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<jannau> janrinze: I don't see artifacts with asahilinux and gentoo and kde/plasma (mbp 14" 3024x1890 and a 4k display)
<jannau> the google maps slowness is reproducible. most likely a driver issue whichs copies to much data on the CPU
<jannau> there might be issue with gnome software. see the nautilus report in
<jannau> I'll look at the m1n1 display init issue, it's of limited use for linux with dcp driver
<chadmed> fwiw i got only one instance of purple and it was the first time i started firefox after upgrading mesa the other day. havent seen it at all anywhere else as of yet
<chadmed> and that purple was just a flash for a few frames until the window filled with the firefox start page, never saw it again
<marcan> chadmed: purple flashes on firefox startup (the first frame) are a known firefox bug
<marcan> it literally presents an uninitialized frame, purple is what that shows up as on AGX
<MichaelLong> jannau, with a mbp 14" _and_ a 4k display? Have I missed something? :)
<jannau> MichaelLong: no, 4k monitor with a mac studio
<MichaelLong> jannau, ah ok
<janrinze> just for now i have switched monitors to reduce any problems. I noticed that if I resize a WebGL window to be larger than the screen it will create the purple blocks etc. Just move the window to the left making it partly offscreen and then adjust its size to become larger by pulling on the corner or side.
<janrinze> haven't tested with the mac mini yet.
<janrinze> Before switching to the latest mesa drivers I did not have this issue. I had self-built the mesa drivers and kernel but cleared out everthing when the announcement was made. The asahi/mesa repo has changed and it seems that i cant revert to that version.
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<janrinze> I just remebered that back then i added a patch from jannau on top of ashi-mesa that was 'Free low VA BOs correctly'. this lead me to reconstruct the asahi-mesa that worked well.
<janrinze> The branch asahi/mesa works ok. no glitching. not even when I boot with a 4k monitor. So something is different between the main branch and the asahi/mesa branch that triggers the issue. unfortunately the branch asahi/mesa has diverged and I have no idea how to 'easily' find the culprit.
<janrinze> The preferred way of finding a cause would be git-bisect but that's not possible here.
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<janrinze> a diff of the source directory at src/asahi between branch asahi/mesa and tag asahi-20230606 is about 17265 lines..
<janrinze> the diff is >1MB.. that is quite a bump in changes.
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