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<cy8aer> @Glanzmann: I wonder what is needed to adjust your m1-debian to build the actual kernel/m1n1/uboot/mesa combination. Would it be possible to document the steps?
<jannau> chadmed: if there are no further updates we can/should stabilize the current packages in 24+ hours and drop the current stable packages in a week or so
<chadmed> jannau: agreed, ive been running 6.3 long enough now that i think we can just drop 6.2 regardless
<chadmed> u-boot and m1n1 do what they need to do
<jannau> my justification for stabiolization is that we're using the same versions as the stable asahilinux distro
<chadmed> oh did all that stuff get pushed out of -dev?
<chadmed> ill just do it now then :)
<jannau> the 24h window is for spotting issues in the ebuilds itself, probably not necessary with our rather small user base
<jannau> yes, packages were pushed to non-dev yesterday just before the blog post
<chadmed> ill stage the commits locally now and push tomorrow morning (t -16h) if no one reports anything broken
<chadmed> even with our small userbase fewer still are going to be using ~arm64 :P
<chadmed> but there havent been any major complaints as yet in #asahi and i assume we've both been running most of this unofficially for a while now
<chadmed> so it should be all good
<jannau> yes, only complaint was broken wifi suspend fixed in asahi-6.3-7
<jannau> the waiting period is just to ensure that the ebuilds work on more than one system before subjecting everyone to them
<chadmed> yeah
<chadmed> the only one im not 100% confident about is the asahi-firmware one. we havent had a copy-paste ebuild break in quite a long time now so i think its fine
<jannau> you have to look at asahi-scripts commits to verify that it is fine
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<janrinze> The announcement of OpenGL 3.1 on Asahi Linux sounds really great! Hope to see it on Debian too.
<cy8aer> janrinze: Looks like @Glanzmann is afk somehow. Let's wait.
<cy8aer> (he builds the packages...)
<r0ni> is there a url for his deiban repo? i'm interested in checking out his pkgs
<cy8aer> Packages are complete with mesa
<r0ni> ya i've built mesa, i was just interested to see what he's shipping for debian... but it won't give me a dir listing
<janrinze> cy8aer: in general I can compile my own builds, however the info on which kernel and mesa to use is a bit fuzzy to me.
<cy8aer> I tried to compile with the actual tags but the kernel did not have asahi-drm ☹️
<cy8aer> r0ni: Look into the dirs like this:
<r0ni> i've never got a working kernel from asahi configs... i always have to use another one
<cy8aer> because he prebuilds stuff for testing before he puts them into his repo. This is just an example not the latest stuff.
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<r0ni> oh no, i just mean from the official asahi arch stuff, i can't get a working kernel, i generally use the arch one, but i hate that it says ARCH in big letters lol
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<r0ni> curious if this is just theirs re-packed or he builds natively on debian
<j`ey> rebuilds
<r0ni> if i have to run someone elses kernel, i'd honestly rather a debian one than a arch one
<cy8aer> The git repo compiles the version before yesterday.
<cy8aer> and his live iso and many things more
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<r0ni> i haven't booted into asahi for a while only when i need to build webkitgtk usually lol
<r0ni> thanks, i'll have to sit down later and build a deb-slack kernel and see if i can get it to work
<r0ni> been toying with crux-arm lately, it's rather nice, though source based. it's like gentoo for lazy people
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<janrinze> Using mesa asahi-20230606 and kernel asahi-wip i get some really bad issues in webgl. I may be building the wrong versions. Which kernel should be used with mesa asahi-20230606?
<cy8aer> I thought it should be tag asahi-6.3-7 (that is the tag with the m2 wifi corrections)
<cy8aer> Sorry you mean mesa?
<cy8aer> yes I think it should be 20230606
<cy8aer> (that is the position with the short rescue patch from yesterday)
<janrinze> already using mesa asahi-20230606. will try with kernel asahi-6.3-7.
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<janrinze> running a new build using the updates from and keeping fingers crossed..
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<janrinze> out of curiosity , does render normal in chromium after upgrading mesa with OpenGL 3.1?
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