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<tobhe[m]> if everything goes right I'll publish 24.04 later today
<tobhe[m]> probably want to fix 23.10 upgrades first
<tobhe[m]> t64-dummy in here might solve our mantic problems
* tobhe[m] is installing 23.10 to test
<tobhe[m]> got it working 🙂 not sure if I should feel proud or ashamed. this is such a hack
<john-cabaj[m]> tobhe[m]: ship_it.gif
<john-cabaj[m]> john-cabaj[m]: It's working. Consider it a Foundations rite of passage.
<tobhe[m]> so what I did is: two *t64 dummy packages that literally only pull in the proper non t64 library to satisfy the dependency
<tobhe[m]> with version numbers just big enough to satisfy the dependency but low enough to also get replaced in the noble upgrade
<tobhe[m]> let's see if the 24.04 upgrade succeeds
<tobhe[m]> worked 🥳
<tobhe[m]> and both dummies are gone after the upgrade
<tobhe[m]> looks good
<tobhe[m]> copying both to the ppa... upgrades should be fixed in ~30 mins
<tobhe[m]> eslerm: don't have to merge right away but this should do the trick
<eslerm[m]> I'm on lunch testing the beta :)
<eslerm[m]> afterwards I'll ack that and
<eslerm[m]> I am going to make the laptop image on the homepage a rollover gif
<eslerm[m]> so that, if you mouse over the laptop, different screenshots/videos appear on the laptop screen
<eslerm[m]> does anyone want to submit a screenshot or have suggestions of what to add?
<eslerm[m]> Thank you for adding the logo tobhe 😎
<tobhe[m]> it looks so cool. wish we could make a proper screenshot 😛
<eslerm[m]> I am going to :)
<eslerm[m]> I have a camera and photo editing skills
<tobhe[m]> nice
<tobhe[m]> I was thinking maybe someone has an hdmi grabber
<eslerm[m]> that would be better
<tobhe[m]> so everything is released? We can start the party? 🎉
<eslerm[m]> could we release a server version before announcement 🙏
<tobhe[m]> hm not sure how easily
<eslerm[m]> no worries
<eslerm[m]> when do you want an announcement made?
<eslerm[m]> I'd prefer to wait 24-48 hours, but up to you
<tobhe[m]> sure, we are not in a hurry
<tobhe[m]> i don't think we need to wait but whenever you have time
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