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<robclark> bamse: btw, I noticed that 7c windows laptops can be had now.. for cheap.. not sure if that is something on your radar..
<bamse> robclark: there's a blip on the radar, but it's not something i've looked at
<robclark> a bit curious how much the delta would be compared to 7c things with LC firmware.. I *guess* it should be roughly similar to the differences between cheza and sdm850 windows laptops?
<bamse> yeah, it should be quite straight forward
<robclark> I wonder if they ended up using the same eDP bridge.. although I guess there aren't _that_ many choices out there, so if they aren't it is a good chance they are using the parade bridge that will show up in some of the 7c chromebooks
* macc24 celebrates one year of cadmium
<steev> 4GB ram smh
<steev> it's 2021, cmon manufacturers
<bamse> steev: well, that's before the firmware steals 25% of it
<steev> exactly
<steev> also, i tried this weekend to poke at audio and failed miserably
<steev> but that, was kinda to be expected
<robclark> there might be an 8GB variant.. not really sure.. I think there is also an LTE variant (but that one is not LTE.. so fw isn't stealing quite as much of the RAM)
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<steev> stupid question
<steev> why does LTE need ram?
<robclark> well, wifi does as well.. but LTE is larger more complex modem
<broonie> The modem is a computer.
<robclark> right
<broonie> You *could* solder separate RAM, or you could just carve off a teensy tinsy amount of the massive RAM you've provided for the system.
<steev> ah, right, okay, i just figured it wouldn't need *that* much memory
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<steev> woo, lukasz is gonna fix the boost bug
<steev> we boutta get more performance
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<steev> well, bluetooth audio works kinda good once everything gets settled
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