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<wlb> wayland Merge request !161 opened by Demi Marie Obenour (DemiMarie) Add extended shared memory attach support
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<pq> dottedmag, I was hoping to find a ready-made library for that - one that does not magically attempt to replace libc functions with something else, but something we'd use explicitly so it's obvious. No way I'll sign up to maintain such myself.
<dottedmag> pq: "Drop a file from OpenBSD once in a while" wasn't a maintenance burden as far as I can remember.
<dottedmag> Found it. Zero maintenance in last two years, and that's for a project that supports ancient AIXes and HP-UX and Windows to boot:
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<pq> it's the copying of the code that doesn't feel good about it
<pq> when locale or other becomes a big problem in practice, I would reconsider
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<wlb> wayland/main: Fergus Dall * util: Avoid undefined behaviour in for_each_helper src/wayland-util.c tests/map-test.c
<wlb> wayland/main: Fergus Dall * server: Fix undefined behavior in wl_socket_init_for_display_name src/wayland-server.c
<wlb> wayland Merge request !152 merged \o/ (Fix undefined behaviour triggered by test suite
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<wlb> weston Issue #520 opened by Pekka Paalanen (pq) Scriptable window management [Desktop shell], [EPIC]
<daniels> emersion, pq: ^ maybe we need to script our releases too :P
<pq> I'd settle for auto-updated wayland web docs at first. ;-)
<wlb> weston Merge request !633 closed (gl-renderer: add alpha cut-out support)
<daniels> blah
<daniels> I made a 10.0.0 milestone for ~6 weeks from now
<emersion> ack
<emersion> whot: any news about high-resolution scroll wheel support?
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<jadahl> emersion: commented, but no objections to the current version
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<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Daniel Stone * xdg-shell: Make xdg_surface fail when surface has role stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !92 merged \o/ (xdg-shell: Make xdg_surface fail when surface has role
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<pq> Unexpected with a HDR monitor yet once you think of it, it kinda <facepalm>: moving the mouse cursor around causes visible changes in what is probably backlight zones.
<pq> I hope I'm just driving it wrong.
<pq> ...also because I expected to be blinded but I wasn't.
<emersion> pq, btw, if you're bored, could use a new contributor
<pq> I rarely am, I have your KMS doc patches in queue :-) Ah, HDR metadata printing.
<emersion> ahah :P
<pq> what's it missing, review? or someone taking over the dev?
<emersion> someone addressing the review comments
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<pq> aha, we'll see. I haven't dug into any other field than the eotf yet.
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<pq> emersion, unfortunately, libdrm does not #define the constants used in the struct. They come from CTA-861-G spec. Maybe that should be fixed in libdrm... which means in the kernel. Ugh.
<emersion> yeah, iirc it was mentionned at some point with danvet or vsyrjala…
<pq> I'm somewhat surprised the hdr_output_metadata was even accepted in UAPI headers
<pq> as is
<danvet> we have a pretty good track record of occasionally screwing up big time
<pq> eh heh
<MrCooper> pq: if that's moving the cursor over a black background, sounds expected: It can't turn off the backlight tile where the cursor is located
<pq> well, this one is mostly cosmetic at least
<pq> MrCooper, the background is the default weston "flower" wallpaper, so not quite black. But also the whites are not as bright as I'd expect.
<pq> I still have more knobs to try, so fingers crossed I will see the light. X-)
<daniels> isn't seeing the light the exact problem you're having ... ?
<pq> I'm picky
<pq> it's not the light I was looking for
<daniels> pscht :P
<kennylevinsen> I imagine reducing the brightness of your cursor (mapping the plane to SDR range?) is the only fix
<pq> possibly
<pq> it seems to me mostly light leaking at the bottom edge though, I don't see it anywhere else.
<kennylevinsen> But then what is the point of a HDR monitor if not to have a 1600 nit cursor?
<pq> *to be
<pq> 600 nits only ;-)
<pq> ...if I had the mode right
<kennylevinsen> Bottom edge of cursor or screen bezel?
<pq> screen bezel
<kennylevinsen> Sounds like it's backlight bleed from an edge-lit monitor doing local dimming
<kennylevinsen> Try a black image in sdr mode at full brightness, helps identify bleed - if it's mild there isn't much to do, but if it's really bad it could be a defect
<pq> it's HP Pavilion 27 QD (quantum dot)
<pq> if it starts bothering, then maybe - so far I'm just abusing it
<pq> it also needs a power cycle if the computer reboots while it's "off" :-P
<pq> or maybe it was if it is plugged to mains while video cable is connected but not transmitting... not sure
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<swick> pq: vulkan has a knob to turn off local dimming so there at least sometimes is such a knob somewhere
* raghavgururajan just shifted from X11 to Wayland \o/
<daniels> nice :)
<raghavgururajan> Btw, would it be better if wlroots is merged into wayland umbrella as wayland-roots?
<bl4ckb0ne> why?
<kennylevinsen> It would just change a name
<daniels> it's one of many frameworks, all with different designs, philosophies, and tradeoffs
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<bl4ckb0ne> wlroots is shorter to write :D
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<daniels> hahaha
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<raghavgururajan> I meant like maintaing it under the wayland project. wayland, wayland-protocols, wayland-roots.
<bl4ckb0ne> what about weston
<raghavgururajan> IIUC, weston is an implementation of wayland compositor. wl-roots/wayland-roots is/will-be a kit that is used for making wayland compositors.
<raghavgururajan> Also, weston happen to provide reusable libraries.
<daniels> weston is only really in there for historical reasons
<raghavgururajan> I see.
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<raghavgururajan> In my opinion, it would be reasonable if the wayland project provides/distributes toolkit to build wayland compositors, which can be wlroots.
<wlb> wayland Issue #221 opened by Demi Marie Obenour (DemiMarie) wl_resource_find_for_client is O(n²)
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<whot> emersion: Jose Exposito has taken the MR over, I think he's going to finish it
<daniels> raghavgururajan: there’s no one-size-fits-all. every one of the available options have their own tradeoffs, and also significant philosophical differences. it would be like saying that the W3C recommend Apache/Chromium over nginx/Firefox.
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<dottedmag> I understand drmGetMagic/drmAuthMagic is completely obsolete, but how is it used to work? Who obtained the magic and passed to whom to authenticate?
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<raghavgururajan> daniels: I see.
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<dottedmag> daniels: you know,
<dottedmag> Not saying it was a good idea :)
<onelegend> wayland is good
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<raghavgururajan> Anyway, I was improving the weston package in Guix and planning to do to sway package as well.
<raghavgururajan> Is there dedicated channel for weston?
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<daniels> dottedmag: ... last updated 2005
<daniels> raghavgururajan: this is, de facto, the channel for Weston
<daniels> (partly historical reasons, partly that all the activity is on GitLab)
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !162 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Fix race condition when destroying proxies
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<wlb> weston Issue #521 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) improve gl_rendererer_attach failure handling [GL renderer]
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