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<pq> jadahl, :-DDD Fo ikke övertackas. Or something. I barely remember anything I used to read as a child on the electric heater in the bathroom.
<pq> LaserEyess, your VM viewer application needs to forward absolute pointer positions to the guest OS, not relative.
<pq> or, not *only* relative
<jadahl> pq: yea :P (same here, reading on electric radiator)
<MrCooper> pq: hmm, for some reason from you I only see � instead of ä
<pq> UTF in IRC is hard :-/
<pq> the last time I poked at the character set config (a decade or two ago) there were still channels I was on that didn't get the memo about UTF yet.
<pq> at least I see my and your scandinavic characters correctly
<jadahl> i see both of yours scandinavian letters correctly
<pq> I also have the stack urxvt -> ssh -> screen -> irssi; so many places for things to be misconfigured. If it even is on my side.
<pq> almost as bad as endianess bugs
<MrCooper> my ä is German though :P
<pq> a with two dots?
<MrCooper> yep, what do you see instead?
<pq> I see a with two dots.
<pq> but I wrote övertackas with o with two dots.
<MrCooper> I see � for that as well
<pq> aaanyway :-)
<MrCooper> I guess my client uses UTF-8 and yours doesn't, and something is failing to convert
<pq> does → look like a right-arrow?
<MrCooper> it does
<pq> so I get that sent and seen right
<MrCooper> → ‽
<pq> right-arrow and a fat question mark
<pq> oh what has #wayland become :-p
<MrCooper> weird, anyway sorry for the digression
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<plaes> heya, I'm attempting to start weston automatically using the systemd sample files from here: ( + the PAM example)
<plaes> starting it up, it seems to work fine, but it doesn't show anything on the screen. And in the logs I see following errors repeating:
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<plaes> atomic: couldn't commit new state: Permission denied
<plaes> repaint-flush failed: Permission denied
<plaes> this is with weston 9.0.0 on Debian 11 (Bullseye)
<pq> plaes, is the VT, where you want weston to appear, active? Can you put the whole log available somewhere?
<pq> Wonder what Weston should do if it encounters EPERM on KMS to help solve that...
<plaes> here's the full log of the session:
<plaes> Using `systemctl start weston@tty7.service` to start it
<pq> right, so are you already on tty7 when you do that?
<plaes> nope, remotely from ssh
<pq> Do you have VTs to begin with?
<plaes> but.. after running manually as root: `weston-launch -t /dev/tty7 -u paf` it complains and exits with: `fatal: environment variable XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set.`
<plaes> and then I can start the systemd service and everything works
<pq> that running manually as root should actually change anything AFAIU
<pq> *should not
<pq> so is the difference in starting the service from ssh vs. local login?
<pq> logind seems to be happy to grant session control, and give Weston a DRM fd, but for some reason KMS refuses...
<pq> I'm afraid I can't guess why that could be.
<plaes> how should I start the system from local login?
<plaes> as root or "special" user?
<pq> since you have logind running, the manual way to start weston is to log in as a normal user and run simply 'weston'
<plaes> yeah, that works
<pq> ok cool, so the basics work
<pq> which means the problem is somewhere in the service unit or PAM configuration direction, probably
<plaes> it even works when launching via getty
<plaes> getty@tty1.service -> usr/bin/agetty --autologin username --noclear %I $TERM ; and then using the .profile
<pq> the only thing I can think of is that when you start the service, it starts on an inactive VT, so logind does not actually give DRM master status to Weston. But I'm not sure.
<plaes> this is the weston-autologin PAM script:
<pq> you could try the weston service on tty1 instead of tty7 maybe?
<plaes> already tried :)
<pq> same problem?
<plaes> yeah, weird thing is that weston thinks that it's correctly working - I can even launch the applications but they are not displayed
<pq> yes, KMS errors are not fatal in Weston, it tries to keep on going
<pq> I guess you would need to drill down to why the kernel is giving EPERM on KMS atomic commit. Is it because Weston is not DRM master, or something else.
<plaes> actually, when I try to start on tty1 it fails with: weston@tty1.service: Failed with result 'protocol
<pq> when using logind, it's logind that controls the DRM master status
<pq> oh
<pq> do you have journal logs of that?
<plaes> any idea how to track down on these EPERM issues?
<pq> that... stops very short
<plaes> when I removed `--debug` it went a bit further
<plaes> but still not much relevant info
<pq> that's odd, --debug shouldn't have any effect
<pq> um, there is /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug where I think you could write a value to enable various kernel debug prints, but I'm not sure they tell the reason about EPERM. Might be good to try.
<daniels> 0x1f is the value
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<plaes> thanks
<pq> thanks, I wondered off to find the docs for it and failed
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<plaes> few "weird" things I should point out beforehand: I'm supplying my own EDID (and it works)
<pq> eh, logind does a drop-master the first thing.
<pq> the question then is: why does logind do that
<pq> maybe logind believes the session is inactive?
<plaes> how legit is the weston-autologin pam file from ?
<pq> I don't know, PAM and logind are largely unknown to me.
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<plaes> ioctl(9, TCGETS, 0xbea7d3b0) = -1 ENOTTY (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
<pq> that looks like you straced weston and not logind?
<pq> wonder if kennylevinsen had ideas for why logind drops DRM master on start-up?
<plaes> I don't know how to attach it to logind :(
<plaes> nevermind.. it's long-running process
<kennylevinsen> plaes: it only fails as a systemd service right?
<kennylevinsen> Try to log dbus with busctl monitor to see the logind messages
<kennylevinsen> my gut feeling would be that logind sees a VT change and suspends the session, which implies dropping master
<kennylevinsen> You can also check with `loginctl show-session` while weston is running
<plaes> well, loginctl session output looks correct with proper Seat and TTY
<kennylevinsen> Ah, you lack policykit?
<kennylevinsen> systemd relies heavily on policykit, so that's a hard dependency
<plaes> ok, installed it now
<plaes> oh man.. now it works
<plaes> here are the relevant logs:
<pq> yay :-)
<pq> thanks!
<JPEW> plaes: We made polkit optional for logind in a recent version of systemd
* JPEW looks for the change....
<plaes> systemd 247 (247.3-5) here
<JPEW> Yes :)
<plaes> heh.. pieces are starting to fall in place :)
<JPEW> Requiring polkit (which has a javascript interpreter) on an embedded system seemed like a bit much
<plaes> thanks!
<JPEW> Although I think there is a project to use a lighter weight js interpreter in polkit, which would make it more ammenable
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<kennylevinsen> Some people also hack around with pre-js polkit IIRC
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<plaes> hmm.. there's no "autolaunch" support in weston?
<pq> plaes, we just merged it
<pq> The last Weston release was in September. What was our current release trigger policy again? emersion?
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<daniels> has it really been 10 months?!
<pq> well... we haven't released 10, right? That's when 9.0 was tagged.
<pq> also mvlad was wondering about releases and pondered about a 9.0.1.
<jadahl> daniels: I refuse to believe that
<daniels> 9.0.1 would make a lot of sense, yeah
<daniels> I also think we don't have a huge amount of reason to avoid 10.x
<daniels> at least now we've landed some of the most painful reworks
<kennylevinsen> Weston X
<MrCooper> then I suppose the spelling will need to change to wesTon or something at some point
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<dottedmag> It can also be styled Weston X1, X2... up to Weston X11.
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<wlb> weston Merge request !660 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) launcher-logind: Try the user's primary session if not in a session
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