ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
<eruditehermit> ok it's the entrypoint but it can't find it
<eruditehermit> this time it's worth building in docker, it's a path issue i'm pretty sure
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<eruditehermit> so close
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<whot> eruditehermit: fwiw you don't need --filesystem=xdg-run/eis-0 anymore
<eruditehermit> whot: ok I removed that
<eruditehermit> whot: building locally has different issues =P
<eruditehermit> nothing is free
<eruditehermit> ok on the CI build it didn't fix things
<eruditehermit> my local build I'm stuck because it can't flatpak build-init properly
<eruditehermit> whot: had to run the container --privileged
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<eruditehermit> progress
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<eruditehermit> ok I think I got it
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<eruditehermit> whot: I have a flatpak! Now to figure out how to even run it
<eruditehermit> whot:
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<whot> eruditehermit: nice. fwiw I've filed a PR in libei to get rid of python-attrs, it's not really needed and one dep less
<eruditehermit> whot: very nice
<eruditehermit> whot: do you know what the config files should look like. The readme is quite light on the subject
<whot> eruditehermit: in the input-leap-flatpak script you can drop the LIBEI_SOCKET bits, they're no longer needed
<whot> eruditehermit: that's my config here: and iirc most of this was auto-generated
<eruditehermit> you want me to drop this right: export LIBEI_SOCKET=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/eis-0
<whot> i *think* you can now just start normal input-leap and it will DTRT instead of wrapping it via that script. That script pre-dates most of the implementation
<whot> yes, you can drop that export
<eruditehermit> whot: if you have time, can you test the flatpak?
<whot> unfortunately no, i'm completely swamped for the rest of the week
<eruditehermit> ok
<whot> change to `command: input-leap` and see how that works, that should start the gui (iirc)
<eruditehermit> is it safe to change the compile flag that disable the GUI?
<whot> you might need a few more deps then but otherwise yes
<eruditehermit> ah qt5
<whot> might be worth using the KDE runtime for that though not sure that one has the required bits to build libportal
<whot> but saves you having to install all of qt manually
<eruditehermit> whot: yeah I'm trying with the kde runtime
<eruditehermit> can you build with 2 runtimes?
<whot> i don't think so but not sure
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<eruditehermit> ok well let's see if it works
<eruditehermit> your config looks pretty complex
<whot> I think the only one I added was the key toggle, the rest is the default template
<eruditehermit> I assume this is the InputLeap.conf
<eruditehermit> what is
<eruditehermit> just a file with your IP address?
<whot> huh?
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<eruditehermit> whot: the error I pasted: talks about 2 config files
<whot> hmm, I don't remember. the path is wrong too, should be input-leap, not InputLeap (I think)
<whot> oh, I think I remember: the client requires the server name to connect but you can't easily add args to a flatpak so this was the way around it. echo "foo" > means the flatpak will run `input-leapc foo`
<eruditehermit> so I'm a bit confused, will there be 2 executables a server and a client we need to export
<eruditehermit> looks like input-leapc and input-leaps
<whot> again, if you just start input-leap it will present you with the GUI to select client or server
<eruditehermit> ah yeah building with GUI is going to be trickier
<eruditehermit> changing to KDE runtime breaks the portal build
<whot> this flatpak wrapper script was written quite early for debugging and testing, so definitely don't take it as gospel, it was a PoC mostly
<whot> the best way around that would be to replace libportal with QtDbus :)
<whot> we didn't do that because ETIME
<eruditehermit> haha this requires more understanding of the code
<eruditehermit> but more specifically the understanding of qt and portal
<whot> hence ETIME :)
<eruditehermit> which I could eventually get to but it's probably not a short term thing
<eruditehermit> I was hoping to be able to test it without the gui
<eruditehermit> if I can get a small win, I will try to get the GUI to work tomorrow
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<whot> replace quokka and tassie with your host names and save that as config and you should be able to run it as server
<whot> and echo your server's hostname into on the client and you should be able to run it as client
<eruditehermit> ok sounds good
<eruditehermit> whot: which of quokka and tassie are the client/server?
<whot> whichever one matches $HOSTNAME iirc
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<eruditehermit> interestingly I thought barrier used gtk
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<eruditehermit> whot: is there anything sacared about your shell script wrapper? Is there anything stopping me from writing a bash shell script with proper cli args to be able to read configs from arbitrary locations?
