ChanServ changed the topic of #zink to: official development channel for the mesa3d zink driver ||
<fdobridge> <O​wo> Nvidia loves X11 :ferrisBut:
<fdobridge> <O​wo> Wonder what their investment is there
<fdobridge> <e​rmine1716> i believe they have corporate clients that don't want to move to wayland for whatever reason, so they invest into x11
Low_Orbit_Michelson-Morley has joined #zink
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<fdobridge> <S​id> Xpl1c1t Sync
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> You mean Xplicit Zink
<fdobridge> <O​wo> if they like X11 so much then why don't they rewrite xorg in Rust and make it not bad, huh? huh??
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<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Nah. Node.js. 😝
<fdobridge> <e​rmine1716> this is a kind of corporations that would rather rewrite it in Fortran
<fdobridge> <!​DodoNVK (she) 🇱🇹> `sm70_model.ts` /s
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> I would bet this is going to fix a lot of things
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> I'm reasonably sure doing a public extension takes longer than an internal one, but nice work getting that all typedu p
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Oh, I fully intend on ramming this through.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> you can probably find the interal wsi issue I filed like 5 years ago about this and add a link
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> It's a VK_MESA. I can just tell Jon to merge it.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> :sweatytowelguy:
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I'm going to give Lina the chance to NAK it first, though.
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Oh, look! A wild James has appeared!
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> can't wait for this to get stalled for 50 years in wsi tsg
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> ...also this jajones extension from cwabbott isn't at all the same thing near as I can tell
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> classic
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Yeah. I told him as much.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> so I see
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I should probably go back to fixing my synchronization bug now, shouldn't i?
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> And stop committing unpardonable sins.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> maybe also turn on your irc pings
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Why do people still use IRC? 😩
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> because discord is an insecure, private service that's about to have an IPO and go to shit?
<fdobridge> <a​irlied> go to? I think it started there, do you want to buy nitro? 🙂
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> lmao
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> We really need to get RocketChat or something running on fd.o so we can have non-sucky chat.
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> maybe we should try zulip
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> if you are able to convince the IRCv3 folks, gladly
<fdobridge> <S​id> having used zulip, it is...
* fdobridge <S​id> fine
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> I really like it being discord, personally. IPO is concerning, but I doubt something actually better will appear soon
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Can you run your own Zulip instance?
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> yeah
<fdobridge> <S​id> yes
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Okay, so it's similar to RocketChat then.
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I just don't want to get stuck with Mattermost
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> mm definitely the worst
<fdobridge> <S​id> would you say not being stuck with it matters the most to you
<fdobridge> <S​id> :ha:
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> :listenyoupieceofshit:
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> I just wished there would be a foss alternative to discord...
<fdobridge> <S​id> I love having this power
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Matrix! *runs*
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> get out.
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> You better run
<fdobridge> <S​id> want me to spin up an instance of spacebar for testing tomorrow?
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> NO MORE CHAT SERVERS
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> STOP IT.
<fdobridge> <S​id> it's "discord compatible"
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> Hey you started it
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> we're already on irc
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> I started nothing
<fdobridge> <S​id> which I'm hoping means people don't need a spacebar account and can join spacebar servers w/ their discord accounts
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> well it's a separate thing
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> and "discord compatible" means, you can use custom discord clients to connect to it
<fdobridge> <S​id> ah yeah
<fdobridge> <S​id> read their faq
<fdobridge> <S​id> let's just go back to using irc + bbs - usenet
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> It would be nice if discord made that officially supported but they probably won't unless someone like the EU makes enough of a stink
<fdobridge> <S​id> let's just go back to using irc + bbs + usenet (edited)
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> mhhh
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> yeah... I doubt that would fly tho
<fdobridge> <S​id> monster hunter hunter hunter
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> Every hunter makes the fps lower
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Ugh... Running Chrome on nouveau GL on X11 on NVK is really jarring
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> IDK what's wrong but this WebGL demo is stuttering really bad
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Maybe it's that same sync issue?
<fdobridge> <m​henning> have you ruled out nouveau gl just being very slow
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> 😂
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I suspect it is the same issue. It does look like it's occasionally going back a frame, actually.
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> If so, then this is a really easy test case
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> To be honest I think even the old setup of nouveau gl x11 or Wayland running nvk games has issues with frames delivering properly
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> Like mangomud or whatever won't show a spike but I see one anyway
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> I guess that might also be nouveau gl being slow but 🤷
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> I just haven't been talking about it much because it's hard to prove it's happening, and probably very hard to debug
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> It's entirely possible that the old GL driver just has synchronization issues.
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> But there's also issues with just NVK+Zink and those should be fixable.