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<john-cabaj[m]> tobhe how are we handling Mantic EOL and the roll to Noble? Mantic might not get the 6.8 kernel because of the new packages in Noble. 
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<tobhe[m]> i think we'll try to get everyone to move to noble as soon as we can (once it works)
<popey[m]> Is it (will it) be upgradable or will it need a reinstall?
<popey[m]> or is that all hand-wavy and not solved yet?
<tobhe[m]> I sure hope it will be 🙂
<popey[m]> That's the spirit! :D
<tobhe[m]> now that I'm at home i might actually try
<tobhe[m]> upgrading with ppas is always a bit... interesting
<tobhe[m]> maybe just because I don't understand it
<popey[m]> would you do-release-upgrade or just brute-force edit the sources.list and dist-upgrade?
<tobhe[m]> do-release-upgrade
<tobhe[m]> maybe with --allow-third-party
<popey[m]> I'd be (pleasantly) shocked and amazed if that worked
<tobhe[m]> oh I got mine from jammy to mantic doing that
<popey[m]> oh, nice
<popey[m]> Would be nice to have an LTS on the mac :)
<tobhe[m]> I think I was lucky though because it might have just worked because our kernels were always a bit newer than the one I upgraded to
<tobhe[m]> we might want to actually pin that somehow
<tobhe[m]> hm asahi-scripts could be a problem
<tobhe[m]> because the debian version is newer than ours. need to push an update
<john-cabaj[m]> Kernel image issue is sorted, but headers still can’t install because libelf1t64 and libssl3t64 only exist in noble
<tobhe[m]> oh hm.
<tobhe[m]> but those are just t64 transitional
<tobhe[m]> so we could replace them with the non t64 versions
<john-cabaj[m]> Ill try to track down with these dependencies are here now 
<john-cabaj[m]> I’m thinking it’s the time_t changes, though
<john-cabaj[m]> Maybe it’s fine and we just need to shift people to the new noble images. That’s where time_t is fixed. 
<john-cabaj[m]> (Not so much fixed, but no longer on 32-bit time_t)
<tobhe[m]> for us none of this should make a difference
<tobhe[m]> since it is all arm64
<john-cabaj[m]> I think that comes in from libelf-dev
<tobhe[m]> updated asahi-scripts is now in the testing ppa
<tobhe[m]> and updated on github
<john-cabaj[m]> But that's been in linux-apple-arm since initial release
<tobhe[m]> john-cabaj[m]: so what's the actual error?
<tobhe[m]> the t64 libraries are a workaround for the time_t transition to force upgrade them to the new ABI
<tobhe[m]> since none of that exists in mantic and arm64, we can just s/t64//g imo
<tobhe[m]> or is it not clear where that dependency came from?
<john-cabaj[m]> It's not terribly clear, but there is a dependency on ` libelf-dev <!stage1>,` that's been there for forever
<john-cabaj[m]> apt-cache depends libelf-dev on a noble VM shows libelf1t64 as a depends
<tobhe[m]> yes libelf-dev pulls in the t64 version on noble
<tobhe[m]> building it on mantic should do the right thing
<tobhe[m]> we just can't have a single build anymore
<john-cabaj[m]> Might be that we're building on noble and not making backport kernels anymore
<john-cabaj[m]> linux-apple-arm is now a noble release, and the binaries just get copied to mantic
<tobhe[m]> yeah that won't work with this one
<john-cabaj[m]> Right
<tobhe[m]> I'd say it would be nice if we could build a single one for mantic
<tobhe[m]> and then migrate everyone to noble
<john-cabaj[m]> We did have mantic on 6.6 at least
<tobhe[m]> I am a little worried about do-release-upgrade pulling in the new kernel
<tobhe[m]> and breaking stuff
<john-cabaj[m]> I don't know that there's anything new in terms of features.
<tobhe[m]> but we can probably add something to our meta package to have grub prefer the asahi kernel
<tobhe[m]> actually I think I'll try the upgrade now
<tobhe[m]> do any of you have held-back libreoffice updates btw?
<tobhe[m]> wish me luck 😛
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<Saviq[m]> Hey tobhe (so many of you...) :)
<Saviq[m]> Would you please enable noble and upload a Mesa into I'm building mesa-2404 and would like an `asahi` track straight up. All `base: core24` [should also]( use that approach to GPU userspace soon
<tobhe[m]> will do, thanks!
<tobhe[m]> sounds awesome btw 🙂
<tobhe[m]> update is still going, no errors so far...
