run
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<MaxSoniX> Hi all! can anyone please look at this? this solves a real problem for me https://github.com/openwrt/odhcp6c/pull/87
<f00b4r0> jow: I didn't realize the affected device was the WDR3600
<f00b4r0> that device comes in two "variants" which are undistinguishable unless you open them: one has Winbond RAM the other Zentel
<f00b4r0> the latter required a workaround for proper reboot to take effect, so the bug you're seeing might be RAM-type dependent (I wouldn't be surprised if the Zentel RAM actually needs more quirks than just the reboot one)
<schmars[m]> here's a wdr3600 v1.1 with 2x512mbit hynix ram
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<schmars[m]> my v1.4 has 2x winbond ram
<f00b4r0> schmars[m]: heh, one more variant then. Hopefully that one wasn't buggy like the Zentel ones
<f00b4r0> oh but that's a 1.0? The ones I've been dealing with have 1.3 PCBs
<schmars[m]> its from the wiki
<schmars[m]> my v1.4 at home has "1.3" on the pcb too
<f00b4r0> yeah that's what I expect
<f00b4r0> i only know of 2 variants of those: zentel and winbond
<schmars[m]> i just remembered i had two more in a box. they're both v1.5 (pcb 1.3) with zentel ram
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<Mangix> jow: why are config files installed to $2/bin ? https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/master/libs/libnet-1.2.x/Makefile#L42
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<Mangix> https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/7abc89dabee21fc269017224900aca23a71930da is an interesting commit. I don't think anyone uses this device.
<KanjiMonster> Mangix: libnet-config is an executable file, not a config file (https://github.com/libnet/libnet/blob/master/libnet-config.in)
<Mangix> correct
<Mangix> Why link though?
<Mangix> I assume it makes more sense to copy to $(2) directly.
<KanjiMonster> also maybe you should ask the person that added the lines, not some random core maintainer (https://github.com/openwrt/packages/commit/395e00bb1ca221150154636f1375fc914f5f016b)
<Mangix> yeah that was me. I effectively copied what was done in libpng, which jow commited: https://github.com/openwrt/packages/commit/b172d28c37f4799d55635858bc28911720f2f84c
<KanjiMonster> ah, didn't expect your irc nick being different from your github handle
<Habbie> some are known by many names
<Mangix> Looks like I found out again that sophos_red-15w-rev1 is broken
<Mangix> convenient that nobody uses this device.
<KanjiMonster> Mangix: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/svn-archive/packages.git;a=commitdiff;h=df888339a65fec311cb518bcd002d3a2a617cd30 seems to be the commit that added the symlinks
<russell--> jow: still going
<KanjiMonster> Mangix: seeing how 14 years ago there already was a proper .pc, I wonder if these deprecated *-config scripts are even used by anything anymore nowadays
<Mangix> they are, unfortunately
<Mangix> *cough* ncurses *cough*
<Mangix> alright, https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/97e4311fca73d064d17065e7844699aa777cb157 says not connected to SoC and no network definitions are provided. I'm just assuming it doesn't work to begin with. No point in wasting time here.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#330](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/149/builds/330) of `master_mediatek/filogic` completed successfully.
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<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_omap.html has been updated. (11.1% images and 100.0% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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