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<fdobridge> <p​homes_> testing zink/nvk using meson devenv should just work right? I build with -Dgallium-drivers=zink -Dvulkan-drivers=nouveau
<fdobridge> <p​homes_> I added some printfs to debug games on zink/nvk. But I do not seem to always hit them
<fdobridge> <p​homes_> if I launch a game directly from devenv then it is fine. But if I launch steam and then a game then it seems to use the system installed instead. If I use gamescope in the steam launch options then I do get the version from my devenv
<fdobridge> <p​homes_> I am so confused 🙂
<fdobridge> <p​homes_> I also tried using MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=zink in the steam launch options. Then I hit an error in zink - but again not the one from devenv.
<fdobridge> <!​DodoNVK (she) 🇱🇹> Maybe pressure-vessel is conflicting with devenv options? 🤷‍♀️
<fdobridge> <p​homes_> it would seem so. But how are people testing then? Do I have to do a system install to test?
<fdobridge> <r​edsheep> That's what I've been doing
<fdobridge> <S​id> yeah, pressure vessel is hardcoded to pull from the rootfs iirc
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> You probably need to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> @phomes_ this should be enough^
<austriancoder> zmike: meson devenv does that already. I need to set VK_DRIVER_FILES to test zink/radv
<zmike> yea that too
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<fdobridge> <p​homes_> meson devenv sets both LD_LIBRARY_PATH and VK_DRIVER_FILES
<fdobridge> <p​homes_> `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/phomes/my-mesa/builddir/src/gbm:/home/phomes/my-mesa/builddir/src/glx:/home/phomes/my-mesa/builddir/src/nouveau/vulkan:/home/phomes/my-mesa/builddir/src/gallium/targets/dri:/home/phomes/my-mesa/builddir/src/egl
<fdobridge> <p​homes_> VK_DRIVER_FILES=/home/phomes/my-mesa/builddir/src/nouveau/vulkan/nouveau_devenv_icd.x86_64.json`
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