ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630)
<steev> i really hate audio. like really really hate it
<steev> enable valid mismatch
<steev> bamse: any idea what might cause this? trying to play audio and all i'm getting is 2 quick pops and nothing, dmesg shows issue(s) with soundwire? but i haven't seen anything that touches that in a long time. tree is I'm worried the issue comes from whatever this pipewire shit is that is supposed to replace pulse, but even aplay throws some swr read
<bamse> steev: i've not paid any attention to audio lately :/
<bamse> steev: you should have a patch in your inbox for it the SW_LID issue
<bamse> steev: on my machine i run evtest, select says SW_LID is 1 and if i close/open the lid a few times it doesn't report the changes properly...also /proc/interrupt reports 1 interrupt per lid-close, none per lid-open
<bamse> steev: with the patch evtest reports close/open and /proc/interrupts increments as expected
<bamse> and the machine resumes immediately when i open the lid, not the 4-5 seconds delay that i had previously
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<steev> bamse: oh spiffy, that will make gwolf happy, i know he suspends a lot
<steev> bamse: okay audio is userland side, i need to look at wtf they did. this seems to have to do with pipewire and they moved from some pipewire-media-session to wireplumber and now all i get any time i try to play anything is two pops. i checked on 5.14 where i know 100% audio was working
<bamse> vkoul: did we test pipewire again on any of the qcom platforms?
<bamse> steev: having touchpad beyond the first suspend is really nice :)
<vkoul> bamse: srini had tried it and ran into issues, but that was much earlier..
<vkoul> We should try it again
<bamse> vkoul: forgot to ask, did you get your flex 5g up and running?
<vkoul> bamse: yes my flex is up and running but not the audio yet...
<steev> fwiw, audio worked with pipewire 0.3.38 it breaks with 0.3.39
<steev> i just... can't go back to 0.3.38 because that wants to uninstall all of the gnome stuff *sigh*
<steev> bamse: can confirm, have not lost touchpad at all here
<bamse> what worries me is that it seems to not have been failing 100% before...and i don't know why
<steev> same reason why it takes 3 reboots to make audio work when it fails... it's quirky ;)
<steev> well, prior to these pipewire changes
<gwolf> FWIW I never had any issues with suspending! Track pad always works right
<gwolf> Audio is less predictable though
* gwolf looks over IRC (sorry, ultra-long weekend here)
<gwolf> (boots)
<gwolf> Blue screen... I almost never reboot, but it might happen on half of all reboots
* gwolf looks over IRC (sorry, ultra-long weekend here)
<steev> well this new pipewire crap in testing/unstable is... garbage
<steev> i really wish bm16ton would just join irc instead of the emails to me every so often :(
<gwolf> Yes, I have noticed pipe wire... And been to lazy to try to understand how audio is now supposed to work
<bamse> gwolf: per my testing, i can't explain why your trackpad worked...
<gwolf> bamse: well, I got a lucky firmware subrelease?
<bamse> gwolf: i never get an interrupt for the falling edge of the lid gpio, with or without actually suspending the system...
<steev> i can't remember how to tell which edition of the c630 one has
<steev> i know that mine and gwolfs have the different display so it could be that his has the "no issues ever" with it
<bamse> steev: shouldn't matter, if i just poll the value of the gpio it goes high when i close the lid and low when i open the lid, but i wouldn't get the interrupts from the gpio controller
<steev> ah
<bamse> with the wakeirq quirk i get both interrupts
<bamse> anyway, it seems to work now :)
<bamse> and people seem hapy with the patch
<steev> i definitely am :D
<steev> i also tested it across 5.12, 5.13, 5.14 and 5.15
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