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<dianders> hexdump0815: A little late since I was on vacation all last week. I haven't personally tried suspend/resume when booted off of USB. In general I wouldn't be too surprised if it's broken, though. Even if we keep power with what's upstream now I could totally believe that a USB reset somehow goes through or something like that.
<dianders> IIRC there was a feature called "persist" that can make it more reliable, but it's been a long time since I looked at that.
<Dylanger> Hey all, following on from my ask is there anyone I could talk to at Linaro that's familiar with NEVE and/or Qualcomm's gunyah hypervisor?
<bamse> Dylanger: familiar with gunyah yes, but i don't expect to have enough meat on the bones to give you deeper answers...
<bamse> Dylanger: and i'm not aware of anyone else who have really dug into gunyah at this point
<bamse> Dylanger: what are you actually looking for?
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