ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<immibis> Nova[m]: well idk the best solution either, just pointing out something to consider - program session restore probably shouldn't be an exclusive Wayland thing
<immibis> Command-line programs might also want to be restored
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !375 merged \o/ (util: fix undefined behavior in wl_array_for_each
<wlb> wayland/main: David Benjamin * util: fix undefined behavior in wl_array_for_each tests/data/empty-client.h tests/data/empty-code.c tests/data/empty-server.h tests/data/empty.xml src/wayland-util.h tests/ tests/
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<Shinri> Hi all, I recently found my numlock and capslock don't work well in Wayland, when I switch to an app like Firefox, neither of these two keys work correctly
<Shinri> I've tested qt, gtk in mutter, wester and Kwin but nothing works, it just appear like this
<Shinri> It frustrates me for days and I don't know where to start to debug this...
<Shinri> And I reported the details here:
<Shinri> * I've tested qt, gtk in mutter, wester and Kwin but nothing works, it just appear like this:
<Shinri> * I've tested qt, gtk in mutter, wester and Kwin but nothing works, it just appear like this:
<Shinri> And I reported the reproducing details here:
<kennylevinsen> You're on IRC, every time you edit your message it is sent again which makes this sequence hard to read
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<Shinri> im sorry
<zamundaaa[m]> Shinri: try checking with WAYLAND_DEBUG what information apps are getting
<zamundaaa[m]> Like so: `WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 dolphin 2>&1 | grep modifiers`
<zamundaaa[m]> If you have all modifiers disabled, you should see something like wl_keyboard#25.modifiers(1092, 0, 0, 0, 0) when you focus the window
<zamundaaa[m]> And when numlock is enabled, it should be wl_keyboard#25.modifiers(1092, 0, 0, 16, 0)
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<Shinri> <zamundaaa[m]> "Shinri: try checking with..." <- I retrieved the log and posted it here:
<zamundaaa[m]> From the Wayland side, everything looks correct
<zamundaaa[m]> Most likely your xkb configuration is to blame. As I don't know a lot about xkb, take that with a grain of salt though
<Shinri> thanks, i will try it
<wlb> wayland Merge request !376 opened by Chloé Vulquin (toast) Draft: xcursor: prevent recursive inherit loops
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<wlb> wayland/main: Jordan Williams * egl: Disable symbols check for static builds egl/
<wlb> wayland Merge request !373 merged \o/ (egl: Fix symbols check for static builds
<emersion> ifreund: would you have time to update this?
<ifreund> oh, must have missed the review. Just a minute
<wlb> wayland/main: Simon Ser * scanner: add new enum-header mode src/scanner.c
<wlb> wayland/main: Simon Ser * tests: add scanner test for enum-header tests/ data/example-enum.h
<wlb> wayland Merge request !312 merged \o/ (scanner: add new enum-header mode
<ifreund> emersion: done :)
<emersion> ty
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<wlb> wayland/main: Isaac Freund * wl_touch.cancel: document lack of frame event protocol/wayland.xml
<wlb> wayland Merge request !374 merged \o/ (wl_touch.cancel: document lack of frame event
<Nova[m]> <immibis> "Nova: well idk the best solution..." <- after talking with friends i think the best thing to do is a d-bus service and env var, making in total an XDG base spec
<Nova[m]> but idk how to... propose a base spec
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<Nova[m]> who do you talk to?
<vyivel> Nova[m]: open an issue for
<Nova[m]> oh an issue, duhh
<Nova[m]> hmm i don't see any issues proposing new specs
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<vyivel> proposals seem to be in merge requests actually
<Nova[m]> ah shoot but idk how to do fancy spec language
<emersion> you can take inspiration from my cursor spec ;)
<emersion> (no)
<Nova[m]> you mean the one that just goes "look at the cursor spec"?
<Nova[m]> :p
<Nova[m]> anyway i know how this spec would work in proposal and i can make prototypes of it and all
<Nova[m]> and i even have proof that it works given the stardust protocol basically does the same thing
<emersion> the one that's closer to a rap lyrics sentence than a spec
<emersion> there should be more rap songs based off of spec text
<Nova[m]> :blobcatnod:
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !377 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) util: convert macros to inline functions [IPC library]
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !378 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) ci: turn more warnings into errors [Build system], [Testing]
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<immibis> emersion: have you seen Dr Seuss rap?
