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update regarding the proxy approach for process embedding discussed before: guess what, I came back to it. The wlroots thing didn't go too far before realizing I'd have to bind a lot of stuff anyways and then we're back to square one
I just figured out why I got told that I'd have to coordinate the registry somehow between "sub-clients"... Compositors might not distinguish between globals emitted by different registries because... they're globals.
So one clinent might get a wl_surface::enter with an output bound from another client, which makes sense but is annoying
I wonder, is this behavior I just described taken for granted or is it a compositor policy? I don't think it's codified anywhere I'm aware of
also, does anybody know if the wl_registry unique numerical names are consistent between different `wl_registry`es or should I not take that assumption because it's, well, undefined?
I think the second but asking doesn't hurt I guess, I'm quite sure that this is unexplored territory and I'd like to bring this approach further if it pans out