<tobhe[m]> Restart required
<tobhe[m]> To finish the upgrade, a restart is required.
<tobhe[m]> If you select 'y' the system will be restarted.
<eslerm[m]> <tobhe[m]> "do any of you have held-back..." <- holding back libreoffice-core is libreoffice-common > 4:7.6.5
<eslerm[m]> (use John's `sudo apt install --dry-run` on all held back packages to see)
<eslerm[m]> nice to see you here Saviq o/
<tobhe[m]> oh wow it worked
<tobhe[m]> even on the old kernel still
<john-cabaj[m]> Mind adding my PPA and seeing how the dependencies shake out?
<tobhe[m]> on it
<tobhe[m]> so I'll start copying our current packages to noble and then start the actual rebuild for mesa
<popey[m]> Ok, should I do-release-upgrade on my M1? Anything special I need to worry about before I do?
<tobhe[m]> I did do-release-upgrade -d --allow-third-party
<popey[m]> Ok, gonna do it
<tobhe[m]> you probably want asahi-scripts from asahi-testing
<tobhe[m]> 20231219.1-1ubuntu1
<tobhe[m]> just to make sure it doesn't get replaced by the debian version
<popey[m]> /me plugs the power in, just in case
<tobhe[m]> and maybe check your grub.cfg and packages before actually rebooting
<tobhe[m]> to make sure it doesn't default to the default kernel
<popey[m]> kk
<tobhe[m]> after booting into noble, apt upgrade tries to downgrade a bunch of things
<popey[m]> oof
<tobhe[m]> should be fixed soon
<tobhe[m]> that's just because we didn't have a noble release in our ppa
<tobhe[m]> now that I copied the binary packages there they should be detected and stick around
<tobhe[m]> at least it didn't automatically remove anything!
<tobhe[m]> oh and it actually disabled the ppa...
<popey[m]> ok, changed ppa from asahi to asahi-testing and here comes libreoffice is indeed kept back, and there's new asahi-scripts, and suggestion to remove some kernels
<tobhe[m]> i just removed libreoffice before updating
<tobhe[m]> ah maybe the asahi ppa got disabled because there isn't a release file yet
<tobhe[m]> john-cabaj: new kernel installs
<tobhe[m]> we will need to bump the mesa version for noble. archive one is higher
<tobhe[m]> boot is a bit slow and there are some dmesg errors
<tobhe[m]> but that is because of noble and not 6.8
<john-cabaj[m]> What do you think, should we provide a 6.8 backport kernel for 23.10?
<tobhe[m]> probably not needed now that we know the upgrade works
<tobhe[m]> building mesa locally now. if this works I'll upload it
<eslerm[m]> popey: I think your screenshots of btop influenced :)
<tobhe[m]> noble mesa is now building at
<tobhe[m]> looks like ubuntu-desktop pulls in protection-domain-mapper which causes systemd failures. this was probably meant for the x13s
<tobhe[m]> oh this is so cool 🥳... (full message at <>)
<john-cabaj[m]> Hmm
<john-cabaj[m]> That got thrown in from the Fedora configs
<tobhe[m]> need to fetch your tree and see what this is supposed to do...
<john-cabaj[m]> Enable support for the SIO coprocessor found on Apple Silicon SoCs
<john-cabaj[m]> where it provides DMA services.
<tobhe[m]> that sounds important
<tobhe[m]> ah we might be missing a m1n1 update
<tobhe[m]> Saviq: mesa build was successful
<tobhe[m]> will copy it to the release ppa once it finished publication
<tobhe[m]> tobhe[m]: hm no
<john-cabaj[m]> Will check what else went in with that config option
<john-cabaj[m]> Hmm, that's been in for awhile. Just wasn't enabled
<john-cabaj[m]> From Fedora Asahi:
<tobhe[m]> aha 🙂 good to know
<popey[m]> Hm, upgrade to 24.04 went well - thank you. Feels mega sluggish though.
<tobhe[m]> mesa?
<tobhe[m]> check that the ppa is still enabled
<popey[m]> feels like software rendering
<popey[m]> oh
<popey[m]> huh, is there a new format for this, a .sources file?
<tobhe[m]> yeah. i still struggle with those
<tobhe[m]> copying lines was easier
<tobhe[m]> but they have pubkeys per ppa which is good
<popey[m]> and yes, the extra-ppas.list.distUpgrade has the mantic ppa commented out
<tobhe[m]> so you probably have to enable and update it to noble
<popey[m]> ya, on it
<tobhe[m]> and then upgrade some more
<popey[m]> asahi-testing?