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<Company> after the fractional scaling fun with GTK for the last few weeks, I've come to 2 conclusions about fractional scaling:
<Company> 1. fractional scales should be thought about as a fraction of 2 integers, and both those integers should be small
<Company> ie 3/2 instead of 150%
<Company> and they should never be something like 329/120
<Company> 2. the numerator of that fraction should divide both the width and height of the monitor's pixel resolution
<Company> that ensures that you end up with an integer for the scaled monitor size, which means fullscreen windows have an integer size
<Company> and if you make sure your panel has a proper size, maximized windows end up with an integer size, too
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<ManMower> I find fractional scaling looks best when the numerator is a multiple of the denominator.
<Company> there's still a bunch of issues with making that approach work well - like the fact that the forced 120 denominator in the protocol means you cannot use 7 or 9 or 16 as your denominator (no idea why you'd want to use 7, but I could imagine 9 or 16
<zamundaaa[m]> Company: ensuring that you always end up with integers is not really possible
<Company> and the fact that the buffer rounding algorithm often doesn't work as scales get close to 2
<Company> zamundaaa[m]: why not?
<zamundaaa[m]> Because you have a lot of different sizes where it all needs to work. Width, height of the screen, height of the panel + height of the maximized window, width of windows tiled in various configurations, or just aligned next to each other manually by the user
<zamundaaa[m]> Depending on the window decoration, you additionally get 2px line additions to a lot of these sizes
<zamundaaa[m]> that said, adjusting the scale is something I've thought about too, but on a per window basis
<Company> sure, in those cases you need to get creative, but with (1) you can ensure that the panel doesn't look too bad and adjust the configurations slightly so that they fit
<zamundaaa[m]> The compositor can't really do it that well, but a toolkit could nudge it a bit in one or the other direction when rendering
<Company> at least I think you can
<psykose> ManMower: isn't that just not fractional? those are whole integers
<ManMower> psykose: must be why it looks so nice. ;)
<psykose> ...
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<mclasen> the numerology with 120 is nonsense
<Company> zamundaaa[m]: my example is always 1440p, because 2560 is not divisible by 3
<Company> zamundaaa[m]: so you probably don't want to offer 150% as a scale factor there
<Company> and instead pick a fraction that's close but does divide 2560
<Company> 5/3 maybe or 16/10
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<kennylevinsen> The alternatives wasn't better. 255 made common values borked, and i doubt the aggressive resolution of a uint32 denominator would do anyone any good.
<zamundaaa[m]> higher resolution couldn't have made it worse in any way
<kennylevinsen> Doesn't mean it would make it better in any way :)
<mclasen> I don't see any problems with just sending a proper fraction
<mclasen> its not like we're size limited
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<kennylevinsen> Of course not, but what is the use case that is not reasonably handled by a fixed denominator?
<Company> all the numbers that aren't divisible by 120
<kennylevinsen> (granted, the decision for 120 over wl_fixed sometimes keeps me up at night, but the author of wl_fixed also protested against its use as 255 is a terrible denominator)
<Company> technically, a fixed numerator would be way less problematic
<kennylevinsen> Company: and you need 100.83% scaling?
<Company> I need a scale factor close to 150% that divides 2560 and 1440
<mclasen> the whole idea of sending scale factors is questionable, imo. Because it makes for endless games with rounding modes
<Company> closest one you can get is 160/107, but if the denominator is forced to be 120, I think 16/10 is the closest you can get?
<kennylevinsen> that's true, and for all intends and purposes it was a workaround to proceed
<kennylevinsen> mclasen: but it's also rather unwayland-like to have the compositor control dimensions, so the client has to be able to come up with the right buffer dimensions one way or another
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<kennylevinsen> zamundaaa[m]'s proposal was to effectively allow the client to operate in coordinate space matching the physical coordinates of a particular monitor, but I believe that stalled
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<kennylevinsen> I imagine we'll have gathered enough complaints^W thoughts for a v2 at some point.
