tobhe changed the topic of #ubuntu-asahi to: Ubuntu-Asahi development | Github: | Logs:
<tobhe[m]> we can look into that
<tobhe[m]> once we have any images
<tobhe[m]> but hopefully yes
<tobhe[m]> I think I'll reach out to Julian to see how we can fix the PPA thing to have it survive the update and maybe pinned automatically too
<tobhe[m]> while we are at it we might also finally move it to ~asahi
<tobhe[m]> speakers don't work yet but it is unclear if this is because of 6.8 or noble
<tobhe[m]> probably because of pipewire
<tobhe[m]> Saviq: new mesa is up. I'd recommend you fetch it from which is where we are planning to move everyone to in the near future
<tobhe[m]> I think the current gnome snap actually uses ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu-asahi-next already
<tobhe[m]> got my sound back
<tobhe[m]> camera works in firefox but not in cheese...
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<kaazoo> Hi, I just upgraded from mantic to noble. After assigning higher priority to asahi and asahi-testing PPAs in /etc/apt/preferences.d/asahi, downgrading u-boot-asahi and installing 6.8.0-1001-apple-arm kernel from john-cabaj/apple-arm PPA, I got an up-to-date system with latest kernel and mesa. Nice!
<tobhe[m]> 🥳
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<tobhe[m]> did your /etc/apt/sources.list.d survive?
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<kaazoo> I had to remove /etc/apt/sources.list.d/asahi-ppa.list.distUpgrade which was still in the old format. I added asahi and asahi-testing PPA afterwards again.
<kaazoo> I also remove "protection-domain-mapper" package in order to get rid of the failing pd-mapper service during startup
<kaazoo> However, startup still takes too long. Systemd is waiting for systemd-networkd-wait-online.service for around 2-3 min
<kaazoo> Seems like it starts too early when the network device is not ready yet: "systemd-networkd[1857]: eth0: Could not process link message: No such device or address"
<tobhe[m]> I had problems with that and it turned out to be netplan
<kaazoo> Another thing is that built-in speakers are not working. speakersafetyd is running and alsamixer shows a "Macbook Pro J414" card, but Gnome settings don't show this card in the dropdown menu.
<tobhe[m]> you might need to update again
<tobhe[m]> i fixed this in my last pipewire upload
<kaazoo> Ah, OK. I see "pipewire - 1.0.5-1ubuntu0~asahi1" in asahi-testing waiting to get built.
<kaazoo> OK, will install once the package is available. Thanks!
<kaazoo> I was positively surprised that DisplayLink / evdi already supports kernel 6.8 since Feb 8, which I use to connect 2 external screens for work:
<kaazoo> tobhe: Did you change the netplan configuration / service dependencies to fix the startup delay?
<tobhe[m]> it was a custom netplan config I used
<tobhe[m]> I had one to create a dummy interface
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<kaazoo> I just rebooted and the screen just turned black, while I was expecting the Apple boot logo, m1n1 and u-boot to show up. Did you notice that as well? As if the kernel wasn't able to tell the hardware to reboot/reset.
<tobhe[m]> haven't seen that before
<kaazoo> Had to hold the power button for multiple seconds until the machine started again.
<kaazoo> This was already the second time. First time i thought I accidentally clicked on shutdown instead of restart. Strange.
<Saviq[m]> ```
<tobhe[m]> yep
<Saviq[m]> Then you _really_ want this ;)
<Saviq[m]> (and then for everyone to follow along)
<kaazoo> Restart worked fine with Mantic on the same hardware.
* tobhe[m] > <> Then you _really_ want this ;)
* tobhe[m] >
* tobhe[m] looks
<Saviq[m]> (this will allow for only the `mesa-2404` snap needing an update, and not gnome, or kde etc.)
<tobhe[m]> yeah this would be way better
<Saviq[m]> Arguably, we might need `asahi/stable/<UABI>` branches even
<tobhe[m]> yeah that would be better
<tobhe[m]> currently we accept minor breakage every once in a while
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<Saviq[m]> This known when removing linux-image-6.6.0-1003-apple-arm?... (full message at <>)
<tobhe[m]> looks like the same problem popey had
<tobhe[m]> wrong u-boot
<tobhe[m]> make sure you have the ppas enabled
<Saviq[m]> Plural? Just have ppa:ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu-asahi now...
<tobhe[m]> oh ok
<tobhe[m]> plural because you might have testing
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<tobhe[m]> hm let me check that
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<Saviq[m]> OK, managed to get past that... let's see what else broke when I ran out of space on upgrade :facepalm:
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<GarethWoolridge[m]> Here we go… d-r-u time.
<tobhe[m]> looks like upgrades won't be automatically enabled for a while so we have time to fix the ppa pinning
<tobhe[m]> I'll try to come up with a new version later after talking to julian earlier
<tobhe[m]> the idea is: in the ubuntu-asahi meta package we will add an update hook to enable ~ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu-asahi for everyone and pin it at 1001 prio
<tobhe[m]> an alternative idea was just shipping the /etc/ files as part of a package but that seems risky since it would remove them if for any reason apt decided to remove ubuntu-asahi
<tobhe[m]> if anyone can think of a better way to do it I am open to alternatives
<Saviq[m]> tobhe just FYI: ppa:ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu-asahi does not ship `` (`ppa:tobhe/asahi` does)
<Saviq[m]> For noble, at least
<tobhe[m]> hm did I forget to copy mesa?
<tobhe[m]> yes i did
<tobhe[m]> missing the latest fix
<tobhe[m]> thx
<tobhe[m]> syncing now
<tobhe[m]> maintaining multiple ppas is hard
<tobhe[m]> also publishing the pipewire fix to ~tobhe/asahi and ~ubuntu-asahi/ubuntu-asahi now...
<tobhe[m]> I have a cursed solution
<tobhe[m]> looking for feedback on that one before uploading anything to launchpad
<tobhe[m]> and lastly I think we want to somehow mask cloud-init and pd-mapper
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