ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1609 opened by () build: bump to version 14.0.0 for the official release
<wlb> weston Merge request !1609 merged \o/ (build: bump to version 14.0.0 for the official release
<wlb> weston/main: Marius Vlad * build: bump to version 14.0.0 for the official release
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<wlb> weston Marius Vlad pushed a new branch 14.0
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1610 merged \o/ ( reopen main for regular development
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<wlb> Marius Vlad * releases: add weston 14.0.0 release releases.html
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<Eighth_Doctor> Woot, weston 14 :)
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<Eighth_Doctor> mvlad, daniels: weston 14 is on its way to fedora 41:
<daniels> \o/ thanks!
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<staceee> hey folks o/ is there a way for a layer shell surface to ask the compositor to "teleport" the pointer to our surface?
<staceee> typical use case is bemenu openning
<kennylevinsen> no, but you can force keyboard focus (keyboard interactivity)
<kennylevinsen> that usually gives you what you need without a disorienting pointer warp
<staceee> that what bemenu does. But someone ask if it could also grab pointer events (event from outside the surface). And I think it is impossible by design
<kennylevinsen> You can "grab" the pointer by extending your surface to cover the whole output
<kennylevinsen> taking pointer focus away from what is beneath
<kennylevinsen> not sure what bemenu would use that for
<staceee> right that the work-arround I had in mind. Let's say it is impossible for now
<kennylevinsen> fine by me ;)
<pq> Would it be possible to design that UI such that the menu opens in a position where the pointer would be readily in the right place wrt. the menu without warping?
<staceee> the why would be to improve mouse support, highlight entries with a relative movement
<kennylevinsen> but for reference, slurp (tool for selecting a rect on an output) works by drawing a transparent layer shell surface which you can interact with to draw (non-transparent) rects for selection
<staceee> pq: another clue I had in mind, but for what I know, layer shell doesn't allow this
<pq> okay
<staceee> right but that would mean a too big change for bemenu, that support multiple backend
<kennylevinsen> it also wouldn't help the user make selections - the pointer is still e.g. in the middle of the screen
<kennylevinsen> with bemenu being at the top or wherever
<kennylevinsen> bemenu would see the pointer, but doesn't make sense that it would interact with a menu unless the pointer was up there
<staceee> it is also harder to predict the entry position. I'm not very fan of this behavior
<pq> Could one use an xdg-popup on top of the layer-shell surface? That would grab, right? Would it also allow relative-pointer and confinement?
<staceee> the user should just place their mouse at the bemenu pop position I guess
<kennylevinsen> yah layer shell supports xdg-popup
<staceee> a transparent popup taking the whole screen?
<staceee> but position would be relative to the popup
<pq> no, not transparent and not whole screen
<pq> with relative-pointer and confinement, you'd essentially hide the normal pointer cursor and instead just drive emny entry selection from relative pointer events - if that's possible
<pq> *menu entry
<staceee> okok
<pq> I just don't know if relative-pointer and confinement cooperate with xdg-popup
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<staceee> what is relative-pointer? what is this protocol?
<kennylevinsen> it's basically for games where you do not care about absolute pointer position, but only movement rates
<staceee> does the compositor then hide the pointer icon?
<staceee> this could actually works, with or without popup no?
<kennylevinsen> you still need to acquire pointer focus first
<kennylevinsen> e.g., fullscreen surface
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<kennylevinsen> or as pq suggests, trying an input grabbing popup - i imagine that would get rejected though
<staceee> mh
<pq> depends on the pointer focus - is the pointer focus not on the layer-shell surface when the menu is triggered?
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<staceee> thanks you guys for the clues ~
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<ifreund> input grabbing popups are supposed to have a vaild input event serial in order to grab focus
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<ifreund> that is, without an actual pointer button event serial grabbing pointer input with a popup should fail
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<zamundaaa[m]> <pq> "Would it be possible to design..." <- FWIW in Plasma we have a clipboard manager thing that works like that
<ifreund> assuming I understand things correctly, I think pointer constraints/relative pointer/a fullscreen transparent surface would do what you want
<zamundaaa[m]> Adding a standardized layer shell request to place the surface under the pointer would probably make sense
<ifreund> whether or not this idea is actually good UX or not is probably a matter of preference :D
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<kennylevinsen> Maybe a new anchor
<pq> I have viewed the changes to color-management protocol since my disappearance 10 weeks ago, and after some pondering, they all look fine to me. Good work.
<pq> *landed changes
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<pq> I'm sure the cd/m² numbers will confuse some people to thinking that they are displayed nit-for-nit, but I cannot think of a better way.
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<soreau> they're all just fragments anyway
<soreau> pq: wb
<pq> ty
<pq> I'm back only for 2 days per week though, Mondays and a random other day.
