ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !292 opened by Julian Orth (mahkoh) Specify wl_surface.offset for toplevel-drag
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<YaLTeR[m]> Turns out Qt used in OBS does send min size... only when using client-side decorations 🙃
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<oliver> Greetings
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<What-am-i> Hello. I am currently an X11 user but I would like to switch to Wayland. I am not sure however of which compositor I should use. I would ideally want something that is close to the suckless philosophy. Do you have any suggestions?
<bl4ckb0ne> theres which is based in dwm
<What-am-i> Oh, thank you. I will check that out
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !375 opened by David Benjamin (davidben) util: fix undefined behavior in wl_array_for_each