<Company> "at some point" will probably be rather soon
<Company> once Gnome's fractional scaling hits the distros
<zamundaaa[m]> well, I thought I had gathered enough two years ago, but yes, we've now also seen these issues in practice
<Company> or I guess KDE6?
<zamundaaa[m]> I have been working on fractional scaling stuff again and will update the MR + implementation soon
<Company> does KDE6 do the full fractional dance from compositor to client?
<kennylevinsen> two years ago Gtk also said fractional scaling would be practically impossible before Gtk5, so we had a smaller pool of interested parties for discussion
<zamundaaa[m]> v2 didn't fail to succeed because of the client side really, it was mostly compositor developers that weren't happy about it
<Company> (it was a contentious topic in GTK, but I tricked them all!)
<Company> because GTK still doesn't do fractional scaling really
<Company> GTK's renderer does though
<zamundaaa[m]> Company: what do you mean with "the full fractional dance"?
<kennylevinsen> Even in the current state I'd say we're in a much better place than we used to - our common attitude used to be that fractional scaling was an impossibility, now we have tried it and can improve it...
<Company> zamundaaa[m]: the compositor offers fractional scales in its configuration and the panels clients render to that chosen scale factor (instead of downscaling from 2x)
<kennylevinsen> zamundaaa[m]: I'll need to look at the proposal again, I forget the details
<Company> *panels and clients
<Company> I think the proposal was better, but I'm not sure it solved the bigger problems
<zamundaaa[m]> Company: all Qt 6 apps do fractional scaling, yes
<Company> and kwin does it, too - and KDE6 is Wayland, so it works there, too
<Company> which means we're all currently waiting for the April distro release when millions of people will try it and find all the issues
<Company> (on top of the ones that people have already found)
<zamundaaa[m]> People have been using Plasma 6 on Arch and on prerelease Fedora 40 for a while and we haven't had too many complaints about fractional scaling
<zamundaaa[m]> There's even users that say it's better than Windows already
<Company> it is absolutely better than windows
<Company> because any form of scaling on windows is a catastrophe
<zamundaaa[m]> Nah it works quite well, at least as long as you only have one display
<zamundaaa[m]> If you have two with different scaling and move windows between them, that is really terrible
<Company> my favorite thing about Windows is that the old Winamp I'm still using isn't scaled, so it's about as big as the firefox titlebar
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<Company> and if they also have different refresh rates and fullscreen stuff, Windows falls apart entirely
<Ermine> fractional scaling is good as long as xwayland is not involved...
<Company> zamundaaa[m]: Gnome still runs into stuff like
<zamundaaa[m]> We do have gaps between the panel and maximized windows at some scale factors too
<Company> I wonder what Windows does there
<zamundaaa[m]> Windows uses device pixels
<zamundaaa[m]> What toolkits on Windows do to deal with that though I don't know
<Company> neither do I - but knowing the state of the GTK backend, it probably rounds one way or the other
<Company> likely it doesn't offer fractional scales even
<zamundaaa[m]> For the vertical size case specifically I've had the idea of masking the issue by scaling the title bar a little bit, which would work with server side decorations at least
<zamundaaa[m]> It might be that the system library that paints the title bar in Windows does something like that too
<LaserEyess> fwiw, windows 10 at least has those same "off-by-one" errors for certain things, too
<LaserEyess> especially with title bars
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<Company> zamundaaa[m]: I would scale the title bar, too, so it fills that seam. I might even adjust the scale factor of the panel to make it look good
<Company> but I'll leave that up to the shell guys to figure that out
<Company> it's why I want small numbers in the numerator
<Company> so rounding to the next pixel boundary isn't too big of a difference
<Company> and then you have integers for both and avoid problems
<Company> *integers in application space
<Company> it's tricky to get that right with my example above of course
<Company> if you want to offer 150% on 1440p, you'll not have integers
<Company> but if you go with 166% or 133%, you have 5/3 or 4/3 and then you can scale the panel to a multiple of 5 or 4 pixels and you don't have seams
<Company> and that approach works for fancier setups with multiple panels, too
<Company> but it does restrict the scale factors you can offer
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<wlb> weston Issue #897 opened by Oleksii Khudobin (alexey.khudobin) Some nested compositors (KDE) failed to work with weston when backend is RDP
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