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<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> @airlied @zmike. This is fun:
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> ```
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #0 0x00007fe47d0f43c4 in poll () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #1 0x00007fe47cb57670 in _xcb_in_read_block () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #2 0x00007fe47cb5b36b in xcb_connect_to_fd () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #3 0x00007fe47cb5bd79 in xcb_connect_to_display_with_auth_info () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #4 0x00007fe47cdb577a in _XConnectXCB () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #5 0x00007fe47cda5c7c in XOpenDisplay () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #6 0x00007fe475b740c5 in ?? () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #7 0x00007fe475b75262 in vk_icdNegotiateLoaderICDInterfaceVersion () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #8 0x00007fe475e3c620 in ?? () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #9 0x00007fe475e48062 in ?? () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #10 0x00007fe475e4e2c3 in vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties () from /lib64/
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #11 0x00007fe471cdc5b7 in zink_create_instance (screen=0x249f03b0, instance_info=0x7fe4751a57f0 <instance_info>)
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> at src/gallium/drivers/zink/zink_instance.c:41
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #12 0x00007fe471cc8f42 in zink_internal_create_screen (config=0x7ffecad92ee0, dev_major=226, dev_minor=129, adapter_luid=0)
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> at ../src/gallium/drivers/zink/zink_screen.c:3283
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> #13 0x00007fe471cca7ab in zink_drm_create_screen (fd=10, config=0x7ffecad92ee0)
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> at ../src/gallium/drivers/zink/zink_screen.c:3745
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> ```
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> So I think we need to figure out how to somehow use VK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> So I think we need to figure out how to somehow use VK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading when auto-loading Zink as the nouveau driver (edited)
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> The question is how to do the plumbing
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Alternatively, we could somehow build NVK into Zink and ship that so there is no actual device enumeration/loading. That sounds like a pain, though.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> ...the fuck?
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> what is this from
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> are you trying to play games again ?
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> you know that isn't allowed
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I'm running with Zink as my system OpenGL and made the mistake of installing the NVIDIA proprietary driver on my system.
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> `nvidia.ko` isn't loaded
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> looks like an nvidia driver issue to me
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Yeah. Why they're talking to X in vk_icdNegotiateLoaderICDInterfaceVersion, I have no idea
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> yep
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> we had that pain in the device-select layer
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> now they have it
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> But also, I do think we should use VK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading when silently swapping Zink in for nouveau GL.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> you do you
<fdobridge> <a​irlied> ah the device select layer pain was where I saw it before
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> yeah that's been fixed for a while
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> finally
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> But also, why is an X connection even available before glamor has loaded the driver?
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> it's not
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> nvidia is seeing that DISPLAY is set and trying to connect
<fdobridge> <a​irlied> just unset DISPLAY around driver probing, I'll show myself out
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> brilliant
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Yaknow...
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> If that weren't racy as hell...
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I've worked around it for now by just moving NVIDIA's ICD file. I do think this is something we're going to have to sort out for real, though. 😢