ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<Company> has anyone ever suggested a way to set a rounded corner on a wl_buffer?
<Company> I started thinking about it because has a way to set rounded corners
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<soreau> if a client wants to do rounded corners for a surface, it can set opaque+input regions and render accordingly
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<Company> that wasn't the question
<Company> the question was if it's been considered as a protocol to let the compositor do it
<kchibisov> macOS does it all client side.
<Company> well, it's part of the CALayer API - which is higher level than "let the client do it", but yeah, it's lower level than "let the compositor do it"
<Company> the benefit with it is that you can make the client send you an opaque buffer + rounded corners and then forget about opaque regions
<Company> you could also put it on the surface level and then get input regions and potential shadow handling for free
<Company> I started wondering about the usefulness of it
<Company> after seeing that CALayer does it
<Company> because if I want to passthrough the video and all the players want rounded corners, it would solve a bunch of issues if I could just tell the compositor to do the rounding for me
<Company> (though if those fat borders catch on, I can just overdraw the corner with the fat border)
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<kchibisov> IIRC macOS is just entirely desigend around CALayers since it's the only way to do partial updates on it.
<kchibisov> Though, maybe you can now do swap chain with metal and track stuff.
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<ifreund> Company: iirc there's a private chromeos protocol for rounded corners
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<Company> indeed, has something like that
<Company> they allow setting a rounded clip on a surface
<Company> and then clip the buffer to that
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