ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630)
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<Dylanger> Is there anyone from Linaro in here?
<robclark> Dylanger: bamse for example.. although he is probably enjoying thanksgiving weekend atm
<steev> there are a couple people
<steev> (i'm not one)
<Dylanger> 👍️ cheers
<steev> i usually just complain that something they're doing is incorrect and/or something in their build system needs to be bumped and it gets fixed/bumped
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<hexdump0815> macc24: thx for the hint regarding cpufreq, but i'm currently running a kernel config based on the cros one and thus i think all this should be in there
<hexdump0815> what do you mean with getting an sc7180 - a non lite one?
<hexdump0815> i think i also saw the lazor getting completely unuseable during/after suspend/resume when running with usb rootfs - sometimes it resumed, but had a ro root as mentioned earlier
<hexdump0815> so looks like something is wrong with usb and suspend/resume i guess
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<macc24> hexdump0815: getting as in somewhat understanding it
<hexdump0815> macc24: ah - ok - got it :)
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<robclark> sound kinda like a chromebook.. without any of the benefits ;-)
<steev> same specs too :P
<steev> well, more storage
<robclark> are there (non-EDU) 7c chromebooks with less than 4GB/64GB config?
<HdkR> More storage? But you have the whole cloud as your storage with the Chromebooks ;)
<robclark> that seems kinda low
<steev> are there chromebooks at all with 64GB of storage?
<robclark> I have a few with 8GB/128GB
<robclark> I don't *think* any non-edu 7c things are less than 4GB/64GB... I could be wrong, I don't know about them all..
<robclark> but I think the low end ones are 4GB/64GB, and it goes up from there