<popey[m]> (yes)
<tobhe[m]> or regular. newest mesa is only in testing
<tobhe[m]> but I'll publish it now
<popey[m]> /me updated
<popey[m]> Hmm, still feels sus. gnome-shell eating 20% cpu
<tobhe[m]> another thing we can try is update to 6.8
<popey[m]> on it
<popey[m]> uh, that didn't go well :)
<popey[m]> `gzip: /usr/lib/u-boot-asahi/u-boot-nodtb.bin: No such file or directory`
<popey[m]> when installing linux-image-6.8.0-1001-apple-arm
<john-cabaj[m]> Did you install linux-image-6.8.0-1001-apple-arm or linux-apple-arm meta?
<popey[m]> i just did a dist-upgrade
<tobhe[m]> looks like you got the debian uboot
<tobhe[m]> you probably do need ~tobhe/asahi and asahi testing
<popey[m]> ok
<popey[m]> ta
<popey[m]> hm, dist-upgrade just removed 6.6-1003, but should I also install linux-apple-arm?
<popey[m]> or some other uboot magic? :D
<tobhe[m]> linux-apple-arm yes
<tobhe[m]> but you probably have 1004
<tobhe[m]> and u-boot should have ubuntu in the version string
<popey[m]> u-boot as in the debian .deb package? because I don't have a u-boot installed
<tobhe[m]> u-boot-asahi
<tobhe[m]> not installed is bad
<tobhe[m]> maybe check that ubuntu-asahi is installed
<tobhe[m]> that should pull in everything important
<popey[m]> ok, i have u-boot-asahi 2024.01+dfsg-1ubuntu5
<popey[m]> anything i do tries to remove the old kernel, which fails because of the above gzip error
<tobhe[m]> that version sounds wrong
<tobhe[m]> bit why is this not happening on my machine
<tobhe[m]> u-boot-asahi/noble,now 2023.07.02-4-1ubuntu1 arm64 [installed]
<tobhe[m]> hm
<popey[m]> i got the noble one
<tobhe[m]> ah
<tobhe[m]> try
<tobhe[m]> we need to make sure ours has higher priority somehow
<tobhe[m]> can't rely on the version number
<tobhe[m]> but how do we best ship that as an update
<popey[m]> i might have to manually unpack that u-boot-asahi and put the bits in place to make apt happy :D
<tobhe[m]> if you have the ppa enabled and pinned I think it should downgrade
<tobhe[m]> maybe 1001 is not enough for that
<popey[m]> nah, because I have a kernel in flight, which it's trying to do first
<popey[m]> so i get the gzip error whatever i do
<popey[m]> nvm, I just dpkg -i the u-boot-asahi deb from /var/cache :D
<popey[m]> all good
<popey[m]> thank you!
<tobhe[m]> 👍️
<tobhe[m]> alternative would be to just point the script to the correct path
<tobhe[m]> or move it
<popey[m]> on 6.8, still sluggish
<tobhe[m]> running wayland?
<popey[m]> yup
<popey[m]> lookinmg
<tobhe[m]> CLUTTER_PAINT=disable-dynamic-max-render-time might help
<popey[m]> i get failed to load driver: zink, in the output of glxgears, in case that's relavent to mesa?
<tobhe[m]> good to know
<popey[m]> where do I put that variable? :D
<tobhe[m]> i guess /etc/environment
<tobhe[m]> i recently read somewhere that gdm also loads `~/.config/environment.d/*.conf`
<popey[m]> added both the variables reported in that issue to work. works!
<tobhe[m]> good to know
<popey[m]> gnome shell still eating cpu though
<popey[m]> so not 100% amazing, but better than it was
<tobhe[m]> we might want to add that to our meta package somehow
<popey[m]> yeah, it's still sluggish under any load
<popey[m]> needs more debugging i think
<popey[m]> this is pretty unusable
<popey[m]> gonna shut it down and play more tomorrow :D
<tobhe[m]> I'll see if i can find out more later
<popey[m]> 👍️
<tobhe[m]> so after another update mine is also borked
<tobhe[m]> might be the mesa I pushed earlier
<tobhe[m]> you can check the gnome settings -> about
<tobhe[m]> Software Rendering is not good
<tobhe[m]> think I might have found the bug
<tobhe[m]> uploading a fix
<tobhe[m]> you ok launchpad?
<tobhe[m]> worked after retry
<eslerm[m]> could we spin a 24.04 server image?