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<eruditehermit> whot: with your config slightly modified
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<whot> eruditehermit: no, go for it
<whot> as I said above this was mostly a PoC anyway
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<eruditehermit> I guess I'm stuck anyway
<eruditehermit> I hit that issue with portal
<eruditehermit> do I need a newer native portal or is the one in the flatpak enough?
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<eruditehermit> whot: ok I built it with the GUI
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<eruditehermit> holy wow the GUI works
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<eruditehermit> whot: if you feel like trying the flatpak with GUI is here:
<eruditehermit> I couldn't get the mouse/kbd sharing working between my computers
<bluetail> if software isnt doing it, I can recommend a ezcoo usb switch
<eruditehermit> bluetail: which one, there seems to be one for $30 and one for $130
<eruditehermit> software would be ideal because it's supposed to be seamless =P
<eruditehermit> however I've given up a day to try to get it to work so maybe I should take a hint
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<eruditehermit> I appreciate everyone's help and suggestions. Thank you for the support and responding to all the questions. I've learned a lot so it was interesting.
<bluetail> eruditehermit ‎EZ-SW24-U3L for 16.99
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<bluetail> The larger ezcoo models with video were not working for me properly
<bluetail> I use a programmable IR remote to switch
<eruditehermit> that looks nice
<eruditehermit> I have a ugreen one at work which has a select button however, it never works properly the first time. I have to wake it up by switching from one input to the other
<eruditehermit> output really
<ofourdan> eruditehermit: I do not see your script using "--use-ei"
<ofourdan> (the command line spawned)
<ofourdan> so I do not think it's using EI actually
<ofourdan> which would be a requirement to work with Wayland
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: whot told me there were some EI lines not necessary
<ofourdan> I think it it has the choice between x11 and ei, it will chose the former still
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: did you run with: flatpak run com.github.inputleap.InputLeap
<ofourdan> yes
<eruditehermit> did the GUI pop up?
<ofourdan> I can se input-leap connecting to the portal, but it doesn;t interact with the compositor, so I suspect it is not using ei
<ofourdan> yes, the gui showed up
<bluetail> eruditehermit I have it paired with ddcutil so I automatically switch display out too!
<bluetail> eruditehermit
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: is there a compiler flag I need for libei?
<ofourdan> it's there, but when running input-leaps or input-leapc you'd need to pass --use-ei and I do not see that
<eruditehermit> bluetail: thanks for the script, I need to read up on ddcutil as I am not familiar with it
<ofourdan> so you have EI support enabled in the build, but I suspect you're not actualyl using it :)
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<ofourdan> but then that's what the gui does, in which case the gui might be missing the feature to enable EI...
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: is it a flag to the executable?
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: ↳ flatpak run --command=sh com.github.inputleap.InputLeap
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: then /app/bin/input-leap --use-ei
<eruditehermit> or whatever flag you think it is
<ofourdan> still need to pass the configs etc.
<eruditehermit> it still pops up the GUI
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<ofourdan> it doesn't spawn input-leapc/input-leaps with the requires--use-ei option though
<ofourdan> the option is for the actual server or cleint executables.
<eruditehermit> I see a bunch of failed to initialize InputCapture session no such methoid org.freedesktop.portal.InputCapture
<eruditehermit> when I look at the logs
<ofourdan> I just checked, your flatpak with teh correct --use-ei options works just fine :)
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: that's great to hear!
<ofourdan> I am of Fedora 40 though, as I said, I do not know about other distributions
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: gnome or kde?
<ofourdan> s/of/on/
<ofourdan> GNOME Shell, both client and server
<ofourdan> I could try KDE
<eruditehermit> can you try one gnome and one kde
<eruditehermit> that's what I have and it gives me that error above
<eruditehermit> but maybe that's because of the ei
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: does flatpak require the base system portal to be a certain version?
<eruditehermit> my system deb libportal is at 0.7.1 which is missing some stuff it seems
<ofourdan> the portal runs on the system, so yes
<eruditehermit> what libportal version do you have?
<ofourdan> works a treat with KDE as well :)
<eruditehermit> that's great
<ofourdan> libportal is at 0.7.1 but it's not just libportal, there's the portal, compositor, etc. as well
<eruditehermit> oh do I need those installed?