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<zamundaaa[m]> pq: to sum up some discussions from when you were away, there's only two things that we found really should be taken care of before finally merging the protocol
<pq> Cool! I'll try to get to them next week.
<pq> The extended linear TF specifically for the scRGB variant with 1.0 = 80 cd/m² is something to think about, it's a little bit conflating two different things.
<pq> But maybe default luminance defined by the TF is enough.
<pq> hmm...
<pq> reference white = 80 cd/m², but what would primary color volume maximum be?
<pq> integer encodings of scRGB have a maximum, but floating-point encodings do not have a computationally reasonable maximum.
<mclasen> how do integer encodings of scrgb work?
<pq> I think it was some kind of fixed-point essentially.
<zamundaaa[m]> From Wikipedia: 16 bit integer scRGB uses the "8192x + 4096" equation to convert from float to integer
<mclasen> is that worth supporting?
<zamundaaa[m]> so it only has a range of [-0.5; 7.5[
<pq> mclasen, I don't think so
<pq> it would need a new pixel format
<zamundaaa[m]> mclasen: I don't think it's actually used by anything
<zamundaaa[m]> but if someone wanted to use it, you could just use set_luminances to set the appropriate values for the transfer function
<pq> I don't think we have any signed integer pixel formats.
<zamundaaa[m]> hmm, or not. set_luminances only supports positive values
<zamundaaa[m]> pq: it's not signed
<zamundaaa[m]> The equation "8192x + 4096" converts from an input range of [-0.5; 7.5[ to a 16 bit unorm encoding
<pq> all integer pixel formats are unsigned and normalized to [0.0, 1.0], so they cannot express negative or > 1.0 values.
<pq> in drm_fourcc.h, AFAIK
<zamundaaa[m]> yes, but the value you calculate with this isn't the unorm [0, 1] range but the actual encoding in the buffer
<mclasen> but if gl doesn't have such pixel formats...
<pq> you could say it's part of a special TF, and then it would apply to all bit depths
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<zamundaaa[m]> mclasen: you'd need to do the encoding in a shader anyways. But it all doesn't matter, it's not like anyone wants to actually use integer scRGB :)
<pq> yeah
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<Muzer> Hi all, apologies for the nooby question. Just upgraded my KDE version and decided to try out wayland since it's now the default. First thing I'm missing is my ~/.Xmodmap no longer works — my keyboard contains some very annoying back and forward keys by the cursor keys which are easy to press accidentally and so I like to remap them to XF86ApplicationLeft and XF86ApplicationRight. Also I need a working scroll lock key which at least under X is disabled b
<Muzer> y default for some reason. Is there a go-to, preferably drop-in, replacement for xmodmap?
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<kennylevinsen> Muzer: that’s a KDE question mainly, but you can usually create a custom xkb layout that modifies what you need and includes the rest
<kennylevinsen> xmod
<kennylevinsen> xmodmap is an ancient hack
<kennylevinsen> It predates XKB within X11 itself, and hasn’t been carried over.
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<Muzer> Thanks! I'll try and give it a go with xkb. Having just fiddled with xkb for a little bit it definitely feels like one of those cases where people stuck with the ancient hack because it was much easier to work with than the nice way ;)
<Muzer> (in that genre, see ifconfig vs ip)
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<kennylevinsen> Muzer: well, to be fair people have had like 30 years to transition to xkb ;)
<mclasen> now, xkb is the old hack that we stuck to, unfortunately :(
<kennylevinsen> true :/
<bl4ckb0ne> wkb when
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<kennylevinsen> It’s just a u256 bitmask of held physical buttons with the description: “good luck”
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<Muzer> Managed to get my keyboard mapping working (at least for the back/forwards keys, might have to figure out scroll lock later). Next problem: maybe this is expected but X11 clipboard integration seems to be not working for me. When I run `xclip -o` I get `Error: target STRING not available`. Any ideas?
<Muzer> if this also isn't wayland's job then apologies! Got to adjust my mental model I guess...
<Muzer> (it's not just xclip either - crucially when I type "*p or "+p in vim I get told the register is empty)(
<kennylevinsen> Muzer: look at wl-clipboard
<Muzer> I found that, and it's useful that there's a native clipboard command line tool, but that won't help vim here.
<Muzer> and is there any reason xclip shouldn't work?
<kennylevinsen> depends, vim might be calling xclip and wl-clipboard has a wrapper IIRC
<kennylevinsen> however, I believe modern terminal emulators provide a clipboard access extension? I forget the details
<kennylevinsen> requires vim/neovim configured appropriately
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<kennylevinsen> Muzer: yes, in wayland a window only gets access to clipboard content if it has focus, and Xwayland basically looks like a single wayland app with a bunch of windows - none of them is in focus when you call xclip
<Muzer> I've got X support compiled into my vim so I don't think it'll be calling xclip.
<Muzer> oh. I don't care about security, so is there a way to disable that?
<mclasen> no
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