_whitelogger has joined #ubuntu-asahi
<tobhe[m]> Thank you Catherine 🙂
<eslerm[m]> tobhe: could you check https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/xonotic-arm64/37212/4 ?
tobhe changed the topic of #ubuntu-asahi to: Ubuntu-Asahi development | Logs: https://oftc.irclog.whitequark.org/ubuntu-asahi
tobhe changed the topic of #ubuntu-asahi to: Ubuntu-Asahi development | Github: https://github.com/UbuntuAsahi | Logs: https://oftc.irclog.whitequark.org/ubuntu-asahi
<eslerm[m]> are you dumping the Cleveland fw ? :P
<tobhe> i should
<tobhe[m]> <kaazoo> "Please see https://github.com/..."; <- kaazoo: I got that on my todo list for later today
john-cabaj has joined #ubuntu-asahi
<tobhe[m]> kaazoo: i think you included https://github.com/tobhe/asahi-installer/pull/1/commits/07918230ddd93fc017c7b80117f9d6a3efd84dd7 which is not part of v0.6.5
<tobhe[m]> and I realized upstream is already at v0.6.9
<tobhe[m]> however that happened
<tobhe[m]> my plan is the following: I will merge your PR with https://salsa.debian.org/bananas-team/asahi-fwextract from debian, and then push it to the UbuntuAsahi github org
<tobhe[m]> and I'll drop that one commit for now to keep the history clean
<tobhe[m]> also changed it to jammy
<kaazoo> alright, thanks for picking that up