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<SlimeyX> `AiA
<SlimeyX> heh i dumped this flash and looking for strings i find pG@h
<SlimeyX> hm U-Boot 2016.01-WAP380-uboot_version:V0.0.1 (Feb 09 2021 - 00:15:59 +0530)
<SlimeyX> for the life of me i can not get serial output
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<mrnuke> russell--: I don't want to have to specify in the config that this is a so and so controller. That would make a pretty poor user experience, and would basically be impossible to automatically configure
<mrnuke> russell--: I want something closer to the gpsd philosophy, where it can talk to a number of different devices and automatically determine the correct protocol anmd serial port settings to use
<mrnuke> There's a commit in the devel branch to detect and reset a stalled PoE microcontroller. That could be extended to cycle the baudrate. A return code of 0x60 or 0x61 from the MCU is indicative of a realtek dialect, so that can be used as a dialect switch condition
<mrnuke> I have serial traces, and several pieces of paper scattered across my desk with printed and hand-annotated serial traces. I'm still not sure what the malfunction is
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#44]( of `main_octeon/generic` completed successfully.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#26]( of `main_qualcommax/ipq60xx` failed: failed './scripts/feeds update' (failure)
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<hauke> Is someone working on porting the ASUS ZenWiFi BT8 BE14000 to OpenWrt? It is a MTK Wifi 7 AP avalibale in Germany. (mt7988 + mt7995?)
<blogic> hauke: expensive device
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<hauke> blogic: cheaper than the TP link one which is 500 euro
<hauke> TP Link sells some cheap MTK Wifi 7 devices in China
<blogic> I think OpenWrt Two will be cooler at a lower price ;)
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<n3ph> Does someone know the current status of mikrotik 2011 series? Latest snapshots worked well over here (SFP still untested) and I wonder if it could be shipped with 24.10? Forum:
<n3ph> Ah, never mind, I mixed that up with another device. This is still not upstream yet..
<schmars[m]> f00b4r0: new mt7915 commits in openwrt main, supposedly mt76 @ 5fe42ec88f is the proper fix for the roaming issue
<schmars[m]> merry christmas