ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630)
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<steev> no u
<steev> but also, thanks for the reminder, that bit bamse and i while testing the next stuff
<steev> robclark: does it have to be =y or can it be m?
<robclark> I think it can be =m if you don't need display to probe before you have modules (or if you have modules in initrd).. I'm using =y because that is the easiest thing on a chromebook
<robclark> it can be whatever PANEL_SIMPLE was before
<steev> fair, we had that as =m in the aarch64-laptops distro_defconfig
<robclark> ok, then =m should be fine
<steev> asjdfl;asjkdf;laksjdf
<steev> this friggin bluescreen
<robclark> it's just to give you that familiar windows experience :-P
<steev> i know but i'm trying to test thara's patches for cpufreq - it LOOKS like we get 2.96GHz finally :D
<steev> just that the past 5 boots now i've gotten the blue screen
<steev> not a HUGE issue because i can just close the display and then open after it suspends and it's "fine" minus the spam of the dmesg
<steev> just frustrating to run into so many boots in a row
<steev> also frustrating because ssh in and running reboot doesn't always properly disconnect before shutting down so the local terminal is in a hung state
<steev> blargh
<steev> as soon as i sent the email.... it worked the next boot
<steev> bamse: is something wrong with patchwork? does it only get patches if it's not cc? i'm not seeing lumag's clk patch
<steev> i also had to go and get thara's patches manually too
<bamse> steev: odd, i've not had any problems recently :/
<steev> hm, i see it in the web interface
<steev> well, i see lumag's in the web interface, but not thara's
<bamse> steev: ahh! "Action Required"
<steev> oh!
<bamse> steev: i went through the list earlier today and flagged most things that i won't merge as "Not Applicable"
<bamse> steev: so it won't show up in that view
<steev> got ya
<steev> i don't wanna speak too soon, but i haven't gotten the bluescreen since i added lumag's clock patch in
<steev> ah perfect timing, after i said it, i got one
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<macc24> robclark: well.. i was about to
<macc24> but Dylanger(cadmium user) beat me to it and ported cadmium to homestar
<macc24> robclark: that config option is needed for pretty much all other chromebooks too... except krane
<macc24> and couple others
<macc24> currently i'm re-doing emmc installation in cadmium... would probably need to re-do it again though
* macc24 shoves veyron aside
<macc24> all cadmium devices now *should* bootup on 5.16 kernel
<macc24> basically i'm going to shove entire cadmium everything into cadmium image to build cadmium onto emmc itself xDD
<macc24> cadmium recursion
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<robclark> macc24: oh, nice.. I think homestar was the one that we were a bit late on getting dts upstream.. I think patches were posted before it started shipping but only land in v5.16
<robclark> oh, and I guess he is using v5.16
<macc24> robclark: 5.16-rc1 is quickest kernel release to reach cadmium
<macc24> :D
<robclark> :-P
<macc24> either i became quite good at carrying patches through kernel versions, or there was less stuff happening
<robclark> at least on the trogdor/strongbad side of things, we are trying to make sure there aren't many patches that need to be carried ;-)
<macc24> yea
<macc24> there are no trogdor specific patches in cadmium arm64 kernel
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