ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<pavlushka> issues with copy pasting, how do I do it?, copy pasting between gui windows
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<__monty__> Does libinput debug-events bypass the configuration just as debug-gui does? I'm trying to troubleshoot why middle click won't close Firefox tabs for me. Middle drag works for OpenBox but middle click doesn't. Yet debug-events does show middle click events.
<vyivel> __monty__: device configuration is per-context, yes
<vyivel> my guess is a compositor-specific setting or a bug, try with some other compositor to confirm
<__monty__> Documentation for debug-gui says to pass flags like `--enable-tap` to debug your user configuration but my debug-events does not accept such flags. Or is that not what you mean when you say context?
<vyivel> i mean that device configuration is applied within a specific program
<vyivel> like, a compositor is a libinput user, it supplies device configuration from its settings or whatever
<vyivel> "libinput debug-events" is another libinput user, it doesn't supply device configuration and therefore gets different results from same devices
<__monty__> Wait, are we talking Wayland compositor? Given the channel I understand the assumption but I'm using Libinput with X, so wouldn't X be my compositor?
<vyivel> …ah
<vyivel> hm, idk then
<vyivel> check with xev if the button is correct
<__monty__> In xev I only get NotifyGrab and NotifyUngrab events, no button2 click.
<vyivel> i suppose this means that openbox overrides the middle press action
<vyivel> because it should be just Button{Press,Release} with button 2
<__monty__> It does have bindings for middle press that do work, but its default binding for middle click doesn't.
<vyivel> i'm afraid i'm not familiar with how openbox mouse bindings work
<vyivel> that being said, doesn't seem to be a libinput-related issue
<vyivel> try asking in a some openbox space
<__monty__> OK, thanks for helping to narrow it down.
<whot> __monty__: in X the xf86-input-libinput driver has the libinput context
<whot> the rest still applies, think of libinput as a fancy grep on the device node, starting another grep (like libinput debug-events) is not going to affect the already running one
<whot> from libinput's POV there's no configuration other than what's set at runtime and that's handled by whatever has the context - in the xorg driver case it translates from xorg.conf into the libinput API calls
<whot> debug-events only translates getopt to api calls
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<wlb> weston Issue #983 opened by () Is there documentation on how to debug weston?
<__monty__> whot: And in the absence of /etc/xorg.conf the next likely thing to affect events is the window manager?
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<wlb> weston Issue #983 closed \o/ (Asking for help trying to debug MS's weston repo
<karenw> Oh yeah, MS has a wayland server. I keep forgetting that in WSL because the wayland socket is in some random directory no app can find.
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<bluetail> you make it sound like a dare
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<whot> __monty__: if you're on X then typically the desktop environment changes the settings of the xf86-input-* driver, so the actual settings are in e.g. gsettings for gnome
<whot> but the short answer is: if you get NotifyGrab that means something has a grab on the button so it effectively gets intercepted
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