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<MoeIcenowy> gfxstrand: ah X release? This kind for and not only Xwayland?
<MoeIcenowy> s/this kind/this time/
<fdobridge> <O​wo> Moelcwnowy: only because Xorg broke :p
<MoeIcenowy> well okay
<MoeIcenowy> Xorg in fact breaked a lot
<MoeIcenowy> many things are fixed on master and never got onto 21.1
<MoeIcenowy> e.g. glamor gles
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<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Yeah, there's an actual Xorg release in the pipeline
<fdobridge> <k​arolherbst> cursed
<fdobridge> <S​id> blessed
Sid127 has joined #zink
<MoeIcenowy> hooray
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I really need to cherry-pick my patch back to the last release and test it there to see if that's okay, too.
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<fdobridge> <z​mike.> @gfxstrand when you were testing sync stuff to find the missing queue transitions, did you ever try vvl?
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> No
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Running the X server with VVL sounds like pain.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> should be pretty trivial if you start it directly without the wrapper from a vt
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> That's a load-bearing if
<fdobridge> <O​wo> You can probably just set it in /etc/environment or something and go ham
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Is it naive to hope that I can get Phoronix to link to my blog post and not just the MR that doesn't say anything interesting?
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I'm giving it 50/50, even with perfect timing.
<fdobridge> <m​henning> you can email him if you're that concerned about it
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> :shrug_anim:
<fdobridge> <m​henning> or the MR could link to the blog post
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Yeah, I think that's what I'll do.
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I can probably put the blog out before the MR lands, even. I just don't know how it's going to fare in CI since it touches `loader/loader.c`
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Damnit! My neighbor's chicken is in my front lawn again...
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I think that's what I'll do. I'll assign Marge and as soon as CI starts running, I'll tell Kara to publish the blog post and then I'll update the commit message.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> you'll get both links
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> 😂
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> or at least that's how he covers my work
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> tell me what time you're doing it and I'll reblog you for maximum coverage
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I'll ping you here
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> k
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Probably during the Khronos call or right after.