<ofourdan> the compositor, you have it already, portal most likely
<eruditehermit> I have: xdg-desktop-portal-kde
<ofourdan> but I mean, those need to be at a version which supports the features required by input-leap with EI to work
<ofourdan> fwiw, I have xdg-desktop-portal-1.18.4, xdg-desktop-portal-kde-6.1.4 and xdg-desktop-portal-gnome-46.2 here
<ofourdan> of course you do not need the kde portal for gnome and vice-versa
<eruditehermit> but I am on kde 5.27 so maybe it's fine
<ofourdan> tbh, I have no idea whether kde 5.27 had support for that
<eruditehermit> is there a way to easily fix the --use-ei flag to start with
<eruditehermit> I can try 2 gnome machines tomorrow
<ofourdan> anyhow, all thta to say, AFAICS, your flatpak has all it takes to work on a Wayland + EI setup, except that the GUI is not passing the required --use-ei option - Would be a nice thing to contribute upstream ^_~
<eruditehermit> the flatpak stuff or adding the --use-ei?
<ofourdan> adding the --use-ei
<ofourdan> so one can use input-leap GUI with a Wayland + EI setup
<eruditehermit> lol, I'd have to learn qt and learn this code base.
<eruditehermit> I'm not saying I won't, it'd just not happen immediately
<eruditehermit> I'm not saying I won't try, whether I can actually do it is another question
<ofourdan> usually, what I do in a case like that. is to search for an existing UI string, and take example
<ofourdan> (search in the code, I mean)
<eruditehermit> yeah
<ofourdan> failing that, filing an issue upstream would be a good first tep as well :)
<eruditehermit> really this shouldn't even be a configurable really. It should be autodetected when wayland is enabled
<eruditehermit> perhaps I am misinterpreting, upstream didn't seem too pleased with me messing with this =P
<ofourdan> problem is x11 is also available through Xwayland, and strictly speaking EI is agnostic to the windowing system, it should work with x11 as well
<ofourdan> ah, what makes you think that?
<eruditehermit> I talked to them on libera irc and they almost sounded like not having packages was a feature because it's too early to make a release
<eruditehermit> I'll try submitting this flatpak stuff as a PR and raising an issue
<eruditehermit> I imagine it's faster for them to do all this stuff on their own than answer questions
<ofourdan> thanks! it's noice to have that flatpak updated, that's a good starting point!
<ofourdan> *nice
<eruditehermit> I wanted the automated build so I didn't have to build it myself
<ofourdan> I reckon that's how most contributions start from, wanting something that's not there yet :)
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<bluetail> eruditehermit for ddcutil u want sudoers or group
<eruditehermit> bluetail: I have bookmarked your code and will have a look tomorrow. It's super late here
<eruditehermit> thank you
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: thanks for your help testing too
<eruditehermit> i'll submit the PR and issue tomorrow and see if the devs are around to chat
<eruditehermit> ofourdan: are you on #inputleap-dev or #inputleap on libera?
<eruditehermit> or just a curious user?
<eruditehermit> fedora 40 has rpms so the flatpak is least useful to you I guess
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<eruditehermit> ok gnight thanks again
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1588 merged \o/ (Add a new client: weston-color
<wlb> weston/main: Joan Torres * clients/window: Allow rendering frame wihout shadow clients/window.c clients/window.h shared/cairo-util.c shared/cairo-util.h shared/frame.c
<wlb> weston/main: Joan Torres * clients: Add color clients/ color.c
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<light_> Hi, is there any working example of how xdg-decoration can be added to a wayland compositor, in C?
<emersion> the implementation would differ a lot depending on the specific compositor
<emersion> which one is it?
<light_> my own that i am making
<light_> what is the basic steps?
<emersion> it's not very different from other protocols
<emersion> for the basics maybe have a look at wlroots
<light_> yeah, that what i have been doing.... is there any others?
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<ofourdan> kwin has support for xdg-decorations as well
<ofourdan> (-s)
<light_> kwin is c++ i think
<ofourdan> it is, yes
<light_> thanks
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<sewn> what would happen if a registry global_remove event was sent to delete an object (eg. seat) that another object (eg. ext_idle_notification_v1) is tied to?
<vyivel> ext_idle_notification_v1 probably becomes inert then?
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<sewn> hm, i guess needs user data (set object data to a seat) to determine if that is the case and do something about it
<sewn> thanks
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<phodius> when adding xdg-decoration protocol i get error wl_display#1.error(wl_display#1, 1, "invalid method 2, object xdg_toplevel#13
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<phodius> i have a function for xdg_toplevel_set_title so what else could be the issue?
<phodius> this is for compositor not client
<phodius> yelp!!! loads windows fine when i dont use the xdg-decoration protocol....
<vyivel> maybe wrong resource interface or something
<phodius> hmmm..
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<eruditehermit> @ofourdan: can I tag you on the PR to main inputleap as someone who has tested the flatpak?
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